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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Thanks for sharing this story with us. This story in a small way proves the point that I'm attempting to make. The family can be salt of the earth people, and if a young person makes stupid life altering decisions the family shouldn't be condemned.
  2. We were all teens once, and I have raised three teens of my own. I can assure that my family got my best behavior and my friends knew the worst of me. Had I gotten into trouble or killed for the things that my family knew nothing about, they would have said the same things about me. "Those actions were out of character for sweet, angelic, God fearing and hard working student LINKS2K", and from their perspective, they would have been telling the truth. I'm fortunate to have lived several decades beyond the ignorance of my youth. I am also glad that I recognize that good families can produce bad kids. The family didn't plan the robbery. The young man got what he paid for.
  3. Looks like it's time to start saving my pennies for the Sprint and Godfather.
  4. I don't know if they are a "criminal family", but even if it was out of character, that young man made a poor decision and it cost him his life. I've argued before about the face that young people put on for family and the face that they have for their peers. Peer pressure will get you killed. If it were my kid, I'd be on television saying the same thing. It was out of character for my kid, but he committed a crime and has to pay the price.
  5. Well, the storms subsided here in the western part of the state earlier today and I just returned home from that darned event. :( You all stay safe out there.
  6. My Wife Has Business Out Of Town This Week, So I'm Hoping That The Weather Is Severe Enough For Me To Skip An Event That She Obligated Me To Attend Tomorrow Evening. I Have No Shame. :)
  7. I Do The Same. Their Stock Is Always Low. Shooters From Collierville, Memphis And Germantown Frequent That Walmart And Dicks Right Down The Road. Walmart In Olive Branch Is Always Low Or Empty.
  8. I'm Looking Forward To This. My Best Daily Carry So Far Has Been A Spyderco. I Don't Know Anything About Knives.
  9. Disregard, I Just Found The Other Thread.
  10. Willis, Did You Ever Quote A Price? Sorry If I Missed It. I'm Leaning. I Would Like Number 10.
  11. I'm Looking Forward To The New Shows.
  12. I Listen To Everything, But My Siriusxm Is Usually On 70S On 7, Or Classic Rock. I Grew Tired Of All Of The Scare Tactics On Talk Radio.
  13. I really enjoyed last nights episode. That kid was a world class prick.
  14. BBQ Shop, Germantown Commissary and Cozy Corner. My wifes Aunt Bonnie makes the best in Memphis, but only for special occassions. :)
  15. Yeah, they are always parading around showing those receipts.
  16. The answer to your question...because it's a Glock.
  17. Early morning trips to Kroger around 6am will yield lots of discounted meat for the freezer.
  18. My boy is a former football player and I believe that eating is the same as breathing for him.
  19. My wife has saved us lots of money over the years couponing. She finds bargains daily, but she doesn't do the extreme thing either. We have a small stockpile and she gives a lot to the needy. If she can't get it free or discounted, we don't eat it and we've never missed a meal. I can't give an amount, but grocery bills are always very small. For us, it's Walgreens and Target. We have tubs of stuff that she has gotten discounted or free. I also like the Target visits where we pay for a basket of goodies with the little cards that she earned on the previous trips and then treats me to popcorn or pizza on the way out the door with the similar cards. It's magic! I need to learn to do it. Couponing works for both if us. I'm cheap and she gets to shop. Win, win.
  20. My wife has saved us lots of money over the years couponing. She finds bargains daily, but she doesn't do the extreme thing either. We have a small stockpile and she gives a lot to the needy. If she can't get it free or discounted, we don't eat it and we've never missed a meal. I can't give an amount, but grocery bills are always very small.


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