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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I don't think that it's worse. I believe it to be the same. I think that people are more vocal About racial issues because they are frustrated.
  2. Lesser crime. He did some stupid things and the situation escalated faster than he expected. Could have happened to anyone.
  3. I agree. Too many colors of the rainbow in my extended family for me to hate anyone.
  4. Not a justification but, With younger people it's a generic term. Don't hold as much power as when said by some of the older types. Some of these guys must be pretending to be out of touch with todays youth.
  5. I'd say more of a parental failure. Public schools take too much heat for negligent parents short comings.
  6. What about three lesson that we all teach our kids about not talking to strangers? If Martin felt that he was being followed by a "creepy ass cracker" wouldn't that be cause to disengage? Secondly, just as Zimmermann wasn't required by law to stay in his vehicle, Martin wasn't required to stand there and be interrogated by a stranger. The prosecution is presenting a terrible case. From what I've seen so far, as long as the defense keeps Zimmermann off the stand he should walk. It won't change my mind about his guilt.
  7. I don't believe that most people would have ignored suspicious activity in their neighborhoods. Including myself,I know several people who have called the SCSO when we've seen something out of place. We also used the good judgement not to investigate and allow the pros to do what the taxpayers pay them to do. In my opinion, there would have been nothing wrong had Zimmerman lost sight of Martin prior to the arrival of the police. A couple of things might have happened besides Zimmerman's shooting of Martin. Martin might have gone home. The police might have found Martin, investigated his presence and made the determination whether Martin was/wasn't a threat to the neighborhood. Martin might have broken into someones condo and gotten himself killed anyway.
  8. You are attempting to stifle the ability of the ignorant to be ignorant. You would think that even he average nut case would know these well known facts. You have to know your stereotypes if you are going to be in the people hating business.
  9. I don't dispute any of the verifiable facts of this case. I do still question what really happened during the initial physical confrontation between Zimmerman and Martin. I hope that the truth regarding the attack will come out during the trial. If you will go back to the first epic thread, you will recall that my issue with Zimmerman was the fact that he got the ball rolling on this incident. I still FEEL very strongly that had Zimmerman simply notified the police, provided a good description and direction of travel of the suspicious person his life wouldn't be in turmoil. If Martin circled back on Zimmerman, thrashed him and then proceeded to bang Zimmerman's head against the sidewalk causing Zimmerman to fear for his life and shoot Martin in the process, I understand. With that being said, I will maintain that Zimmerman's initial actions of pursuing/following Martin cased the deadly chain reaction and were unnecessary.
  10. Well, since none of us are the six females on the jury we'll all just have to sit back and see how this thing plays out.
  11. His incompetence is definitely showing more and more with each passing day. And he is still the reigning "Lying King".
  12. Good to hear stories like this.
  13. It bothers me because everything that we talk about seems to devolve into race. We start out arguing the pros and cons of an issue and the next thing you know the conversation turns to Obama, blacks and the newly victimized white christian male. It's just silly.
  14. Agreed. I have attempted to explain this very thing to several nieces and nephews. I only made mention of the grammar to acknowledge that it's not always an indication of a poor education. You make good points about the actions of Martin and Zimmerman. Though it will be impossible to know what Martin was thinking, it is very important to know what Zimmerman was thinking on this night. As a guys who trains regularly, you know the importance that mindset plays in our actions. I've softened my stance on Zimmerman, because when the ball started rolling the guy really could have felt in his mind that he was going to do a good deed. That's why we need to hear from witnesses if Zimmerman was a dedicated watchman committed to safeguarding his community or a wanna-be action hero. It makes a big difference.
  15. Mike, you all are a great bunch of guys. There a lots of hard working and intelligent men here and I truly enjoy reading what all of you have to say. You also know that I'm not going to agree with something because it is the popular opinion. I've been around here long enough to know who likes to joke, who the real TEA Party guys are and who takes every opportunity to be tacky at the expense of others. I'm constantly attempting to be more civil in my debates. I'm a work in progress and I'll always take exception with those who take exception with me. I could be wrong about every opinion that I've had, but when as we've both seen on several occasions in these threads when a person doesn't fall in line with the majority opinion ( CIRCLE JERK) the attacks start. I wasn't built to back down from anything. Eye for an eye.
  16. I respect your views concerning this issue. At this point, I don't believe that justice will be served for either party in this case. I'll be watching the trial because I really want to hear about Zimmerman's mindset on that evening and I'd like to hear it straight from the horses mouth. I've gone on the record recently stating that I believe that Zimmerman will walk with time served. Unlike others, I'm hoping that there will be no riots and the people of Florida except the verdict then move on with there lives.
  17. You don't have to go anywhere to notify your kkk friends. Type whatever you want them to know in this thread. I don't know anything about Martins education, but if you use any other social media outside of TGO you might discover that young people are increasingly using more and more slang and poor spelling as a means of communication. Evan da gud lil white chillin is done it./sar;)
  18. Is it suddenly fashionable for middled aged men to crying about being victims of reverse racism? If I recall correctly, you are the same guy that did what I'm guessing was your best impersonation of a black person talking in one of these threads and then stated that you call like you see them. I'd hate to be you if those are the types of individuals with whom you chose to keep company. Says a lot about you. No one has to call any of you racist. All one has to do is suggest that something is suspect and the racist is usually the idiot squealing the loudest. I have maintained that this case should not be about race on several occasions, but some of you maybe because you don't know any better refuse to believe that Martin could not have been up to anything simply he fit the description and " they always get away". There is a serious bias occurring, but maybe I haven't been victimized enough to see it.


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