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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I was looking for a can of Gunblaster to clean my HK MP5-22 when I found six G19 magazines that I forgot that I had purchased. Big smile! I'm in really good shape with G19 mags now.
  2. I hope that people learned from voting for the lesser of two evils in 2012.
  3. I've been a Magpul whore for several years now. The only other mags that I've owned came with my ARs and were sold or given away. They already had my money locked up.
  4. Links2k


    Guns and Ammo on Summer Ave in Memphis
  5. I agree. Also, I don't believe that most citizens support antigun legislation. I do believe that because some people don't care for or own guns that they don't pay much attention or don't care about antigun legislation because it doesn't affect them. This apathy allows the politicians to only have to fight against a smaller group. Por exemplo: None gun owners agree that 30rd mags are overkill. Why, because they don't use them. I didn't pay attention to legislation against cigarette companies because I don't smoke. We have no problems with anti saggings laws because we are adults and don't wear our pants under our asses. I'm not attempting to justify not paying attention when the government attempts to strongarm its citizens. I'm simply throwing out some examples. In my opinion, antigun measures are not getting a lot of support from ordinary non-gun owning citizens, but neither are pro gun measures. The reasons can be found in some of these post. Instead of reasonably informing the uninformed, we do the same things as the gun snatchers and start the emotion based name calling. Calling people names because they don't understand or agree with you does little to gain their support. I believe that this war can be won even with the apathetic sitting on the sidelines, but you want them sitting on the sidelines on our side with a clear understanding of where we stand as opposed to on the sidelines because the antigun side ran a better emotion driven campaign. Just my opinion. That and $3.19 will get you a gallon of gas.
  6. Links2k

    S&W M&P 22

    I have one. I haven't put a lot of rounds thru it, but it is very accurate. I don't have any complaints. It looks and feels better than the Walther that it replaced. Nice gun to have at the range for the kids. Saves on ammo cost.
  7. I'll leave this feat to the young guys. Makes me sick just to think about drinking that Vodka.
  8. I'll bet that their pistols weren't real. That was like watching The Three Stooges except they were five buttholes.
  9. I can't remember the exact day or year, but I got my permit when the legendary Jack Owens was Sheriff of Shelby County. They were yellow cards like the deputies I.D cards. Owens had so much clout that many officers would become nice to you after they saw your permit. Something I wondered about the data base that the CA publishes. A year or so ago the site showed that I had only been a permit holder since 2008 and lately it doesn't pull up my name at all. Is 2008 the year that the state took over issuing permits?
  10. It's a concern, but we have covered this before. What we are allowing them to have is a four liter mustang. The technology that we maintain is a Shelby Mustang. We have been giving these very same tanks and planes to our so called "allies" for decades. They are dumbed down versions of our equipment. Our technology would easily defeat theirs in combat.
  11. Different perspective here. I'm not looking at the historic our racial aspect. What I see is another push back by the Memphis city government against the state government. The first was when state legislators decided that they would intervene in the school merger debacle. The city schools surrendered their charter forcing the county to runall of the schools. This is the second push back. State legislators heard about the proposed changes and planned to introduce a bill preventing such actions. The city of Memphis response was rushed and proactive to ensure that the changes were made prior to the state taking action. I'm not saying it's right, but I see and understand why it was done. I hear so much about limited government on this site. Well, this happens to be a municipality pushing back against the state trying to tell it (the city of Memphis) how to run it's business.
  12. This is corny, but it made me laugh, so I'm sharing it. Comedian- Can President Obama get the support of gun owners? Response- Yes, after a four year waiting period.
  13. I agree. I'm learning to constantly be in resupply mode.
  14. I know my limitations. I got dibs on this thread.
  15. Sociopathic charm is a trait to be admired in my organization. A closed mouth never gets fed.
  16. I understand that a lot of democrats are more concerned about losing their seats than pushing for a ban. So, there will be no ban. I'm against any type of ban, but their actions hold true to form. They are just being politicians. It's all about staying in power.
  17. I can see the Craigslist ad WTS/ WTT LIKE NEW FORD RAPTOR I purchased this beautiful truck yesterday after convincing the wife that we didn't need a minivan. On the way home we decided to to take the scenic route. The truck has great acceleration and at one point it felt like we were riding on air...


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