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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I don't believe that it's about money and publicity. I think that it's a case of a comfortable self made man believing that he can say whatever wants to say and not caring what anyone thinks about it. His mind is made up.
  2. Mike I'm only attempting to get people to see that it appears to be a pity party going on. Almost everyday in some shape or form the threads contain something to the effect that America is being destroyed, the gays, war against Christians and danger, danger danger. It comes off to me as the same victim mentality that some around here rant about others having? The only exception is that these guys aren't looking for a handout. To me, something just doesn't feel right when I encounter a bunch of old men with doom and gloom on their minds all day. Maybe I'm naive, but I can't see anything as a threat to the christian lifestyle. There is nothing stronger than the power of God. Those who want Jesus in their lives will choose him and those who don't won't. As for America, I think America will rebound and be just fine. ***Mike I respect you. There is nothing wrong with looking out for your friends.
  3. I thought that occurred during the same interview.
  4. Where do you get that from? I love it here and I wish that I could spend more time here. Am I not welcome because I don't do the circle jerk? From my observations, some people here bash the hell out of other groups of people. The minute someone is offended that happens to look like them there's a crisis. The last time that I checked this was TGO not agree with what I say or stay away. I'm not trying to set anyone straight. I'm just giving my views like everyone else. There seems that a lot of members are feeling victimized and the country can't recover. I disagree.
  5. Lol...This group has been victimized almost to the point of needing help from Sharpton and Jackson.
  6. That would take genuine christ like behavior.
  7. I get a kick out of the fact that it appears fine to bash anything but a Christian male. I do love how this victimized group bands together.
  8. Ain't no fun when the rabbit has the gun.
  9. Do you want to know who this will end well for? The guys selling those stickers. God Bless America!
  10. I agree with you. I have been observing the threads more than posting lately, but it seems that a lot of these guys are becoming what they most despise...whinny victims. The white christian male still rules this country and most of the world. Phil is not a victim and this country is not anywhere near being destroyed. You simply haven't had things your way for a few years. Get over it just like other whinners are advised to do.
  11. That's pretty fast. My favorite holsters.
  12. I believe in God and this country. I'm not panicked. We'll rebound. We've simply had a bad run because too many people have believed too many lies from the democrats and republicans over the last thirty or forty years.
  13. I removed this comment because I remembered that I no longer care to fight with people on the internet. The op asked a question About Mandela and I gave my opinion. Have a good day.
  14. Somewhere in your tiny little universe you must have offended someone by calling them a liberal. It won't work on me. I've also been here long enough to know the format of most arguments here. Your opinion or hostility won't change my mind about Mr Mandela. Have a good night.
  15. I find it interesting you skipped the entire intent of my post. I also find it interesting how Americans can point out everyones faults but our own. Sir, the peace that I speak of is that Mr Mandela didn't go Nat Turner on every pale face in South Africa. That was the intent of my post.
  16. I celebrate Mr Mandela because after his release from prison he could have become a bitter, vengeful leader of a million man killing machine exacting punishment on his perceived enemies. Yet he chose peace. People who love money and material things can weep over the loss of prosperity, but I celebrate the humanity. I have mentioned this before somewhere. In the very near future when America becomes a majority of brown people, will you want your neighbors treating your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren in the matter that history teaches us that their ancestors were treated by America? Keep in mind that not everyone is seduced by gold and trinkets.
  17. You two smart asses. LOL I knew that I could count on you. I'm speaking to the people who don't want to ruin this killers life because he is young. They are no better than that crooked judge in my opinion.
  18. 1. I'm going to remember this thread the next time that one of Obamas juveniles does something stupid to see if we can get the same level of compassion for the young person. After all, we wouldn't want to destroy the life of a minor would we? 2. I recently had a lady get pissed at me because I told her that the little sh*t who killed that contractor in Memphis needed a life sentence or the death penalty for his crime. He killed a kids father on the kids birthday. He should fry! 3. I always attempt to place myself on both sides of the story. If this drunken asshole were my son, sure I would want to protect him. On the other hand, if this jack wad had killed one of my loved ones I would want the bast@rd to fry several times over. He committed a major crime and destroyed many lives in the process.
  19. My point is that most TGO members don't live in Memphis, but probably have several more weapons than any Memphian here for sport and security that they really don't need since they safely reside outside of Memphis. Obviously, things aren't so rosey in the rest of the state either. I never notice Memphians doing much bitching about the crime because it seems that most are smart enough to know that there will be higher concentrations of crime in urban areas. It comes with the territory. Also, it appears that most Memphis members have enough sense not to patronize whores, buy drugs and steal from people, so we hear about crime the same way that you do from news organiztions that love to keep you paralyzed and bunkered down in your home afraid to turn the channel and miss the next threat.
  20. I love to read the Memphis comments whenever one of these threads comes up. Lets get rid of Memphis so that you can dispose of all of those silly old guns since you would now be in a crime free state. Why does anyone outside of Shelby County need a gun for anything but hunting?
  21. Wow, every time that I take a week off someone lets their mouth write one of those non-redeemable checks. Lol :)
  22. We just missed formally meeting. I was just leaving the shop when you all arrived. My last excursion before the holidays. I hate being around the crowds. I thought it was cool that a young lady would bring a guy on crouches to the gun store. My wife would have to be held hostage to make that trip. I hope that you are back to 100% soon. Happy Thanksgiving!


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