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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Links2k


    I finally got around to putting a couple hundred rounds down the barrel of my Glock42. I purchased the pistol a while back from a member and stuck it in the safe. To be honest, I had read so many negative threads on other forums about the 42 that I was a bit apprehensive about taking it to the range. Today I fired one hundred rounds of PMC and one hundred rounds of Hornady Critical Defense with zero malfunctions. I'll probably run another few hundred over the next week and then stick it in a Desantis pocket holster. The pistol has a test fire date of 12/20/13. Has anyone had similar results from their pistol?
  2. I'd like to know how these eagle eyed gentleman always know when someone is swiping an EBT card. I can never tell what kind of card a person is using. I'm always too busy eyeballing other people to make sure they aren't looking at my pin. Maybe my behavior and extra weight make me look like a thieving welfare cheat, who knows? Besides, one never knows what circumstances my have caused the fat lady to require public assistance. It's none of my business. I recently learned a valuable lesson about assuming something about a person that I knew absolutely nothing about. Regardless what some of us may think, everyone is not out trying to f*ck the system.
  3. Good shotgun. No issues with mine. Enjoy!
  4. I'm disappointed, but I certainly understand. I was looking forward to acquiring several TGO knives over the next few years. Since there will be no more group buys, can you suggest a dealer? I'd like to order a couple of Runts in the near future.
  5. Lol. Now you've gone and ruined everything with the possibility of a reasonable explanation.
  6. Good point. People always write about how they would shoot in certain situations. You rarely hear about if they are prepared for incoming fire. I dread getting into a shooting situation in my city, because I fear that several nearby people with good intentions my decide to join in. Lots of people good and bad carrying around here.
  7. David, sorry for the loss of your family member. They are at times more special than most people.
  8. That's good to hear. As I stated yesterday, based upon local reports even though everyone wasn't visible in the video,the terrorist were male, female, black and white. That doesn't matter, the fact is that they are all scum and I trust that our newly re-elected DA will nuke their behinds.
  9. I drove my son up to visit a university back during the summer. I left everything at home. I didn't want to take any chances with their stupid laws.
  10. I've been fortunate to get around a little over the last five years and the only time that racism ever really comes up is in some of these threads and it's usually someone upset because America no longer resembles the fictional utopia of their youth.
  11. When I first saw the video, my heart dropped because we made our son get a summer job at Kroger prior to leaving for college. I'll just say that no one should have to walk around in fear.
  12. It's inevitable. One thing about it, the parents of these terrorist need to know that the public is getting sick of their excuses. Hell, everyone that I knew when I was a kid was poor.
  13. That's why I kept quiet. It's hard to calm a hate fest. This has nothing to do with Obama, government or hate crimes. The first victim was attacked by a group of jackasses that included blacks, whites, boys and girls who had just left the nearby pizza joint. The two Kroger employees (one black and one white) went to assist the first victim and were also beaten. Some of you are so silly and bitter that anything that happens between blacks and whites becomes a national crisis with its beginnings routed in the White House, which in my opinion makes you no better than Al and Jesse. Those of us who actually live in Memphis know that we have an epidemic of worthless parents who will leave groups of unattended kids at malls, sporting events and anywhere else where large groups gather. These abandoned youth are the reason for the downtown mall, Mall of Memphis and numerous other entertainment venues being shuttered. They are also the reason that I quit going to the fair years ago. I want the kids responsible for this terrorism held accountable, but More than anything, I'd like to see the law kick their worthless parents in the ass.
  14. The time goes remarkably fast. I worried that I would have a stroke before Bush was gone. I vowed that I wouldn't let Obama or any other politician get me to that point again. Sadly, I see post from lots of stroke candidates in the threads. Politicians are scum and you will die a painful death waiting on them to do right by this country.
  15. Symbolic. He had his fingers crossed, but Obama knew that the only way that gun control legislation could pass under his administration was to say that he was against it.:)
  16. I say that Obama has not attempted a gun grab in six years and will not in the time that he has left. Current events dictate that he has bigger fish to fry. What has occurred is that the gun buying public ( myself included) bought into the scare tactics of gun lobbyist and manufacturers. They knew that things would eventually slow down, but look at the windfall that they've made since 2008. Things are simply returning to normal now.
  17. Those games are like crack. I typically unfriend the people who repeatedly send request. I hate those games.
  18. I think that some give Obama too much credit. He's screwed things up simply because he is stupid, not because he's a criminal mastermind. Soon he will be on the rubber chicken circuit making millions without a clue about horrible a job that he's done.
  19. Wasn't Powell the person who warned them that if they break it (Iraq) they would own it? Seems that those words have come to fruition.


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