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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. That was one of Attackers goals.
  2. Chuck, you aren't supposed to point that out. It's Un'Merican, but true. Hypocrites.
  3. Possible shooting war with Russia over this incident? Not going to happen. Does not need to happen. America has a crumbling infrastucture, yet we always feel compelled to "Do Something" in foreign countries.
  4. [quotChucktshoes" post="1119220" timestamp="1393813044"]So Dave, Robert, which one of y'all is a government agent? :screwy:[/quote] :)
  5. In The MP Corp we UseD Them In The Cannons When We Raised And Lowered The Flag In The Morning And Evening. They Can Also Be Used To Scare Off Black Birds
  6. I Didn't Say Anything About Cakes Or Gays. If That's What Comes To Your MinD When Someone Mentions Domestic Issues, Have At It. This Is A Very Newsworthy Story, But Nothing That We Should Concern Ourselves With. America Is Not Going To Intervene, So Why Get Your Panties In A WaD? If We Are Going To Continue To Play World Police, This Crisis Needs To Get In Line And Wait Its Turn.
  7. I'm Always Of The Mindset That We Have More Pressing Domestic Issues To Be Concerned With. We Already Have Our Spoons In Too Many Pots.
  8. I really enjoyed reading this thread. I've been thinking about trying a pipe and reading your responses has helped with my decision. Thanks!
  9. The proposed fight was a current event that people outside of this forum were talking about. I'm thrilled that it won't take place. I'd like to forget about Zimmermann entirely.
  10. I like to keep a minimum of one thousand rounds per caliber, but I'm starting to think that is too much. I know that number is only a saturday range session to some guys. My new train of thought is that most of us are middle aged or old guys and with the exception of the time spent in combat, most of us have never been in a firefight. With that being said, based on real world situations (not conspiracy theories) I believe that most of us will die of natural causes before we get to go out in a blaze of glory in that fantasy firefight that we carry around in our heads. As for you younger guys...YOU'RE SCREWED! :) Just Kidding
  11. The last I heard DMX was having problems with crack and the law. In his prime he would have slaughtered Zimmermann.
  12. That's your perception of me Mike. For some unknown reason you seem to take the most offense from my post. Several people on TGO have met me and their general opinion is that I'm also a pretty decent guy. I don't believe that everyone is a knuckle dragging bigot, but their are several here. I am generally on the side that not every member of a demographic is trash or dangerous simply because a few idiots repeatedly make the news. It seems that no one can get the benefit of doubt unless they are "WCM".
  13. I would agree with you if I believed your statements were accurate. Capbyrd made a valid point, but it doesn't matter because his is a minority view of the situation.
  14. I like here. Is it possible to enjoy the site without getting trounced for seeing things differently? I don't care to get banned, so I read more and post less. At our ages, we simply are who we are.
  15. I hope the fight is canceled. There is going to be so much racial fallout from this publicity stunt that it will make your head spin. Anything for a dollar.
  16. DMX is a washed up crackhead. Zimmermann Should easily win this match.
  17. Links2k


    I didn't see her tonight, but I have seen her do that routine in the past. My daughter used to be a big fan.
  18. Links2k

    MLK day

    I was surprised that anyone even mentioned MLK Day around here. It only took 19 hours. I appreciate Dr King's efforts regardless.
  19. I've used them several times with no issues. I love the fact that they come to your home.


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