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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. If the BJs are free, I guess the least that I could do is pay for the first round.:)
  2. Toes needed to be stepped on. I would like to think that any parent would want to ensure that there was no foul play involved in the death of their child. Types
  3. They are a good way to pass the time. They also provide a little insight on our fellow members.
  4. Where did you read that in my statement? I merely said that this mess started because Martin fit the description.
  5. The survivor gets to tell any story that he/she chooses. Even a lie. There is no doubt that Zimmermann has blood on his head in a photo. Everything else is questionable.
  6. That's the point Mike. This entire thing started because Martin fit the description.
  7. Yet the fact that Martin was a black kid walking the streets while wearing a hoodie meant that he absolutely had to be up to something, right?
  8. I find it amusing that the pro Zimmerman guys are always saying that they are presenting facts when all any of us can do is base our opinions based upon the limited amount of information presented to us by our chosen source of news.
  9. I thought that he was just calling the racist, racist. I'd include all of the guys who seem to have a hard on anticipating the riots.
  10. What about the people who are pretending that Zimmerman wasn't a jack wad?
  11. Wow, it's about time someone told us what was really going on. It was all a big conspiracy to get money, but something went wrong and it cost a co-conspirator his life. Thanks!
  12. I have no problem with that as long as we get an accurate portrayal of who Zimmerman is.
  13. Perhaps, but I would have called David Duke, JJ, Sharpton and Captain Kangaroo if I felt that an injustice was being done. I eagerly await the beginning of the trial.
  14. That's refreshing. I hope that eventually we will all get to that point instead worrying about race and other trivial matters.
  15. Good points, but I don't blame his parents for bringing in JJ and Sharpton. They felt like their sons case was being discarded and knew that these two self absorbed idiots would bring attention to the case. Good move in my opinion.
  16. In the past couple of years I have purchased two used SUVs for my twins based purely on the Carfax report with the requirement/hope that the vehicles would safely transport them back and forth to school thru their senior year. So far I havent been disappointed.
  17. Good read. Now, go and post about Zimmermans brushes with the law. We wouldn't want people to think that he was an angel. I know that a lot of you guys are perfect and have raised perfect children. I don't condone Martins teenaged behavior, but I also won't say that he couldn't have become a solid citizen because of his actions as a teen. I exibited similar behavior as a teen. Later, I shook the cobwebs off, got somewhat educated, served this country in combat and now I'm trying to raise my kids to be solid citizens. I've stated before that some of you are trying to apply adult logic to a teens thought process. That would be crazier than Martin thinking that it was a good idea to double back and confront Zimmerman. Remember that there was only one adult at the scene of the crime. Finally, it was good to see the text from Martins father. It shows that despite their circumstances, maybe someone did love the young man and had at one point attempted to raise him properly. We can't control our kids behavior 24 hours a day.
  18. Links2k

    Got M&P?

    I'm a Glock fan, but I have five M&Ps.
  19. I'm glad that I had a chance to see that.


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