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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Like clockwork, here before noon. Thanks Willis!
  2. Yep. I usually receive my knives within two days, so I expect to have mine before noon on Friday. I'll be putting the Rockeye away for a while.
  3. Still waiting on my call.
  4. My three kids were always pretty smart. When they finished class work early they would want to play. While in the first grade the schools administration decided that my son had ADD wanted him tested and medicated. To me, it was just a case of lazy teacher syndrome. Give him more work, challenge him. We bit the bullet and sent the kids to private schools where they never had conduct issues and excelled academically. That same boy is now in a five year MBA program. I probably would have taken them out of public schools eventually because I was too concerned about the violence that frequently occurs in the schools.
  5. Integration is the problem. The schools were doing fine in black and white neighborhoods until the government forced busing on them in the early seventies. There was neighborhood pride all over the city, parents knew the teachers and the school admin could still beat the tar out of you when you became disruptive.
  6. I don't think anyone but the young persons family will feel that way. Most Memphians are fed up and you can read it in the comments that are being left by blacks and whites. It's just a matter of time before they test the wrong citizen.
  7. [quote name="Erik88" post="1260458" timestamp="1429026009"]Stay classy Memphis....   http://wreg.com/2015/04/13/brutal-attack-at-memphis-gas-station-caught-on-camera/[/quote] My understanding is that it's a school for riff raff. They've already been kicked out of other schools. Hobson is the school superintendent, and Armstrong is the police chief.
  8. The force is strong with the TR4. I'm feeling a new everyday carry in my future.
  9. The commercial is for the Selective Service. The government runs them every year around this time to remind graduating high school males that they must be registered if they plan to obtain student loans.
  10. This is the first time that I've heard of the place. I'll give them a try, but if I'm treated poorly I won't go back. RangeUSA always has exceptional customer service, but because I have to travel from near Southwind thru that cluster f*ck on I40/240 I haven't gone as frequently as I need to. I stopped going to Top Brass a while back because I imagine I caught the young man there having a bad day. I was the only person on the dark, poorly ventilated range and I unwittingly let my .22 rifle case entend into the walking area after I placed it on the floor. I assume the young man was checking the range when he walked pass me and saw the case and said something to the effect of "why don't you get your shit off of the floor", then proceeded to kick my case. Years ago I would have caused a scene, but instead I got my stuff and left. I didn't file a complaint because the only other person there at the time was a woman who seemed to have been the young guys subordinate. In all fairness I must say that prior to this situation I had always been treated well at at Top Brass, especially by Chris.
  11. I reserved a 43 last Tuesday. I'm looking forward to shooting it. I won't sale my Shield and the 43 will serve the same purpose as 42 and Shield. They are generally in my pocket around the house and in the yard. My 19 or one of my 30s will always remain my main carry options.
  12. It's still funny. I'm glad to see that someone else noticed that some of these guys never seem to have a good day and can connect a liberal or Obama to everything that bothers them.
  13. I know what you mean. I was looking at videos on YouTube last night.
  14. Links2k

    Glock Teaser

    I don't anticipate selling my Shield anytime soon.
  15. Links2k

    Glock Teaser

    I agree. I got rid of two LCPs for that reason. I carried a Glock26 or Shield for my small gun until I got the 42 last year.
  16. Links2k

    Glock Teaser

    I plan to purchase one or two when this crappy little pistol can be kept in stock at a local gun store in a year or two.
  17. The Blacklist and Chicago PD are two of my favorite shows.
  18. I Comp-tac mag carriers for all my pistols.
  19. It's yours to do what you want. I agree with your current plan, but to keep the other kids from being butt hurt I'd sell it and give the kids an equal share of the profits to do as they please.
  20. I got both of mine today. The Spyderco Tenacious went straight into the drawer.
  21. I may be able to get one. I'll notify you by Wednesday if I'm in.


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