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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Sam1 the only way that this does not happen is if we had never left. Everyone has known for years that this kind of thing would happen as soon as our troops left. It was only a matter of which group it would be committing the violence. This is what happens when you give a deadline to end an occupation. The bad guys mass their troops and weapons and wait.
  2. bersaguy how did Obama get us into this situation?
  3. I'm not a "Knife Guy" yet, but I have enough taste to appreciate the beauty and craftsmanship of that knife. Enjoy!
  4. Links2k

    John Galt

    I agree, but that opinion won't be very popular.
  5. I guess that it depends on ones circumstances thirty years ago, so talley one up for the group of crazies.
  6. Sounds like the "Pity Party" that so many others are always accused of having. I agree with the previous member. The poor white male will be fine.
  7. I hope that they catch the criminals soon. Chris over at Top Brass is a good guy, but I quit going there because of the AC and ventilation situation. The young guy (guessing late twenties or early thirties) who worked the behind the counter was in my opinion a jack wad, so RUSA also gets my range dollars.
  8. I don't buy into the "He's trying to destroy the country before he leaves" theory. To me Obama is just another in a long line of crappy politicians that the people of this country has chosen to lead us' Like many others here, I have served and fought for this country. I have also seen the reductions in force before. As someone stated, it makes no sense to have a large peace time military. I also don't worry about anyone invading us. Our biggest threats from China and Russia are economic. Lastly, I believe that our military is too large and could stand to continue becoming smaller, lighter and more lethal. A lot of us are older and can't fathom a military without thousands of tanks and aircraft on the battlefield. Thanks to modern technology those days are almost over. In the future when we have to put boots on the ground, they will still be the best trained and prepared fighting force that the world had ever known.
  9. Thanks hipower. I sort of figured that the longer sight radius on the 41 would make an already accurate shooter that much better. My gen3s were very accurate. Regardless which .45 I choose, I'm going to install Truglo TFOs on it. The Truglos are my favorite sights for Glocks.
  10. I'm about to purchase two more Glocks. The first will be a G42, but I'm not settled on the second at the moment. I'm considering a Gen4 G21 or the new G41. The G42 will be used as a pocket pistol and the .45 will be my new bedside/range pistol. I've owned a couple of G21 SF pistols, so I know that they are great shooters. I've seen some very good deals on Gen4 G21s online, but before I make a decision I'd like to know if anyone has any experience with the G41 and what you think of it. I'm also in the market for another pocket holster. I currently own a Desantis Superfly. Any other suggestions? Thanks for your input and your time.
  11. :) My status is improving. I was once just the resident " Liberal Commie".
  12. It has been a while, but I can assure you that I won't be particpating. The Great TGO Rapture of 2014 made a believer out of me. Besides that, I really enjoy how much more civil everyone has been since that day. :)
  13. I know that protecting our gun rights is very important. I also know that many people are much more passionate about that endeavor than I am. Having said that, I don't see this as the beginning of a gun grab. I think that this is a lame duck president attempting to do what little that he can do in light of the public opposition concerning intervention in the Ukranian crisis. You must remember that I have always stated that I'm against intervening and providing aid to foreign countries. So, this is not support for the president. This is about as much as I would like to see him do concerning what is occurring in a foreign land. Gun owners can be our own worst enemies. We are less than a day into the this situation and people are already talking about gun grabs and the increased profit margins on Russian guns.
  14. You win sir. I won't get into name calling and making assumptions. I understand that you are suddenly passionate about that part of the world and Russian weapons and that anyone who has a differing view must be willingly ignorant. Bless your heart!
  15. I'll give him a call when you are ready for serious dialog. I agree that there are greater sanctions that could be placed on Russia, and who is to know that there are not more coming. In the mean time, this is a start and I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings because you are a gun owner.
  16. I understand the views of gun owners, but I don't dislike Obama so much that I don't support him sanctioning a perceived enemy of this country.
  17. I am so there. The last two are leaving for college next month. Twenty eight years of dealing with kids has me on edge. I think that the two girls had a bet to see which one could make me have a stroke first. I had no problems with the boy. He was just a know it all. I could get away with treating him like he was a private in three army.
  18. Links2k

    West Tn

    Stay classy guys. 
  19. I just got home and the first thing that I did was open my knife. This knife is much, much better than advertised. I'm very happy. I am thrilled that I participated. Thanks Willis, David and TGO!
  20. My knife made it to the house. I'll drool over it when I get home later tonight. Thanks!
  21. Thanks! Happy Fathers Day to you.


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