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Lifetime Benefactor
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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Taking my young man on college visits. Visited Cornell last week. Doing Princeton and Johns Hopkins this week. My son told me that he would probably live in this area after he finishes college and I told him that I would miss him. I have no use for a place where I can't do what I want when I want with my toys.
  2. You ladies and gentleman who live in E. Tenn are very fortunate. Passing thru on my way to New Jersey and the scenery is beautiful. Yes, it sucks to be going to Jersey.
  3. I'll second that. Must be contagious, because there are a couple of people attempting to be "humorous".
  4. Until you hear from a moderator, find Pains benefactor thread in Feedback and Support. You may find some help there.
  5. click on that membership and it should give you the option to reactivate or renew
  6. Thanks. I got it, but my process was a little different 1.Go to client area 2.click invoices 3.cancel all invoices 4.look at canceled invoices 5.on your most recently expired membership, click reactivate 6.click renew now 7.make payment via PayPal I hope that this helps someone GOOD TO BE A PART OF THE GANG AGAIN!
  7. Same thing at check out. Oops something went wrong! Thanks. We'll get it squared away after the holiday. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!
  8. I'm now being allowed to place the subscription into the cart, but when I attempt to check out I get the same oops message.
  9. Good concept and good choice for a first guest. You appear a bit nervous, but I'm certain that you will settle down after a little more time in front of the camera. Over all, good job and I'll be following.
  10. It's a no go for me. I'm still getting the same error message that OS mentioned.
  11. Links2k

    Agenda 21

    Don't forget SPF19.
  12. Links2k

    1000th Post

    I have one of those old flashlights hanging around here somewhere.
  13. That's exactly what it says. Thanks
  14. That's why I always carry concealed. I don't care for the drama.
  15. Everytime I attempt to renew my subscription I get a message that I have already purchased that item and can't do so again. What can I do to get this issue squared away?
  16. I've been having the same issue for a few weeks. I decided to wait until it expired to try again. Same results. Please notify me when I can purchase renewal.
  17. Zimmermann knew nothing of Martins past. If Zimmermann was going to the store as he has said, he really had no business approaching and questioning Martin.
  18. Just may opinions. I haven't delved into TN or FL law concerning thus case because it's not very important whether I'm right or wrong. Just a guy on a gun forum discussing current events.
  19. Stalking and terrorizing a citizen who had as much right as Zimmerman to be walking around that neighborhood. To put you on notice, I won't be interrogated either. I will continue reading and respond to the post of my choosing. If your questions or my answers had some real bearing on the trial I would be happy to oblige.


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