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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I change the channel when they start preaching their anti-gun views.
  2. I love that movie. Each time that I watch it is like the first time. I also enjoy "It's A Wonderful Life".
  3. Thanks! I may try one until Willis does the the TGO runt.
  4. Yes, the Tenacious is over two inches. It's my office building. Our security aren't Nazis, so they are not measuring blades on the small knives that we carry.
  5. That's what I'm hoping for in the future.
  6. I'm limited to a two inch at my job. At the moment I'm reduced to parking on the street, locking my pistol in a safe and carrying a two inch blade. On my trek to my building I carry two Spyderco Tenacious knives and a Surefire E2D. The TGO knives will definitely be carried when I'm not working.
  7. I must admit that I don't know anything about knives, blades, steel or knife sharpening, but I thought that these knives were an excellent idea. So, thanks to Willis and the TGO staff for making it happen. I am looking forward to future runs and something smaller that I can carry in my office. Great job guys!
  8. Isn't there a requirement to own both? Stop slacking off. :)
  9. Congratulations! One of my high school buddies is a CSM and he is one of the most squared away soldiers ever. Major accomplishment for you, your family and our country.
  10. I've watched it twice this morning. Amazing!
  11. Sorry about that. It only happens when I use my cell phone. It's one of the reasons that I don't post more during the day. I'll square it away asap.
  12. I've Been Missing This Kind Of Craziness Since The Recent House Cleaning. Good Comic Relief.
  13. They Are The Guys Who Chuck Norris Calls When He Gets In A Jam.
  14. I Didn't Comment, But If I Had, I Imagine That He Would Be Talking About Me. I Was Irritated From The First Post. The Post Was Too Eager For Me. Sounded Like A Kitchen Knife Salesman Or The Young Bull That Wants To Run Down The Hill. From My Time On TGO, I Can Say That The Patriotism Of This Group Of Men And Women Is Unquestionable.
  15. That or the East Tennessee mountain folk. ;)
  16. After All Off These Years It's Still Funny To Watch How Quickly Everything Still Leads To Obama. There May Be Something To Those Polls. Seriously, I Wouldn't Pay Too Much Attention To Any Poll These Days.
  17. Prayers for you and your family during this time of loss.
  18. I See ThAt Happening Frequently And It Always Pisses Me Off
  19. You make good points. I have no problems with the shoot and I believe the the robber caused his own demise. My only point is that I don't think that the family should be condemned because a young man made a stupid life ending decision. They are simply speaking about the character that the robber displayed to them. If it were my son, I would be shocked and defensive also, but I would also have to come to terms that I really didn't know my son. Have a good day!


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