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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I enjoyed the dislike button. It was funny. The same guys would dislike your post even if you agreed with them. It was like being Obama on TGO.
  2. I'll second the M&P since you don't have any Glocks listed. They are great shooters.
  3. I agree. At this point in time, public displays with a million weapons would only confirm to the anti-gun people that the perceived crazies are actually crazy. Recently, everytime that someone wants to "defend" the 2nd Amendment they've done such a terrible job that it affirms the views of those who would like to disarm us.
  4. We certainly have the best and brightest fighting on our behalf. The sad part is that some idiots are packing sack lunches to join him.
  5. Looks like my house, except we got addicted to the Android platform while waiting on Verizon to get the iphone and we also maintain four Dell laptops. My baby girl turned us on to the wonders of the Macbook.
  6. I joined. Waiting for the big news.
  7. I finally went into my lgs for the first time since the latest panic began. All I can say is WOW! Ten minutes after opening, the parking lot was full and people were bravely parking on the side streets. I'm not in need of another AR, but I wanted to see what was available. Two display cases were completely bare and they only had a few ARs on the shelves behind the counter. I was able to obtain and pay wayyyyy too much for another Glock, so the trip wasn't a total waste.
  8. Dang, they got my house. Now everybody knows.
  9. No doubt that there is a very serious problem in the inner city, but your attention grabbing mass murderers have not been from the inner city. The idiots in the inner city are killing themselves. That is not newsworthy. When little suburban Jimmy wacks numerous people at once thats national news grabbing attention that allows the people who want our guns to get excited.
  10. I would give you my mil address, but there is a S.E.R.E requirement that has to be meet before they can tangle with her.
  11. Photoshop or not, I'm a Glock whore. I'd buy it.
  12.   I agree, but that would be too much like doing the right thing.  Also, I would rather be the one responcible for my safety.
  13.       Old Mongo has been down in Florida raising hell the last few years.
  14. Yeah, I forgot about that. Bass Pro bent the entire city over.
  15. Very common practice in Shelby County. Thats how we recently got Mitsubishi(?) and Electrolux to build here.
  16. That's how it happens in memphis. When the PILOT expires the company says we are going to move unless you give us another 15 years. I say let them leave. Very few of the employees live in Memphis or spend money in Memphis, yet the government can always find ways to raise property taxes on the citizens.
  17. I'd post on my FB page, but everyone that I know is so anti-gun that they treat me like the unibomber.
  18. I thought that it was just me. Whenever I see my stack of packaged Pmags they always look like gold bars. Good catch.
  19. Those SC guys have been creeping in here for the past few months. Some of our members are taking the bait hook, line and sinker. It's one of the reasons that I participate less. I now sit back, read and wonder how far it's going to go. Good job David!
  20. Thanks. I'll take a look. Is there a membership fee?


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