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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. My buddy is a certified instructor and invited me out for a session. These guys weren't goofing around. We came in and spoke, took a lap around the complex to get our heart rates up and spent the rest of the time beating the crap out of one another. What I took away from my session is that this technique is meant to quickly and decisively end a fight. With several years of paying for private school coming to an end soon, I plan buy another motorcycle and enroll in a Krav Maga class.
  2. Seems like some of you are finally coming around. BOTH MAJOR PARTIES SUCK!
  3. Links2k

    Gen 4 G19 custom

    Nice job! Professional look. I've seen a lot of guys screw it up.
  4. I'm surprised that this is still a secret. It shows how effective they have been.
  5. Your reasoning and logic is going to remove all of the drama from this thread.
  6. That's how I operate. I park and enter near the automotive shop. I get what I need and check out in the auto department. No crowds and I'm done in a short amount of time.
  7. I agree with DaveTn. I don't see registration occurring in Tennessee, but if it did someone would be like that guy who punched the old man a few weeks ago while attempting to make a point. That person will get nuked by our fine Tennessee law enforcement officers (some of which are also gun enthusiast and very good shots). Next thing you know we'll be standing in line drinking coffee and eating doughnuts bitching about you know who.
  8. For me the entertainment in this matter are the guys who behave as if others being gay actually affects their lives.
  9. There are lots of very good options out there, but the only one that I would carry is the G30SF.
  10. That's their trap. Make everyone get rid of cable so that you can't keep tabs on them. Next thing that you know, the whole world it's covered in gay.
  11. What's next, getting angry at the cast of Glee?
  12. The next thing you know they'll be letting women and blacks vote. Before long we'll have a black president if we aren't careful. ;)
  13. My cheeks are aching with from laughter. My
  14. Yeah, it was rough there for a while. It was difficult trying to enjoy Christmas while this crisis was going on.
  15. Links2k

    Glock 42

    Regardless if it's a 9mm or .380, I'm in if it's as reliable as my other Glocks.
  16. I have had the opportunity to see several of the new bills. I like them a lot. My twins received a few from relatives for christmas and thought that someone was attempting to pull a fast one on them. The looks on their faces was priceless.
  17. It's laughable to think that in the twenty first century someone can take the original post and make it an indictment on the black race. It's also laughable to think that anyone believes that a race of people is taught to hate from birth and that the member is one of the last of a dying breed of people who actually received an education in this country. People of color don't need to dwell on slavery as long as there are people who make statements like this. People of color don't want or need jackasses like Jackson or Sharpton to manufacture trash against whites. All people of color haves to do is point to opinions like this to falsely continue blaming whites for their struggle. Laughable! No sir, I'm not calling you a racist. I simply believe that you are sadly misinformed about a race of people. Side note***If I obtain permission, I'm going to share a link with our members to show you all that Sharpton and Jackson have no pull with hard working blacks. Jackson and Sharpton obtain their power from the media and old guys who still believe that we are fighting the cold war.
  18. I've made one purchase from them. They were friendly and the place was bright and clean. I would use them again if they have what I want at a price That beats Classic Arms or G&A.
  19. There was always a waiting line everytime that I've been there. Maybe I'll be able to get my pancakes faster if people are serious about their boycott.
  20. 1. Two compact 9mms 2. Two compact .45s 3 .Nice 1911 4.Semi-Auto 12 gauge 5.Pump action 12 gauge 6.Nice Semi-auto .22 rifle 7.Bolt action .308 8.Semi-auto .308 9. .357 Lever Action rifle 10. AR-15
  21. That makes you the wisest person here.
  22. [quote name="TMF" post="1082400" timestamp="13876718issuesat I do know is everybody is too damn sensitive when it comes to gays; folks who are advocates and folks who oppose. I don't get it.[/quote] No doubt about it. I asked a pastor a similar question today. Why do church goers get into such an uproar over gay issues, but rarely show such passion about more pressing societal issues? I wasn't disputing what he claimed the word said. I only wanted his opinion on why the so-called gay agenda set Christians off like nothing else. This thing is so big that the blacks can't even accuse Phil of being a racist over the other comments that he made.


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