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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. OS, you just killed Santa and the Easter bunny with one shot.
  2. Good points, but that plays both ways. There were people speculating that both the marathon bombing and the Texas explosion were works of the current administration because it was angry about the direction that the gun debates were going. I attempt to view these things with an open mind, because I have no use for either of the major parties. They continue to play games with the American public. They continue to devide the American public and the public continues to buy into this trash. The reason that the left can always point at the right and accuse the right of being the boogeyman can be found in many of these threads. The good guys at times can appear to be knee jerk and polarizing.
  3. What about the people who had already convicted the Saudis?
  4. As I have said on numerous occasions, don't do drugs, mind your own business and for the most part you will be fine in Memphis.
  5. Well, from some of the comments that I have read in this forum over the years I know that most of you are aware that the fine young men of Memphis and Shelby County don't really need a valid reason to discharge a weapon. That being said, I attempt to avoid any road rage incidents. Regardless if I'm right or wrong, in most instances I will give you what you want on the road. I'm never in a rush. I get to every destination 30 minutes to a hour early, including work. Memphis has more than its fair share of bad drivers and someone is always doing something stupid. I assume that every driver is armed and I behave accordingly. I recently had a head bobber intentionally swerve in front of me, slow down, move back to his original lane and smile at me while bobbing his head to the earth shattering bass coming from his trunk. I acknowledged him by nodding my head, he laughed and sped off. I will always defend myself, but I'm a peace maker. Outside of the internet I'll always do whatever is necessary to avoid conflict/confrontation.
  6. I have both. In essence, I'm a two gun guy. I have an addiction for the G30SF and the G19. I also have several guns in my safe that will never be more than safe queens. I see beauty in certain guns, so I buy them. If I shoot them, thats fine. If I simply admire them from time to time, I'm also fine with that. If the novelty wears off, I sell the gun. No one on TGO who has purchased from me has had an issue with pristine guns at fair prices. :)
  7. My all time favorite is the Les Baer TRS. My go to gun will always be a G30SF or G19. The LB is accurate and beautiful. The Glocks, because I trust them like I would trust my brother.
  8. Thanks. I was able to get some 18rd Mec Gar mags last week, so I'm good to go.
  9. Wilson 6.8 upper, Timney single stage trigger and Accupoint 3x9 scope for me. Target, hog and deer rifle.
  10. I got a nervous tick when I read "Group Buy" ( bad experience with C Products 6.8 mags), but if a group buy can't work here, it can't work anywhere. One for sure, maybe two if I can sell enough blood in time.
  11. Put it behind you. Keep your head and keep putting one front in front of the other. Life is a series of ebbs and flows. It will get better.
  12. I also got four magazines with the pistol. The pistol had a mag in it and when the dealer opened the case there were still three mags in the case. The dealer then said "Well, I guess you are going to get four mags with it" and I said "that's a good thing". Now, I have to find me a nice 38/357 lever gun and I will be good to go. Well, here she is. Thanks for looking.
  13. Has a fake leg with a real foot on it
  14. Does rap videos dressed as Al Sharpton
  15. There is not one recipient of government aid that I would voluntarily trade places with.
  16. Let us know how it works out. I believe the long term luxury living to be a myth. Short term, during tax season? Yeah,maybe.
  17. Yeah, they are like dogs. They must have an outlet to expend all of that energy.


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