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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. There you go letting facts get in the way of a good rant.
  2. Again, there is nothing to see here and definately nothing to fear. As is often suggested in these threads, do a Google search of Farrahan and you will see that like many of todays prosperity preachers he has been playing his followers like suckers for decades. Many of us were kids when he came up with his "Economic Plan" for the black community. Guess who has prospered and who hasn't. There are real things to be angry about. IMO this isn't one of them.
  3. I imagine that the next email will be for a French fry cutter.
  4. I know that it was a joke. It was the obvious joke. :). I almost said it myself.
  5. That may be true, but I'm crazy enough to do something about it when I become aware of it happening. Thieves cost everyone money.
  6. Those cones were fun when I took the motorcycle course some years ago. That course made me a better cage driver.
  7. From the time that I started this thread, I knew that one would be coming.
  8. Today it was near the airport. I240 and Airways.
  9. I have plenty of.22 ammo for my needs. I also have plenty of what I use for defensive ammo. What I need is cheap range ammo. Because of this, my shooting is limited to shooting .22 and maybe a box of defensive ammo per range session.
  10. 1. NRA emails - Recently it seems that for every email that I unsubscribe, I get another that's crazier than the previous email. Today it was the NRA Wine Club. JEEZ! :( please stop it 2. Those idiot public works employees on I240. Instead of putting out cones to divert traffic while they repair pot holes. These idiots stand on the side of the interstate three our four at a time with shovels of filler. The minute that there is a break in traffic they run out into the interstate, throw the filler into the hole and then make a mad dash back to the side of the road. This is something that I would expect to see in China, Ethiopia or South Korea. This drives me nuts every time that I see this crap.
  11. That is insanely fast. I usually average about 5-10 mins every time that I purchase. That's fast enough for me.
  12. I'm not attempting to be a butt hole, but it doesn't matter if the were old or not. The mags are government property.
  13. All humans do that. One thing that I learned early on as a MP was that some young people resent authority figures. Young warriors REALLY resent authority figures. It goes with the job. I never had issues with the troops when I was on patrol rotation ( I had enough time in the field that I should have signed on to be 11B) because I have had a lifelong habit of treating people how I want to be treated.
  14. I try not to think about it. SS is legalized pimping.
  15. I agree with you, but the Republicans are not without blame. They are all in this shell game together and the American public is the recipient of the crap soup that they are serving. Good point. I say "Cut Everything" in the sense that the only way that the government will look at budget cuts objectively is if everything is on the table. No, I really do not believe that the elderly, poor or veterans should suffer because of stupid politicians. I do believe that as long as some politicians can protect their sacred cows, the needed budget cuts won't be reasonably done.
  16. I agree with you, but the Republicans are not without blame. They are all in this shell game together and the American public is the recipient of the crap soup that they are serving.
  17. As far as I can remember, every MOS had its fair share of sh#tbox troops. There are a lot of sad stories of troops having no honor or respect for their uniform and country. Sadly these jack wads were in my beloved MP CORP. I hope that they get nuked to set an example for the next thief.
  18. Smucker and any other company that wants a PILOT from Memphis will continue to get one. The Pinnacle move was about cost cutting. There is no other way they give up their sweetheart deal that the city provided.
  19. The Memphis City Council approved another PILOT for Smucker Company. Wherever the council stops approving PILOTs, Memphis is going to dry up so fast that it's going to wish that it were the thriving metropolis of Detroit. The jobs that these companies provide don't benefit the city, because very few of their employees live in or shop in Memphis. I guess the council just wants to say that they are bringing jobs to the area.


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