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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I agree! It's right there with District 9 for me. AWEFUL!
  2. Don't forget that they will also possibly ruin their military careers and bring dishonor to the Marine Corp for this premeditated stunt. You can bet your last dollar that someone will eventually have a bout of conscience and spill the beans. I could be very wrong, but that's just what the old MP in me thinks.
  3. I'm not walking down an alley towards a group of anything. Cats, rats, teens or babies. The odds are against you. As for being in the woman's position, nothing that you can do about that.
  4. I lost a friend of thirty years because I told him the same thing about his "ministry". You can't brag about Having multiple luxury vehicles, taking lavish vacations and living in gated community while having no other income other than the church. Poor people are faithfully paying tithes while these ass hats enrich themselves.
  5. They only confirm what a lot of people already know about SOME preachers. POVERTY PIMPS!
  6. I respectfully disagree. The Birthers and "the go back to Kenya" crowd have almost made the GOP and the TEA Party a laughing stock. As someone stated earlier, the minute that something stupid is said you are going to lose your potential audience. You need to be putting facts and solutions out there. Calling Obama a commie doesn't go very far in gaining support against bad policy.
  7. Not only does the message need to be unified, it needs to be palatable. As long as the opposition to Obama offers nothing but name calling and ignorant theories the American voter will never take them seriously. The opposition must table a plan, otherwise the democrats won't be losing anything in 2014 or 2016.
  8. Links2k


    If I order before 11am, sometimes I get my stuff the next day.
  9. I truly appreciate you! Some people can't see the forest for the trees.
  10. First, show me where I called anyone a racist in this thread. Secondly, if you don't think that there are ignorant statements made on TGO everyday based upon stereotypes and hearsay, then there is nothing to discuss and you simply want to aurgue to pass time. I choose not to participate.
  11. I'm just checking in to see who needs reinforcements. I'm certain that the riots are becoming overwhelming by now.
  12. It's both parties. It's us (the people) vs them. It pains me to see people fight so hard in support of political machines that don't give a crap about us. The masses are being played against one another for the benefit of a few. It's been going on forever.
  13. You make some valid points. Now, imagine for a second, as tired as you are of carrying the the burden of "white guilt", and you are assumed to have "white priviledge", consider how it feels to be a productive minority and always carrying the burden for less productive members of your race. This forum is filled daily with ignorant opinions about minorities from people who have little to no interaction with minorities. Their opinions are based on stories from family members, stereotypes and the advertising dollar driven news media. I'm not saying that lots of minorities don't deserve the rap that they get, but if the only burden than a white man has to be tired of is the the burden of being accussed of being privileged, then I would say that is a good burden to to have. I've explained before that my extended family covers the entire spectrum of the human race. We have features from the most beautiful blue eyes to the lambs wool hair of Jesus as described in The Bible and we all love one another. That being said, I will always maintain that MLK was correct when he stated that we should be judged by the content of our character. We know that the demographics of America are changing. In a few decades when people of color are the American majority will you want your decendants treated poorly based upon the perceived injustices that minorities feel were thrust upon them? Perception in most cases is reality. Something to ponder.
  14. It didn't happen quickly. The politicians started giving you the weiner inch by inch years ago. You got accustomed to it while hoping that it would stop, because you happened to like your politician. Now some big chocolate guy and his prison mates are ramming with no lube. Yes, it's disgusting, but so is what both parties are doing to us.
  15. G&A will still do the no sales tax thing about twice per year, but you are correct about sticker price. It seems that they price just high enough to negate the savings that you would get on the internet.
  16. I would become an instant millionaire and some of you would be worth more than Bill Gates.


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