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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I picked up my 870 this morning. The action is slicker than slime. I like this shotgun.
  2. I believe that the so called game will be played over a more wide spread area now simply because of all of the media attention.
  3. Ok, now I'm certain that you are doing this for comedic effect. It worked, because I'm laughing my behind off.
  4. NO!!! It will probably start with one of our members getting tired of waiting for a race war to start.
  5. I'm not turned off. The problem is getting one. Even Guns and Ammo hasn't had one and they have almost everything.
  6. Thanks! I believe that the new Winchester is made by Miroku.
  7. Everything that I've read says that they are well put together with a very smooth action. I may just put a deposit on a Winchester and wait. I am only planning to use it as a range gun, so there is no rush
  8. It's good to see that not everyone has been drinking this early in the day. It seems that as we age, people get so caught up reminiscing about the so called "good old days" that they forget that we have always lived in a violent world. I guess that it's just more terrifying when the thing that you fear most causes you to lose sleep at night. ;)
  9. Chance hasn't be around in a long while, but he goes by Halfpint on TGO.
  10. Uberti 1873 G&A may be offering no tax payments thru christmas and they are now excepting any form of payment.
  11. You are correct. I should have said that the Uberti offers a checkered walnut stock and fore-end.
  12. While at one of my lgs this morning I discovered that they had two of the three .357 rifles that I wanted ( Henry and Uberti). The third rifle is the new Japanese Winchester that I have yet to see anywhere. Both are beautiful rifles, but the Uberti Special Sporting model offered a checkered walnut stock and fore-end, was color case hardened and cost about $400 more. Which would you purchases and why?
  13. I posted this because I hear about some people having issues with their local gun stores and I wanted to write something positive about mine. I recently missed out on the purchase of a Remington 870 Magpul at another LGS. I called Chance this morning, and not only was he able to quickly locate the shotgun, he also saved me a pile of money over what I was going to pay at another store. To show my support, I spent most of what I saved on ammo. I can say without a doubt that Halfpint takes care of me every time that I visit Classic Arms for a purchase or transfer. Good guy!
  14. . Or he kills one of those white women. Then watch the backlash.
  15. No, this is another woman. I guess that he'll have to kill someone before he's stopped. Oh wait...
  16. The girlfriend must be a drug using thug with anger issues. Lil chubby George would never hurt anyone. I agree with you, but for the foreseeable future everything out of the ordinary that Zimmerman does will be news. Comes with the territory. Maybe it will just be another misunderstanding like he recently had with his wife. No charges filed.
  17. I can't see it. Most of those companies named already use USPS for last mile delivery to keep their own cost down. It may work if they stopped delivering to homes and set up mail centers where customers were required to pick up their mail, but otherwise I can't see it working.
  18. The only thing that I would add is that privitizing the USPS will be a logistics nightmare. Remember that the postal service is required to deliver to every address in America. The USPS still uses pack mules, boats and planes to deliver mail/packages to its customers. What company is prepared to step up and undertake such a massive operation?
  19. The USPS wouldn't need a bail out if congress wasn't requiring them to pre-fund retirement. No one else has the requirement. This is not directed at you MacGyver, but I wanted to remind some people before they get started...the USPS does not receive our tax dollars.


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