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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. That munchkins were pushing down the road...
  2. I think that the deceased childs mother should be allowed to torture that bastard.
  3. You were right. That is unbelievably incredible.
  4. That's fine, but I don't care to get screwed by either party. The people will get things right after they are tired of making that choice.
  5. Will it make you feel better only getting screwed and lied to by so called conservatives?
  6. That's refreshing. Politicians should know that their job is on the line every election cycle, but as long as they can depend on their faithful constituents (suckers) they will continue to behave in the same manner.
  7. I doubt it. Some people would be happy, but the people who run things in this country would start a war with another small oil producing country or North Korea to keep the machine running. Some people are too consumed with Obama for various reasons. He is only a small part of the problem. Excess comes with the position. Even if a president wanted to come off as a conservative, simple living common man he couldn't because protocol and security call for certain excesses. Our president won't be driving a 1974 Ford pickup to a meeting. Our president won't be drinking julip from mason jars, and he won't being eating anyones grandmas possum stew without his taster even if the only side effects of grandmas stew is that uncle Earls eyes twitch a little after eating it. Get Real! Not directed at anyone in particular. I'm certain that your granny makes a marvelous stew.
  8. As I stated earlier, I know that this guy is not dealing with angels. I also stated that I would like to see what the people are doing before he flies off the handle. In the video that another member posted, someone stated that the guards latest victim was someone that the guard thought might have broken into the guards home. So, this nut case armed to the max starts threatening lethal force against the "suspect" and his friends while he is at work instead of calling the cops. I mentioned in these threads before that I have a teen aged son, and yes he is a "Good Boy". That being said, there is a certain manner in which I expect my son to be treated by other members of society. That guard is a loon, and he has no business dealing with the puplic. I've seen security deal with idiots and their first reaction is not to start yelling "get out of my building" and pulling weapons.
  9. To say the least. I thought that he was a jack wad after seeing the first video. Now, it's confirmed.
  10. The picture that I saw did look like a HK MP5-22. I know they it can do damage, but the reports that I heard made it seem as if he had dual mounted Barrets with ten millions rounds of ammo.
  11. That crap isnt representitive of a race. That crap stems from an individual lack of responsibility. I wonder if our forefathers turn over in their graves everytime a white kid does something stupid? It's about the individual. Yeah, it seems that there are a lot of blacks doing stupid crap, but there are far more black people working their asses off and trying to be good citizens just like most of us on this forum. As for that guard, maybe I could feel bad for him if his videos showed something other than him freaking out and losing self control. I'm certain that he is not dealing with angels, but this guy goes from 0 to 100 in almost every case. He has no authority, yet he comes off just as verbally abusive and aggressive as the clowns that he is dealing with. I'd like to see him at least attempt to defuse a situation before going straight into his " I'll whoop a n#%^*{ ass routine. In my opinion he is as bad as the patrons of that dungeon that they call a mall. You would never catch me there. I've never been a mall cop, but I've have had a couple of jobs where I found myself in similar situations and the last thing that you want to do is make the situation worse by behaving in the same manner as the people that you should be controlling. Even when you have to kick ass, you can do it like a pro and without all off the mouth. My opinion and $5.00 gets you a venti frap.
  12. Artistic license, just like the pale Jesus in that part of he world. Then again, it's the "History" channel. The same people who gave us Swamp People and Pawn Stars. Does look like an old Obama in a hoodie.
  13. You intentionally brought up that clown to make my head hurt. Shame on you. I may be alone in this one, but I will take my chances with socialist indoctrination over the crap that Beck and Jones are selling.
  14. And the jack wads who proceeded them. Screw both parties. I can't wait for the day that people stop voting for these fools every four years in the popularity contest that we call elections. They mean the American people no good. My feelings about radio and tv personalities are even stronger. Those misleading mf'ers should be hung.
  15. That was funny, but they've a long ways to go before they can measure up to our propaganda machine.
  16. Where was that in the story? I'm glad that no one was severely injured and that the family will be taking steps to protect themselves.
  17. I remember renewing my membership a few years ago when my son was a pup. He wanted that cheap knife. It never came and I had to purchase my boy a Spyderco to make up for it.
  18. It's been a while since I served, but those look like our Bradley Fighting Vehicle. The UN uses rocket ships powered by baby blood.
  19. There wouldn't be a major corporation in Memphis if it weren't for tax breaks. Not long ago, we were throwing tax breaks at Craig Brewer to shoot the remake of "Footloose" here.
  20. Nothing major going on in the world today. Sure is a shame that the Kenyans are the first President and First Lady to spend the tax payers money. They have no shame.


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