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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Midway has this ammo available at this price until 2/28/13 147gr 9mm for $17.99 box 25 was $23.49 185gr .45 acp for $19.99 box 25 was $33.49
  2. There is also an OLD thread on Glock Talk. The guys were happy with the store from what I read. Their Facebook account is active and they have been answering questions and giving away gift certificates in the last few days. May be worth the risk if you have concerns.
  3. I've never done business with them, but from what I found on the internet they are legit with the most recent customer rating being a (5) star on 1/9/13. I'll let you know if I have any issues with the order. The site claims that the mags are in stock. I'm fine even if I have to wait a while to receive the mags.
  4. We also provide them with parts and technical training. Your sabotage would only cost the tax payer more money.
  5. This is correct, and we've been doing this for decades for our "friends". Is there a secret competion going on that I don't know about? Seems like everyday some guys are trying to out do one another with scary stories. We have a legitimate threat in our crosshairs (gun ban), lets concentrate on that for a minute.
  6. "Amen Pews" or for you old warriors "Circle Jerk"
  7. I think that I came across the site while searching for a 1911 or AR15 during the first Obama scare. I fell for the place instantly because it was different. The people in charge were not wanna- be drill sergeant d*cks and the members were friendly, knowledgable and willing to help a newbie. We have more members now, but the place still has a small town Tennessee feel to it. I guess that's why no matter where I am I find myself here several times a day just like most of you.
  8. I'm going to ride out the storm by shooting my .22 pistols and rifles at most practice sessions. My defensive ammo will be rationed like it's the last ammo on earth. I'm glad that I always purchased .22 ammo everytime that I placed a order with MUSA.
  9. I'm going to trade mine for AR15s.
  10. I only got two the first time around. I just ordered four more just in case they are banned. Thanks David.
  11. I also agree that there should be no concessions. Our approach should be well reasoned and tastefully presented. The hot head approach, million gun rallies and scaring soccer moms at the mall will not win this battle.
  12. Very good article. For me, this is where our efforts should be concentrated. I recently spoke with an anti-gun co-worker who agrees that banning guns is not the answer. Banning guns is just a placebo to keep from addressing the issues of Violence in the home, inner city crime, mental issues and the "victim" mentality. I'm not advocating locking away people with special needs and mental issues, but I'm old enough to remember a time when we did. I believe that one of our societal issues is that we force feed people mind altering drugs, tell them that they are ok and then reintroduce into them into society before they have their act together. There has to be a better way.
  13. I agree. I believe that there was an article in last sundays newspaper where they asked some female service members if they should be allowed to serve in the combat arms. I believe that they were nearly unanimous in their agreement that they enjoyed serving, but if I recall correctly only one wanted to be tested in combat.
  14. Not being sexist, but men willingly give that power to women. How many times do you hear " if momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy"? Men are are compromising their values just to keep the peace. We may not want to admit it, but females are the primary reason that Obama has won two terms.
  15. I don't encounter this behavior at work. It's a serious violation. I mostly see this behavior at the gun stores and sporting goods outlets. People are loud, ugly and wear it like a badge of honor even around women and small children. If you want an army to come against you, offend a large group of women with children.
  16. Credibility and boogeyman stories can't exist in the same article. ;)
  17. They aren't latino, they are tanned. It gets hot in Vicksburg.
  18. Wow! I hate that I took the time to find out what either of them are. In my old man voice "those kids are crazy"!
  19. I'm glad that you all didn't get caught up in that mess. I try to avoid going inside those places. I can't stand the begging from the moment that you open your car door.


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