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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I agree. It would be negligent parenting for the mayor to do otherwise.
  2. We live in the world of the twenty four hour news cycle. I'm certain that many of us had already gotten this dose of reality yesterday when it was worldwide breaking news. As for "The Hive" it was one of the best decisions made by David. The new content page is no longer cluttered by post from the usual suspects ranting about Obama and his monolithic group of black followers hell bent on destroying America. A gun owner can actually read gun related topics now days.
  3. Sounds like the strategy of the peaceful protesters concerning the use of force by police officers.
  4. I'm hoping that the success doesn't cause them to Jack their prices sky high. I stopped supporting a certain kydex holster maker because I started out paying twenty-five dollars for holsters and once they became somewhat popular the price doubled. I know that as a business grows you need more supplies and workers, but to me the holsters are only worth twenty-five dollars on their best day. I'm glad to hear that some of you guys are enjoying your holsters. I only use the Alien Gear and Sparks holsters during warm weather. I'm currently using Blade-tech Eclipse owb holsters because I'm wearing a jacket daily while the weather is cool.
  5. Hello Willis. I just sent payment for one each. I'll take #3 for both as usual. Thanks!
  6. Links2k


    Lol! Roll Tide! Just picked my son up from campus earlier today.
  7. Links2k


    Just wanted to say hello to the owner of the white Ford Explorer traveling at a high rate of speed on east bound I240 in Memphis with the TGO sticker on the rear window. Let the jokes begin. :)
  8. Nice pistols that are indeed excellent shooters, but I rarely have an occasion where I need to carry mine. I always have a glock on my waist or lately my G42 in my pocket. As far as holsters go, I have an Alien Gear iwb and PJ Holster kydex iwb/owb holsters for the Shield.
  9. Funny how that works out, but it seems some folks always need something to worry about.
  10. No apology necessary bursaguy. Memphis crime is out hand, but most locals know that the victims almost always know the perpetrator. There are exceptions like the incident with the OPs buddy and they usually occur in apartment complexes or malls. I get irritated because some of the very kids who like to crap on Memphis live in smaller cities hunkered down in bunkers that would put some armories to shame. What are they afraid of? Obviously crime is everywhere and if you live in or around large cities there will be higher concentrations of crime, especially if that city has a large population of people who are poor and/or uneducated. I'm glad that the utopia comment made you think. Because as much as Memphis may scare a lot of our members, it appears by the number of weapons that they own, they are equally afraid of something in their own communities.
  11. Sounds a lot like almost every community in America to me.
  12. bursa guy. We choose to live in Memphis for the same reasons that others choose to live in their communities. It's not for everyone, but neither is your little utopia.
  13. That's what caught my eye.
  14. Who ever tells their wife about these things? You explain if and when you get busted.
  15. I'm pocket carrying my Glock42 with CTC laser strong side in a Desantis pocket holster. If it's noticed, it just looks like a large phone.
  16. If you can do that, I'll take two serial #3 knives. I'd like one tanto and one standard blade. Thanks!
  17. I'm in for #3 with a regular blade and I may purchase a second knife later.
  18. I'm in for number three again and maybe a second depending on pricing.
  19. Maybe in the future. Right now I'm more excited about the Runt.
  20. Just what I was thinkiNg. You get a blowout victory and everyone is still whining. Until people except the reality that both of these parties are a bunch of sh*t bags, you are going to keep getting butt hurt over their behavior.


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