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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Sorry for your loss.  Cherish the memories.
  2.   I'm thinking early retirement.  Based upon their refunds, I'd like to adopt a minimum of  200.
  3.  hoodies  to wear while we frolicked in
  4.     It's always the gun.  They don't know how to behave.
  5.   I don't know anything about the area.  My response was based on the students age and grade, not his race.
  6. I'm not disagreeing with you guys. The handouts need to stop. The system and the taxpayer are getting screwed. I simply want to see the same passion when our government is sending money overseas and landing helicopters full of aid before a storm has ended. Those actions are also our tax dollars at work and I'd rather they be spent at home first.
  7. I agree with you, but I maintain that the money will still be wasted in the form of foreign aid and resource wars. If the money is to be wasted, waste it on Americans. In an ideal world, I would love to see every able bodied individual working for his or her own keep and my tax dollars going into my savings account.
  8. We are rowing the same boat my friend. My point is that I don't see that lifestyle as being easy. I can assure you that regardless of perception, that grass is not greener.
  9. I understand why you guys are ranting, but sitting at home drawing government assistance isn't as glamorous as some like to make it sound. I have seen people purchase the first of the year tax refund cars and first of the month grocery baskets filled to the rim. I have also seen those same cars repossessed before the summer and those baskets empty a week later. Some people repeatedly make bad decisions and sometimes they end up paying for them the rest of their lives. I will never hate or envy those people. I will continue to work hard to provide for my family and set an example so hopefully none of my children will have to depend on government handouts. If we are going to squander the tax payers money, I would rather my tax dollars go to Americans receiving government assistance than continually spent on wars and foreign aid. The issue with illegals is another beast. Get accustomed to it. Politicians on both sides of the isle see a new block of voters and it's butt kissing time.
  10. I'm that you and your wife are doing well. I feel bad for the other drivers family. We lost a neighborhood kid in a horrible accident last week. Seatbelts do save lives.
  11. That's probably true. I also served in the Gulf War. War on the peninsula would make desert warfare seem like playing a video game.
  12. It's been 25yrs since I left S.Korea and I'm certain that a lot has changed. That being said, I would not want to see a war there. Everything that I could say about the landscape, tunnels and artillery have already been said. That war would be like nothing that we have ever seen. No doubt that we would prevail, but it may come at a heavy price.
  13. They burned their drawers with me in 2008. I'll never spend another penny with them.
  14. Touche! AFter All Memphis IS Where The Weak Are Killed And Eaten. WE Must Know OuR Boundaries.:)
  15. Are you going to make the rally in downtown Memphis tomorrow?
  16. Did You BItch When The Bush Broads Were Out Boozing With Secret Service Protection? Me Neither, Because It's Part Of The Job. And Yes, We Always Pay For It.
  17. It's Just Your Regularly Scheduled Daily Dose Of Obama Hated. Move On. Nothing To See Here. Is
  18. Miniature horse that always follows me around
  19. So you haven't watched much FOX News over the last five years?
  20. That's tactical practical for long range shooting.;)
  21. I heard some people talking about the 1500 round arsenal at the shooters home. Fifteen hundred rounds is not an arsenal. That's a weekend training class.
  22. The VA sucked when my dad was a young mangled Marine. It sucked when I returned from Desert Storm, and it sucked a few years ago when I walked out of its doors and swore to never go back. It's criminal how they treat veterans. It's criminal how this country treats its veterans. I agree that its a political problem, as both parties are the same in my eyes. The very people that happily vote to send young people off to war turn a blind eye to the small percentage of Americans who actually volunteer to serve this country. This VA problem is one of the reasons why I hate foreign aid. This country will send billions of dollars in aid to other countries while denying benefits to veterans with war related issues. Its a f*^%#ing shame!


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