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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Just picked up the game for my son. He was worried that Best Buy would be sold out by the time that he finishes football practice. No worries, they had a ton of them.
  2. I thought that it was just me thinking this. Obama is a lying jack wad, but f*ck Putin and those little sh*tty horses that he rides while making those shirtless gay propaganda PSA's.
  3. We men always seem to marry up. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!
  4. Wow, GZ is the new poster boy for righteousness and victimization. Maybe he's just an OJ type douche slowly headed to a date with karma. ***Truth is Obama is behind this. He knows that we will be distracted by this for at least 18 months and a 70 page thread. That should be long enough to get us thoroughly entrenched in Syria.
  5. Agreed, but at the time she was standing by her man. I don't care for GZ, but I hope that this proves false. We don't need another epic thread about this crap while the politicians are attempting to get us involved with in another war.
  6. Could be, but would lying to the cops and getting the media involved be worth it? I'm certain that GZ probably only wanted to talk about staying together and things got out of hand.
  7. The video was funnier after watching a second time. "The Team Killer"!
  8. I agree. He doesn't need to kiss arse, but he does need to humble himself and stay low key for the foreseeable future.
  9. The third party was Mrs Zimmermans father. I know, the wife deserved it because she was bashing Georges name against the hard news headlines.
  10. I blame it on the entities who enjoy selling machines of war and their lobbyist. Obama is nothing more than a puppet. I never agreed with the people who said that Obama would destroy this country. This decision could very well bring those views to fruition.
  11. Everybody wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die. Stupid decision on Obamas part, but we put every one of those jack wads in office who will be giving him approval to proceed. With the actions of the Chinese and Russians, we now have a d*ck measuring contest on our hands and I don't trust our "Leaders" to make the best decision concerning the interest of the people of the US of A.
  12. I love U-Verse. I had Comcast for years until they decided to improve it a few years ago. We went from having great service and an excellent guide to something that resembled 1980s cable. Comcast still has the better internet in my opinion and I'll probably switch back to their internet in the near future.
  13. Regretfully, I toyed with a lot of women's hearts when I was younger and in better physical condition. She was the first woman who wouldn't take any of my crap. Despite her education and success she can't be very bright, because she is still married to me after two and a half decades. Must be trying to win a bet. :)
  14. Fourteen years ago I was an avid golfer, so my buddies called me Links. I added the 2k at the end of 1999 just in case we survived the apocalypse.
  15. That's not a bad idea regardless where you travel. Odds are you will end up returning home with the same amount of ammo that you left with. Things are never as bad as the evening news makes it out to be. Enjoy the wedding!
  16. As Chucktshoes mentioned avoid North and South Memphis after dark. I say unless you live there, avoid them at all times. I don't believe that there are many cell phone towers located directly in the bad areas. If there were we would routinely be hearing about some type of theft or outage. If you have to work in either area keep your head on a swivel and leave soon as you conduct your business. Do your paperwork someplace else. Both areas have some good people living there, but you also have the typical inner city element that is always looking for an opportunity to enrich themselves at someone elses expense. As far as downtown, Beale is pretty safe because you always have eyewitnesses and a heavy cop presence. Beale had issues with two clubs. One has been closed and the other is under strict observation. I don't party, so that hasn't been an issue for me in nearly thirty years. There are two cop stations near downtown. You have a new station on Crump less than a few minutes from downtown and you have a station on Front street at the train station. I work downtown and I have friends who have lived downtown for a while without issue. The Riverside park area is safe during the day with roving cop patrols and stationary cameras. Speaking of cameras, chances are if you are within a few miles of downtown Memphis the odds are high that you are being observed by "Big Brother". That camera system is one of the reasons why crimes get solved so quickly. The Harbor Town area of downtown is as safe as any other community with the exception of thieves taking advantage of people leaving GPS devices and purses on their seats. For me, the biggest issues that you will encounter downtown are the panhandlers and gangters on weekend nights down near the river. Some people think that it's romantic to be near the river after a concert, dinner or game. Not a good idea. You have youth who walk/drive to that area hoping to catch Romeo and Juliet getting intimate or some poor slob drunk off of his ass. The suburbs and midtown are good to go, but from time to time you will still have crimes of opportunity or Memphians willing to risk their luck with the fast response times of some very good small police departments. Memphis can be a bit overwelming. I experience that sensation when traveling up north. My recommendation would be to follow the basic rules of safety that you would practice in any unfamiliar city, and avoid any random groups of young men. Lots of times it seems that the teens are very spontaneous and commit crimes for no other reason than boredom. I hope that this helped. Enjoy your visit!
  17. Links2k

    Best Pizza

    Rock'n Dough on Ridgeway. New york style slices or extra large pies...delicious!
  18. Links2k

    Plow day

    I envy your lifestyle. I'd forgotten how hard my granddad used to work me and my uncles, but we enjoyed the work because we were together. Brings back memories.
  19. One of the big issues is that some people believe that Jackson and Sharpton are black leaders. Until you realize that they are nothing more than self serving profiteers you continue to provide them with a lucrative platform when you elevate them to the status of "Black Leaders". Blacks pull out Sharton and Jackson when they want to make the most amount of noise that will give their voices an opportunity to be heard as in the Martin case. Other than that no one has a need for Jackson or Sharpton. I would imagine that both of them spend many hours searching for incidents to spin into racial crisis so that they can continue to line their pockets at the expense of the poor, ignorant black and white racist.


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