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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. No way! Bush was a world class Wiley Coyote f*ck up. I'll beat some of the parrots to the punch by saying so is Obama, but without W's ego and Haliburton/ Cheneys greed we would be dealing with some other crisis other than Isis that comes from our medling around in the middle east. You must remember than I'm in the blame Bush crowd. In my opinion, Bush gave us Obama on a silver platter. It could have been worse. Bush was so bad that I'm surprised that neither of the self serving reverends didn't run and win the presidency.
  2. You don't hear that truth mentioned around here very often.
  3. Yeah, because all of those white coaches have been so sucessful at Vandy ;)
  4. Some people bite everytime. Some fresh us vs them prior to the elections
  5. I like RUSA training. Now that I'm an empty nester for the first time in twenty eight years, all I plan to do is work, play golf, exercise, buy another motorcycle, train and eventually get the confidence to try some competitions.
  6. Because as Minister X said "Their motives is out of control". :)
  7. Thanks. We have been blessed. If he and his twin sister perform half as well as their older sister, I'll count my life as a success.
  8. Seems like the mother's are holding up better than all of the dad's. I couldn't even talk to him the last couple of days without my voice cracking.
  9. I just moved my only son into his dorm at The University of Alabama. I've been at the hotel trying to hide tears from my wife for two hours. I have to remember that he is a sellout. He even attempted to convince me to stop supporting UT.
  10. Moderators remember..." You ain't seen the last of Earnest T. Bass"! You've been warned. He'll be back. :)
  11. Lonely guy. He won't get any better.
  12. I already owned the Superfly holster. I purchased the Nemesis from Midway last week from Midway. The little 42 goes in and out of the pocket with ease.
  13. I purchased the G42 today. I like the size much better than the LCP that was my pocket carry pistol. Now when I carry small I'll have the Shield 9mm iwb and the G42 in a Desantis Nemesis or Super fly pocket holster.
  14. I saw his last two post. They were so shocking that I figured that he attempting to provoke. When a member attempted to give him an out to straighten things up, he doubled down. At least his disappearance temporarily makes a bunch of heads safer.
  15. I agree. It was just a matter of time before this happened.
  16. I've been wearing the Cloak 2.0 for the Glock 19 all afternoon as I've taken my wife around on her shopping spree. I can't even tell that I'm wearing a holster. I only hope that the holster stays that way throughout its lifespan.
  17. Congratulations! I have a 930. Tried to sell it once, but the wife loves it for when she is home alone. Very smooth shooting shotgun. Enjoy!
  18. I went with the new 2.0 version. It got very good reviews from Concealed Nation.
  19. I placed an order with Alien Gear Holsters for three holsters on July 27th. There was an issue with the online processing. I contacted my credit card company to verify that the payment had been made to the holster company, then I called Alien Gear. I reached a pleasant young lady who promptly apologized, corrected my order, offered free leather belt loops and stated that she would give my order to her boss. Later that evening I received an email from a gentleman verifying my order. Ten days later, I received three holsters via priority mail. My only gripe is that in their rush to get the holsters to me, they forgot to stamp the alien on two of the holsters, but that's no big deal. The crazy thing is that I ordered a holster for my Shield 9mm the day and got a four to six week wait time. Again, no gripes because I've read stories of two month wait times. Overall, I'm satisfied with the price, quality and so far the customer service. Anyone have a similar story?
  20. In my opinion, all future runs should have this simple design. Let the knife speak for itself.


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