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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I'm with you Chuck, but we must start somewhere.
  2. The entitlement programs that I would like to see ended are the programs that provide billions of tax dollars annually to foreign governments and the defense industry while playing on the fears of American citizens. Imagine how that money could be used for veterans programs, manufacturing startups and infrastructure.
  3. It started a little slow, but by the time the female arrived I was howling with laughter.
  4. Nothing racist about the video at all. Nicely done and on par with most current Saturday Night Live skits. Obviously meant to entertain. You know that you are dealing with a racist when you hear "I ain't a racist but..."
  5. Three Les Baer TRS, Springfield TRP and a G21SF with picatinny rail.
  6. That's what I was thinking. Gays wanting to imprison the women to grow the community.
  7. Lol. I knew that last nights episode would make for some fun reading today.
  8. I agree. I never answer the phone unless it's the wife and kids.
  9. I agree. Zimmerman is paying in small doses.
  10. This is amusing. The Martin/Zimmerman thread was easily the most epic thread on TGO.
  11. There are far more Obama supporters in east Tennessee than you guys are leading us to believe. Seems that he is very comfortable in your neck of the woods. :)
  12. I believe the chihuahua is easily the most hated/feared dog on earth.
  13. I'm a big fan of the GSD. They make great working dogs and family members. I don't like small kids around large dogs unattended. When it comes to an animals prey drive, it's something that's under control until it isn't. I fall into the camp that believes that there are more bad owners than bad dogs.
  14. Ha! I saw another post where a guy was trading the shotgun for a pistol or a pedicure.
  15. Again, I will say that I DO NOT believe that MOST officers discriminate against blacks. I will say that a white person can't say how black people should FEEL because white people don't have the benefit or misfortune of having lived the black experience. Telling blacks how they should feel about their shared experiences makes no more sense than blacks assuming that all white people are prosperous because of "white privilege".
  16. Take a deep breath and read my post. I stated that it's NOT a racial issue for MOST cops. Bill and Rush have you too high strung.
  17. That's laughable. It's not a racial issue for MOST police. It's definately not a issue for the officers that I know and I don't know any blacks who want to handcuff the police keeping them from performing their duties or protectinging themselves. Unless you have black family members, not your "black friend or black co-worker" who pay for the sins of non-law abiding blacks there is no way verify your statement. It's just another white guys opinion.


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