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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Good request and a breath of fresh air if you ask me. Continually behaving in the manner that David described is akin to the boys in the hood "keeping it real". It makes you a joke and no one takes you seriously.
  2. The wallets not the problem. I need the time.
  3. Very predictable. Thought it was just me.
  4. Good idea. For some reason it was the first thing that I noticed when I read your NRA membership post. I just renewed a couple of weeks ago, but that lifetime membership is a bargain. I may put off a purchase this week and pick up one.
  5. T Dawg didn't shoot up the theater or kill those babies. Comments like this are why the gun takers will have such a easy time achieving their goals. You can't be taken seriously when the left is pulling on heart strings and emotions while we are talking about T Dawg. Nobody cares about the boys in the hood killing one another, but incidents like the most recent that have occurred get attention because they happened to "normal" citizens. If we are to be taken seriously, we must do as others have said. Renew your NRA memberships, contact your reps and quit saying stupid stuff in public.
  6. I hear you. I remember that 1994 ice storm. It was ugly around here for a while.
  7. Glad that you guys are safe. My wife won't read this, but situations like this are why I aways have a pistol by my side. I hope that this never happens to me.
  8. I love German Shepherds. I would have paid money to see the robbers face when he jumped over that fence.
  9. I saw it. I'll be on the hook for the 30's.
  10. I love tough women. That's how my wife will read you your rights when you step out of line. She is showing the guys how to do it. No craziness, no foam around the mouth, just straight jabs until the opponent is out on their feet and she won't scuff her heels or smudge her makeup while destroying you.
  11. I got caught a little short on the 15-22 mags. I only have four or five available.
  12. Sorry, I wasn't clear. The drum came with the GSG. Looks like the same model that you have. Sold it here a couple of years ago.
  13. I had one they are nice. I sold it when the HK MP5 .22 came out. IIRC mine was made after the lawsuit and came with the 100 round drum magazine.
  14. You are trying to rip people off. Those beautiful Baer pistols are worth at least five Pmags.;)
  15. Joint pain. I try to move as much as possible. After sitting for 15 minutes I have to warm everything up again.


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