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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. North Korea is doing he same crap that they were doing when I was stationed in South Korea 25 years ago. It's all about controlling their people. They may be a minor threat to our allies in the region, but no more than a piss ant if they decide to play with the big boys.
  2. Man, you guys are a bunch of sheep. Can't you see that North Korea made that crappy video in conjunction with the current administration. The video is intentionally bad so that you will be lulled into a false sense of security while Obama herds all of the gays, blacks, jews, mexicans, asians,caublanasians and welfare queens into a secret bunker so that he can finish destroying The Constitution, confiscate our guns, completely implement socialism and build a "New Europe". Wake up people! I hope that you've done your prepping. ;) *I just wanted to be the first one to say this today.*
  3. That was fun to look at. Still dumb behavior.
  4. Wouldn't change a thing. The past was not as good as some of you think it was.
  5. Agreed. The older they get the costlier their destruction.
  6. Congratulations! Now remember that the next 18-24 years are not about you and you will do fine.
  7. Is that Big Foot in the background?
  8. I couldn't post in your other thread, but I'm certain that most will agree that the decals are still a bargain even with the modest increase in price.
  9. Good job! I would hate to think of what could have happened had the coach not been armed. Stories like this need more national news. I'm sick of the "bad gun" stories everyday.
  10. People are already snapping. That's one of the reasons why our lifestyle is getting so much attention.
  11. I received all of my mags today. Funny how the items that I ordered tuesday arrived at the same time as the items that I ordered on friday. I spoke with Melissa at the store on tuesday. We had a good conversation. She said that I was one of the nicest guys that she had ever spoken to. I told her that it was because I'm from the south.:) They are doing maintainane on the site. Here is their phone number 1 360 724-3113
  12. You can't assume that everyone who behaves in that manner receives public assistance. I was recently in a meeting with a senior manager at a major corporation when she declared to everyone present that "I'm from the hood and I enjoy confrontation". Some people are just ignorant for no good reason.
  13. The really sad part is that millions of people live and behave in this manner. The children will be products of their environment unless internally they have what it takes to overcome their surroundings. It can be done, but the odds are against them.
  14. Good job! On to the next conspiracy. The government can be devious and could be up to something. When they do come, some of these guys will be so busy wasting time on crap that they won't even know what hit them. Sheep
  15. The mags are another issue. It took more than two months to get them before the scare.
  16. I placed my order Friday. I received an email from their customer service manager this morning stating my order was shipped this morning via first class mail. Seems like a decent place for someone wanting another source for mags.
  17. What the politicians are attempting to do as far as gun control is stupid, but asking the leaders of our country to give up their protection is equally dumb. Their are more productive ways to address this issue.
  18. Is the Germantown show this weekend and where will it be?
  19. The politicians don't want it settled. That would be bad for business. Look at the transition from election bickering to the proposed gun ban.
  20. I'm just curious. What's a tax refund? Don't think that I've ever seen one.
  21. Please pm me if you pass thru Memphis in the future. I would love to get this deal. Thanks


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