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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Makes sense. This is the best post that I have read on this subject in the last year. You can bet that when politians get involved, the outcome is all about them.
  2. Almost like we've been waiting on a thread like this one.
  3. It's that potent mixture of canned iced tea and Skittles that sends them over the edge. He couldn't resist going on a crime spree. Zimmerman may have prevented a massacre.
  4. I'm not speaking about the media. I'm speaking of the discussion that friends are having on TGO. We should be able to voice our opinions without playing the race card. There are enough people doing that elsewhere.
  5. You make a good point Robert, but Zimmerman's primary responsibility as a member of a watch group is to observe and report. Zimmerman set this entire death spiral into play when he did anything except call the authorities and tell them which direction the suspicious person was headed, what he was wearing and he was doing.
  6. It appears to me me that you the only person reeatedly concentrating on race as if Martin deserved to die simply for being black. Many of these gentlemen have made reasoned arguments both pro and con for what they believe happened in this case. Your best augument approaches theres no way Martin wasn't up to something because he was black. This isn't a racial issue. This case is about will a family man spend the rest of his life in jail for a justified shooting or was a young man gunned down because the "fit the decription".
  7. Steven is a good man. We need more like him. If I lived in the area he would get my business.
  8. That's beautiful. Enjoy every moment with her because the time goes fast. I'm dreading next year when my last two kids prepare to leave for college.
  9. Not once have I said anything about color or race. Every opinion that I have given was based upon my belief that Zimmerman took his position as a watch captain a bit too seriously. I would feel the same way if Martin were your kid. What you said was juvenile. It didn't offend me, but on the other hand maybe I should have expected that from you. I'm willing to give teens a little leeway because they still have time to change their lives and become productive citizens unlike some older folk who think that their sh*t never stank. If any of you parents are naive enough to think that in this day and age your teen doesn't have some thug glamour shots or some photos of other questionable behavior floating around the internet you are only fooling yourself. Based upon reports Martin was no angel, but he had a right to be walking down that street and he had no burglary tools on his person. Had the captain allowed the real authorities to do what the taxpayers pay them to do his behind wouldn't have been in the slammer for the last year.
  10. I can't believe that came from an adult. Your kid must have hacked your account.
  11. All of my opinions are based on my miniscule amount of law enforcement knowledge. After Zimmerman lost sight of Martin the best thing for him to have done would be to tell law enforcement the general direction that he last saw Martin heading. I hear people in these threads say "play stupid games, win stupid prizes". Zimmerman started the game and may win the ultimate prize.
  12. All of my opinions are based on my miniscule amount of law enforcement knowledge. After Zimmerman lost sight of Martin the best thing for him to have done would be to tell law enforcement the general direction that he last saw Martin heading. I hear people in these threads say "play stupid games, win stupid prizes". Zimmerman started the game and may win the ultimate prize.
  13. I'll agree that Martins future didn't look very bright, but on that night he didn't have any of those items that you mentioned. He only possessed the Skittles and iced tea that everyone likes to joke about.
  14. I hope that we don't use that logic, because if we do my actions between the age of 14 and the time that I joined the Army would have made me public enemy #1.
  15. My call is that Zimmerman gets off with time served.
  16. You are smarter than that Robert. You are dumbing down your logic for the approval of the lynch mob. I approve of neighborhood watches. I don't approve of watchmen doing investigations or injecting themselves into the action. Whatever that young man was doing, Zimmermans only responsibility was to observe and report.
  17. You are correct Robert, but the job of the watchman is only to observe and report . We all know that when people play security a bit too long the lines get blurred and they start believing that they really have authority.
  18. [qbecauseuote name="BigK" post="975140" timestamp="1369447504"]Maybe Zimmerman WAS being a busy-body and shouldn't have gotten involved. Maybe he shouldn't have followed Martin to see where he went. Maybe he shouldn't have confronted him and/or asked him what he was up to. BUT, none of that is illegal, none of that warrants being physically assaulted, and none of that justifies a murder charge. In far too many cases, by the time the cops show up to a non-emergency call like this started out as the bad guy is long gone. All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing. Well Zimmerman may not be an angel, but I think he was doing the right thing by keeping a suspicious looking person in sight so he could report back to the cops.[/quote] Even if Zimmermann gets off I'll still be satisfied. He has made a hard bed for himself because he wanted to play cop. "Watch Captain", ha!
  19. It doesn't matter what either of them were before that night or what they aspired to be. I'll maintain that if the "watch captain“ had let the real cops do their job that night we wouldn't be talking abouth this.


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