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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Using some of these guys logic, white people should be walking the streets everyday apoligizing to blacks for slavery. It's just stupid. Unless their silence means they they still approve of slavery.
  2. I agree. Something that I have always believed is that guys like Jesse Jackson and his ilk receive more power from whites than they do from people of color. I believe that Jackson goes thru life completely ignored until he finds something like this forum for example and uses the words of its members to reinforce the belief that SOME whites hate non-whites and have no expectations of them regardless of their education/work history and that the feelings of whites especially in the south have not changed since the days of slavery. Think about it. When you read the unfiltered opinions of some of our members it's really an easy sale. Combine this with an agenda/profit driven media, corrupt businessmen and politicians you have a potent recipe for long time racial animosity.
  3. I've said things to this effect several times. I agree with your statement more than I will ever agree with any politician. I guess it's easier for some people to hate their fellow man than see where the real evil is and demand accountability from their representatives.
  4. Great food. Only a few minutes from my home. It can be addicting.
  5. I found a Uberti Trapper that I may pick up if I can't find a Winchester in the next few weeks.
  6. You are correct. It is Central BBQ.
  7. I'll second Cozy Corner and the BBQ Shop has a second location downtown behind the Civil Rights Museuem.
  8. Does anyone know when they will start shipping?
  9. Indeed! Some people need to broaden their horizons if all they know are lazy mexicans and ebonics speaking blacks. Says more about you than it does about them.
  10. It's just nice to find out who the spokesperson is for white people. I always figured that it was someone as popular as Sharpton and Jackson. Now everyone knows who to turn to in a time of crisis.
  11. Oh yeah, he speaks for you just like Sharpton and Jackson speak for all people of color. I thought that everyone knew that.
  12. . I disagree. I rarely watch the local news because that's all they ever talk about. There are some good things happening in Memphis, but keeping the citizens afraid is a big and profitable business.
  13. I had a similar situation. Although I have yet to use it, I'm on my third M&P (FDE Magpul) I plan to keep both because they are so different and cool. Buy the 357 or 9mm, because whichever .22 you sell you're going to miss it and go purchase another one anyways. Ask me how I know. Also, I agree that the HK out shoots the M&P.
  14. You sound like you should be giving instructions to someone who respects your authority. I'll leave the drug use to you. Also, I'll read and respond to whatever I choose until David decides otherwise.
  15. Maybe they aren't the animals that media tell you they are, but it's still early. They could be at your doorstep tomorrow.
  16. I will state this for the last time tonight. I will not debate this again. Go and read my old post.
  17. I believe that OJ and Zimmermann got away with murder. Just how things go.
  18. [quote name="Slpeod" post="999224" timestamp="1373770663"] LET ME TELL ANYONE CONCERNED THAT I WON'T BE ATTEMPTING TO EXPLAIN A DAMNED THING TO ANYONE! WE HAVE BEEN THRU THAT! Read my opinions concerning this case here and in the other thread. Zimmermann got away with murder the same as OJ and I expect karma to bite him in the ass just like it did OJ.[/quote] Sorry, that you don't feel like being accountable for your statement. So looks like by your caps speech you are emotionally attached to this case. [shrug] BTW this is a forum though for discussion and this is the GZ case we are discussing.[/quote] I don't agree with your statement. My opinions in these threads are preserved forever which makes me extremely accountable for my statements including the one a few weeks ago where I gave an opinion that Mr Zimmermann would get off.
  19. Well sir, no one here was on the jury and from what I've read, a lot of you have the same mindset that the victim must have been up to something simply because of his presence. I accept the verdict. Maybe as Zimmermann stated, this could be Gods will. I will also accept that whatever befalls him in his future will also be Gods will. Good or bad.
  20. [quote name="Slpeod" post="999189" timestamp="1373769578"] This decision just proves that it's alright to kill a young man for "fitting the description".[/quote] WTF explain your logic behind this comment??[/quote] LET ME TELL ANYONE CONCERNED THAT I WON'T BE ATTEMPTING TO EXPLAIN A DAMNED THING TO ANYONE! WE HAVE BEEN THRU THAT! Read my opinions concerning this case here and in the other thread. Zimmermann got away with murder the same as OJ and I expect karma to bite him in the ass just like it did OJ.
  21. My opinion has been made clear in two threads. Doesn't matter now.
  22. Out of proportion is correct. Just wishful thinking by the ignorant. Nothing to celebrate. This decision just proves that it's alright to kill a young man for "fitting the description".


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