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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. :) Righteous! It's too nice to carry and too nice to leave in the safe.
  2. Sorry Willis. I thought I sent it to your hotmail address on Thursday. Sent you another pm and email. Thanks!
  3. Midway USA has the Crimson Trace laser guard for $98 shipped if this is your cup of tea. Have a good weekend!
  4. Thanks for the suggestion. In the past I wanted a Bose 321 System, but I don't think that Bose makes its anymore. Now that I think about it, I'll be going with a Bose system. I will probably order one tomorrow.
  5. The sound bar is next. I've still got a Sony surround sound system that may be approaching twenty years old. The subwoofer is almost as big as a tool box.
  6. My old Mitsubishi DLP television finally bit the dust, so I was forced to find a replacement. I was looking at the new fangled 4K sets, but I kept reading reviews that there was very little content for 4K at the moment. I finally decided on a 65inch Samsung LED Smart 3D HDTV. All I can say is wow. This thing is 65 inches of 240Hz, 960CMR, Quad Core Processing happiness. I didn't think that I would notice much difference from the old DLP, but boy was I wrong. I watched "Lone Survivor" again and it felt like I was on that mountaintop with those amazing warriors. The picture was so lifelike that it was almost spooky. I realize that no one needs everything that this television offers, but it's sure amazing to have it at my disposal. I can only imagine what the 4K experience must be like. Anyone else have similar experiences?
  7. Links2k


    If they come out with a 9mm I'll probably sell my Shield and carry both Glocks. The 42 is a nice grab and go or bug.
  8. I'm at the point where I don't care how old they are. If you commit a crime like this, your behind deserves to get nuked.
  9. I'd like to, but that would be tacky. You have good people and trash living side by side all over the country now. There is almost nowhere to hide anymore and still have all of the well paying jobs and amenities that we've become accustomed to having at our disposal.
  10. Yes I've seen the news,but I'm also mature enough to judge each incident based upon the individual circumstances. I still say that no one other than Papa Johns and maybe those Jack wads parent/parents would have had an issue with the deceased defending himself against two hooded black assassins.
  11. I don't believe that anyone other than Papa Johns would have taken exception with this young man defending himself.
  12. He got what he deserved. He was at a convenience store and confronted a car load of teens because he doesn't like thug music. Why does there always have to be more to the story when some gun owing Jack wad does something stupid? He made a bad decision and several families will be left to suffer for years.
  13. Links2k


    It will be carried a lot. As a matter of fact, it just returned from its first trip to the golf course nicely concealed in a pocket holster. I don't mind the extra size. I loved the size, but I hated shooting the LCP.
  14. Links2k


    I agree, the 42 is not as snappy as other .380 pistols.
  15. So the $80 for 1000 is fair at today's prices it seems.
  16. Thanks. I've never used that ammo before and I have been offered 1000rds for $80. I just wanted to ensure that I wasn't buying junk. I still think that I'm paying to much, but the price is in line with what Midway is asking for their Aguila 40gr ammo, so I'll bite. Never hurts to grab .22 ammo when you can get it.
  17. Aguila SuperExtra copper plated 40gr.22 ammo. I see that Ammoman is extorting $85 for 500 rounds. What would you expect to pay for 500 rounds and is the ammo any good? My current stockpile only consist of various types of CCI. Thanks!
  18. I agree. I've recently stopped making excuses and started exercising again. It's only been a few weeks, but I'm already feeling better and confident again. I may even prolong my life.
  19. Links2k


    I got rid of two LCPs because the little suckers were just too harsh. I added Tango Down grip extensions, Tango Down extended slide stop and purchased two extra mags. The G42 will be my go to small pistol.
  20. Links2k


    I read a thread today where a guy said that his wife was having similar problems while the pistol had been practically flawless for him. I'm starting to think that most of the reported horror stories may have been related to user error.
  21. Don't take this personal, But help me understand how you know this to be true. I can understand you knowing your friends business, but did this young lady also proudly shout out her personal infomation for complete strangers? I get that a lot us are angry for various reasons, but reading some of this stuff makes the bat senses tingle a little. Abusers do what they are allowed to do. I'm certain that most abusers don't vote, so it's up to us gainfully employed, self sufficient individuals to hold our lawmakers feet to the fire to get things changed.


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