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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I just read the newspaper. I believe that it was a retirement flyover.
  2. I was driving westbound on I240 when I noticed a FedEx jet flying extremely fast and low right over the interstate without it's landing gear down. The first thing that I thought about was September 11th. I was moving but I saw him approach the tower very low and disappear. I watched for an explosion, but there wasn't one. A few seconds later, I see the jet climbing straight up like a F16 then banking hard to east. After that I lost sight of the plane in my rearview mirror. I'm certain that there will be a story on the local news later.
  3. 30SF for me. I've seen the 30s. The bargain price of $700 was a bit too much for me.
  4. That's cool. Continue to enjoy time with your dad.
  5. So typical these days. If you don't agree with the masses around here something is wrong with you. I won't be saying alot, but I also won't be ignoring anyone because they don't agree with me. This thread will be interesting to read. It only needed one opinion, then everyone else could +1 or say amen.
  6. Thanks! Happy Fathers Day to all of you fine gentlemen.
  7. Yeah, he will forever be my hero for dumping that guy.
  8. Early this afternoon I was out getting a shake at Chick Fila prior to taking a leisurely ride downtown. I observed an incident and immediately became a participant/observer. Skip to the end of the of the story. The bad guy jumps out of a commercial garbage bin and I'm face to face with him. I take a good empty handed defensive stance and yell for him to get on the ground. Bad guy tells me that he gave the property back to the lady. About that time a SCS Deputy pulls up and I instructed the bad guy again to get on the ground. He pretended to make a motion to get on the ground and then bolted in the opposite with the deputy in pursuit. I said all of that just to remind everyone that things happen fast. So in the future I will attempt to reserve judgement on Zimmerman until after the trial. *** Remember that I Said attempt.
  9. It's amazing how so few people with strong feelings in that regard rarely attempt this action.
  10. I'll agree with that. I'll agree with your statement about past behavior as long as we look at both individuals past.
  11. Seems that we are all in agreement.
  12. Spots, I apologize! I simply take great offense when any American attempts to protray themselves as a victim.
  13. Yeah, everyone knows that the white Christian male is the most oppressed individual on the face of the earth. Someone always has their foot on that individuals neck. Some of you guys are worse than the Sharpton/Jackson crowd.
  14. You make good points sir. Parents should do everything possible to raise their children to be good citizens. I have been rewarded with good students and a lifetime of memories. My wife and I have bent over backwards to achieve such a goal, but as evidenced by the language that I have discovered on one of my kids Facebook accounts you would swear that my child had been raised by savages. In short, regardless how we raise our kids it doesn't mean that it will always be reflected when they are out in public. Young peoples actions are not always a product of bad parenting, but of bad decision making.
  15. This is what most people are over looking. How far do you have to run from a stranger following you? What if Martin were a women who knew that she would eventually be caught and over powered? At some point, if you feel that you can't get away you must confront the threat. I've been in a similar situation where my fight or flight response took over. I fought and disengaged until I could get assistance. One more thing. A lot of people are attempting to apply adult logic to Martins actions. I have a very bright young man who may be attending an Ivy League university in the near future, but sometimes he leaves me perplexed by his thought process. No matter how big, strong, smart or fast they are young people are not always equipped to make the right decisions. Yes, there are exceptions as evidenced the the thousands of us who have been in combat during our teenaged years. Some are fast to point out Martins eminent future as a thug, yet fail to mention Zimmermans actions as a flawed adult with several run ins with the law. As I have mentioned before, this case is not about what Zimmerman and Martin were or aspired to be. This case is solely about the actions of two individuals who crossed paths on a tragic Florida evening.
  16. I can't believe anyone still buys from them.
  17. WTG! Les Baer pistols are my favorite.
  18. I'll be watching. Good show!
  19. Yep. They board a plane in the Middle East dressed in traditional garb and exit the plane in New York dressed like Vegas pimps and whores. Sort of like the transformation that Christians make between saturday night and 11am on sundays, but only in reverse.


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