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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Welcome to TGO. Great place with lots of good people.
  2. Maybe I wasn't clear. I'm not saying that people can't crack on whomever they choose. My point is that everyday in these threads in some form or fashion some individual or group gets ripped to shreds. So it's amusing to see so many people get in a uproar because a comedian makes a video about an actor/spokesman that the comedian deems to be funny. You don't have to like it. I don't care for some of the stuff that I read here, but mocking Charlton Hestons stance on guns isn't he end of the world. How many Memphis jokes do we see around here on a regular basis? People get a good laugh. It's ok to mock an entire city, but a court jester can't clown on an actor and gun owners in general? Get real!
  3.   Comes with a boat load of freedoms from what I hear.
  4. the deer and the antelope play.  Where never is heard...
  5.   It concerns another thread where people were crying because a comedian ripped on Heston.  I see instances in these threads where Muslims, the poor, The POTUS and others are belittled on a regular basis and it's considered funny.  Make a joke about Heston and people want to commit murder, stop watching movies and take away the comedians freedom of speech.  Funny world that we live in.
  6. 1. You are correct concerning the owners responsibility.   2. Correct again, because nobody on this forum has ever had a misfortunate event befall them.
  7.   Then the world would see three women attempting to remove a dead seal from a dogs mouth.  The dog clearly focused on its prey and causing no harm to the women is shot in the head by a random guy with a serious dislike for the dogs owner.  The focus goes from "Family pet eats seal"  to " Crazed maniac endangers hundreds with automatic beach clearing body vaporizing hand cannon".   I understand that the dog could have turned on the women at a moments notice.  I also understand that a larger seal or maybe even a shark could have come up and caused just as much harm to the women.  Yes, the dog should have been on a leash and under control, but in the absense of that the dog was just being a dog.  I hold more ill will toward the guy in the backgroup yelling "kill the f*&^%ing dog".
  8. Yeah that was funny, but when I retell it  I'm going to substitute Obama with Charlton Heston.  :cool:
  9. It's not me. I can't handle the truth. :)
  10.     You will have more SMEs than post in that subforum.
  11.     I thought that those tall metallic things standing in the background were sentinals watching over the people already on the trains.
  12. You actually took the time to watch? I couldn't waste the time. So, that's the buzzing that I keep hearing in my ears. Go figure. Makes more sense that the original post.
  13. Sounds like another story where an older guy instigated a confrontation, got pummeled and decided to shoot.  
  14. He was watching a live news report about a naked old lady and a bunch of munchkins
  15. I'm not sweating it. When I look at it, what I have in .45 and 9mm may be more than enough. However it looks meager when compared to what others have. Until things settle down I'll probably only shoot 9mm and .45 once a month. The rest of my time will be spent shooting 22. I still have three must have guns and I will probably still purchase them before turning my attention to obtaining a mountain of ammo.
  16. I feel like I got caught with my drawers down as far as .45 and 9mm ammo. I have enough.22, 12ga and.223 for my needs. I didn't think that ammo would be affected like this. I put my money into guns and magazines. I purchased so many mags that I started a thread recently about some G19 mags that I had hidden from myself. Live and learn.
  17. Mr Ed, and he asked me if...
  18. He thought the story about the pants was funny, because he had just done the same thing in the helicopter
  19. I decided to crap in my pants to save a trip to the john


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