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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. That's a special moment for certain. Congratulations to both of you.
  2. That's fine Mike, but don't scold me for disagreeing with some of the post. Most days I simply read the post and move on. Some days I can't help myself. It's crazy what some people are willing to believe. There can't be a riot hiding behind every bush.
  3. I am chill buddy. I respect David and TGO enough to keep some things to myself. That is why I don't have a million post. Unless you have no life, reading daily about how the poor and uneducated masses are going to riot and come and take the trailer thats been in your family for three decades gets old. MSNBC, FOX and all of the doomsday prophets have an agenda. They are successful when you are constantly afraid which means you stay tuned in, they get higher rating and can charge more for advertising. Do you ever wonder why most the the on air personalities behave like carnival barkers? It's a freak show for people who enjoy a little bit of halloween 365 days a year. When then Lying King is gone is a few years we will be bombarded by daily rumors that the Republican president can't succeed because the libs are so entrenched from the prior administration that America is going to fail at any moment. Then you will be told that you can help save America by sending your one thousand dollar donation to the UncleTedBeckHannityNRASaveAmericaFromTheGhostOfObamaFundDotUSA.
  4. Links2k

    Home Carry

    Something is always close at hand. I also require that the family has access to a few things when I'm away.
  5. I never said that I hated the place and I'm in no position to affect the kind of change that the mod mentioned. I am more certain than you that some of the post were ignorant, yet very honest because they almost always come from the usual suspects. My superiority is your opinion, just as my post was mine. It never fails. People can say all kinds of stupid crap in these threads and the moment that someones disagrees they are throwing crap on the party. Really? Also, I never called you out. Hell, anyone who has been around for any amount of time knows that your post almost always include humor. At some point even you have to admit that these doom and gloom threads get more ridiculous everyday.
  6. Yep, and the next First Lady will also live high off the hog on the taxpayer. They will continue to do it until we have a First Husband and then you are really going to see some pimped out vacations. Wait until Bill Clinton and his crew have to start getting away from it all.
  7. You guys with a thirst for blood should go and relieve some of our kids over in the sandbox. It no longer amazes me how much some of you want to hate or kill someone. TMF made a good point about the camps. It was also good to see so many of you wrong about the riots that were to occur after the Zimmerman trial. When are you going to learn that some not so smart azzholes are making a hell of a living by keeping you afraid of EVERYTHING? The really sad part is that after being scared of your own shadows for sixty years, the odds will eventually fall in your favor and something crazy will occur and then we'll have listen to how you and the "Fear Pimps" were right the entire time. I can't wait until the mods start a bat sh*t crazy forum and tuck it away so that people who would like to talk more about their interest in guns can spend more time on the forum without having to read about a crisis every f'n day. Yeah, I know that I don't have to read every thread, but some of the threads are like a train wreak and... Not necessarily directed at the op, but one of the mods made an excellent point about getting these drunk uncle post off of the view new content page. It's a great idea and its time has come. Finally, it would be a damned shame for our government to let a single American child go hungry because they were born to jacked up parents while still sending one penny of our tax dollars or one grain of rice to any foreign country in aid. Rant off! Good morning!
  8. I guess that you choose the news that fits your mood. I'm still upset about the Cozy little relationship that Cheney had with Halliburton and how his little circle of friends benefited from two fear induced wars. I am certain that the thieves that we place in authority over us love that we continue to point fingers while they rob the taxpayers blind. The American people invest too much time, emotion, trust and loyalty into the two major political parties while they invest absolutely no loyalty to us. It should come to no ones surprise what these people do. It's just harder to swallow when it's not the crooks that you wanted in office.
  9. It won't matter whether the shooting was gang related. I doubt that it was. In the national media and in the minds of anti-gun citizens, this is another tragic school shooting and you all will have to be disarmed because of it.
  10. You're preaching now! :). I've always liked that you make an effort to see both sides of the coin.
  11. You say of late, I say the last few years. It's as if some of these guys are attempting to win some type of fantasy boogeyman contest. Hardly any of this crap comes to fruition, yet there are more and more bizarre post everyday.
  12. I am surprised that there is more outrage over this issue than the bank bailouts and the billions that this country pisses away in foreign aid bribes annually. Until drastic changes are made, our government will continue to waste our tax dollars. Until we stop the losses that we incur giving away resources and money to foreigners, I'm not going to have a stroke because Americans get enough money from the gorvernment to remain poor. When we stop military projects that require that at least one screw be manufactured in every congressional district in America I'll have stroke over poor people screwing the system out of goods that we will willingly fly on our tax dollars to the beaches of a foreign country before storm waters receed from their shores. I'm not attempting to justify the abuses. I work as hard or harder as most people here and I have to put on my big boy drawers every April to write Uncle Sam an extortion check. I get your anger. I just have different priorities when it comes to how Uncle Sugar disburses our tax dollars.
  13. That's a reasonable opinion. As for people having high dollar material items in their homes that doesn't bother me because there are too many variables that come into play. For example grandmother worked for forty years and is now retired. Divorced daughter with kids on government assistance moves in and brings items from the marriage to granny's house. Are they no longer allowed to have nice things because the mother now has a need for assistance? I could give examples all day. My point is is that many of us because we have busted our humps to be successful tend to deny the benefit of doubt to those not like us. It's easy to cast a broad net. Nice engaging with you guys again. My battery is almost dead. Cya later.
  14. Well said Chuck! There has to be a better way to help those who truly need assistance while letting those who wish to abuse the system perish.
  15. Please don't perceive this as an attack, because I'm not in that business. I would like to know how you and others obtain such personal information about people receiving assistance. It reminds me of a neighbor who liked to tell all of his business, only had one income coming into his home and could barely keep the lights on. It seems that each time that he spoke with me I felt as if I were being interviewed or "qualified" to see how and why my family is able to maintain its standard of living. So, if you will, please explain to me how some of you know so much about the expenditures of others and how they obtained the items in theirs homes other than being told certain things by an agenda driven media and gossiping neighbors. Thanks in advance!
  16. Thanks for sharing your story. I hope that your situation improves in the immediate future. I tend to believe that there are more stories like yours as opposed to people enjoying the substandard living that comes with being on government assistance. I believe that it makes some people feel better patting themselves on the back because thru proper preparation or sheer luck they haven't found themselves at the mercy of people like themselves. No matter how highly we think of ourselves and our abilities it can always be stripped away and we my need to depend on the kindness of strangers, forum members or God forbid the government. I refuse to lump the recipiants of government assistance into a monolithic group of leeches, because that's as crazy as some of the negative labels placed on responsible gun owners after a wack job goes on a shooting spree.
  17. Links2k


    The three frontrunners are M&P10, DPMS Recon .308 and DPMS MK12. Thoughts?
  18. Links2k


    I was planning to purchase a Uberti 1873 at the end of the month, but know I'm thinking about an AR10. I plan to use the rifle at the range and maybe some hunting. What brand and model would you recommend and why? Thanks!
  19. 1. Does anyone know if Brighton Arms is back in business? 2. Does anyone practice at Range USA in Jackson? If so, what's your opinion of the facility?


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