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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Great story. I had something similar happen to me on a smaller scale and to this day I'll bet that you can still buy that guy for a quarter.  So many life lessons in that story, but if I could only share one part of the story, it would be the part about everyone deserving respect simply because they walk among us.  It would benefit our society if everyone took this lesson to heart.
  2. Car salesmen are like politians, they are going to put on whatever show you want to see.  In another life, I sold cars briefly after I got out of the army.  In that brief amount of time I can't tell you how many "arguments and butt kickings" that I received for the benefit of the customer.  At the end of the day, it's all about moving units.  If someone has kiss your butt for a few hours to move a unit it will be done and then on to the next one.  Same with the service departments.  They don't have to be sincere.  They only need to give you the warm fuzzies, because you need to come back with an open wallet.   Looks like things are going to work out for you.  Congradulations!
  3. Good luck finding a truck. I never discount other peoples experiences. This kind of thing happens to people of all races everyday. Now you will be better equipped to understand when someone else perceives that they have been a victim of racism. Chalk it up to being a learning experience.
  4. Everyone in my house has the Pepper Blaster II. Thirty five dollars and effective for seven years. That's a go.
  5. That sucks to hear.  I have to visit Princeton in July, and that's after a trip to Ithaca, NY next month.  I'm not looking forward to being unarmed on either trip.
  6. Links2k

    S&W Shield

    Same here. Coming up on a year pretty soon. I put down a deposit and waited for them to call.
  7. I agree. The request is insane. I moved in, so you have to change. Ridiculous!
  8. Links2k

    Sig MK25

    Enjoy! Just got a Milt Sparks VMII for mine and I talked Paul at PJ Holster into making some kydex holsters for the MK25 when he has the time.
  9. I love mine.  Great looking and accurate.  A fun plinker.  One of the guns that I don't plan sell.  The only ammo that I use is CCI AR Tactical and mini-mags, so I haven't had any issues.
  10. And those of us who supported Dr. Paul are just flat out crazy.:)
  11. I'm certain of that. I'm simply pointing to the fact that the demographics of this country are changing very fast. Republicans have a lot in common with millions of members of the minority group that will inevitably become the majority over the next couple of decades. The party has to embrace those similarities, sell the values of the party, grow strong and wins some elections. Or, the party can keep doing the same things, continue to alienate people and putting up bad candidates until the day that we will have a president who makes the current POTUS look like the best thing since sliced bread.
  12. Let's try this on for size. Imagine if your heard this on a regular basis. I think that you are all a bunch of lazy, ignorant, uneducated individuals and the only thing that you want from his country is a hand out. You don't know what's best for you, that is why you keep voting for democrats. Now, get off of your lazy azz and vote for me. - Republican Party Talking to lots of different people, this is what they are hearing when you talk about republican outreach. Some research suggest that hispanics and blacks are very conservative in their thinking and lifesyles. If he republican party can fight its seemingly natural urge to insult poor minorities and make the effort to remind the poor and minorities about their core principles the democrats could never win another election again. This goes back to what I said in the Memphis thread yesterday. There is a dangerous perception out there about the powers that be and the masses will continue to thumb their noses (sometimes to their own detriment) at the republican party if the party can't convince young people, hispanics, the poor and blacks that it is not just the party of old white men.
  13. I don't like it. It takes the skill/fun out of the game and they look stupid just standing there resting that piece of junk on the ground.
  14. That's some Wiley Coyote gangsta sh*t right there.
  15. Let try HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of millions.
  16. Some people won't want to hear this, but Memphis is a microcosm of this country as a whole. Memphians and other American voters are voting for sh#t box candidates as a means of thumbing their noses at the perceived powers that be. If you perceive that you have always been crapped on, why not put someone in office who makes you feel good and irritates the person or persons who you perceive have wronged you. I hope that this statement makes sense.
  17. I don't like the signs. The signs are very unprofessional. In my opinion, you can't pay our public servants enough, but those billboards cross the line. I would like to see the officers get a pay increase, but I would also like to get a more professional department in return. I'm more afraid of some of our officers than I am of the cities gang members.
  18. Obama-You really do look like the Quaker Oats guy. BB- And you look like Uncle Ben.
  19. Not anyone on TGO. This place will always be a buyers market.
  20. Do away with the image of the guy with the guns and it's a cool tee.
  21. Same here with .22, wwb .45 and Hornady Critical Defense.


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