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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. How many would satisfy you? In an attempt to be contrary, you completely disregarded the intention of my post. It seems that very few are addressing the initial grievance. Also, why would anyone with common sense stick around after a riot starts?
  2. You can add Hispanics and blacks to that list.
  3. There is no justification for the rioting. Rioting and vandalism only serves to keep the root cause of the underlying frustration from being addressed. The peaceful protesters have legitimate concerns, but their cause is once again being highjacked.
  4. See post #10...Recent local news story about this
  5. I like my 43. Better late than never. It is what it is.
  6. Imagine the incidents that we don't hear about because there is no video.
  7. During the interview, he admitted that he was wrong for putting the wives through this mess, but he also said that he wasn't attracted to men. I'm also a live and let live kind of guy, but hearing this news threw me for a loop because he was my childhood superman.
  8. Yes, but people who claim to have fired far more rounds than me report that the trigger pull lightens up significantly after time. Lots of threads on the other site about the 43.
  9. That's the point that I attempted to make earlier. If you see or hear enough horror stories about negative interactions with the authorities, running didn't seem like a bad option.
  10. I wasted time watching the interview with my wife. It was bizarre to say the least. Even with all of the rumors, I was hoping it wasn't true. I'll give the three ex-wives credit, they can sure keep a secret. That Kris Jenner is a gold digging skank who used Jenner's name to become super rich. She knew his little secret very early on in their relationship.
  11. You are correct, the Shield does feel like a tweener. I won't be getting rid of my Shield because my wife really likes it. I'm a Glock guy, so I like the idea of the Glock single stack 9mm. I'm not as concerned about capacity as I am about having a very small, thin pistol that I like and can easily conceal. It's all situational. During the time that I've had the Shield, is seen range time, an occasional visit to the doctors office, yard work and regular walks to the mail box. When I got the 42, it took over the duties of the Shield. Now that I have the thinner 43 in 9mm, it will be taking over those limited duties. My daily carry will remain a 19 or 30.
  12. I agree, but the expert gun fighters are concerned about a lack of capacity and which pistol the 43 will replace. I'm simply going to enjoy this little gem. I've found that the 43 will fit every Shield holster that I already own. Might save you some money if you already own a Shield.
  13. Or perhaps we will see the reemergence of militant black groups arming themselves against a perceived injustice in the same way that the cattle rancher and the mining family stood their ground. There are already a group suggesting this type of action in Crittenten (?) county Arkansas. I'm certain the outcome won't be the same. These incidents have been happening for years. If it were not for modern technology, the general public would still be believing that the suspects ran, tried to take my gun, resisted, went in his/her pocket in a threatening manner, reached into the console too fast. If you've lived in a community where you've seen the cops beat the hell out of people for minor offenses or if your family members tell you stories about the cops violating their rights, whether it's justified or not, I can imagine depending on circumstances running may seem like a viable option.
  14. There is definitely a problem when a suspect suffers a severed spine,ends up in a coma and dies after being taken into custody.
  15. I can't recall a day since I've been a member that I haven't at least looked in to see new acquisitions in show and tell or what's for sale. TGO is my drug of choice.
  16. Well, it looks like Hikock45 solved the problem of low capacity.
  17. To me the size difference is obvious when compared to the 42. Though not much larger than the 42, the 43 looks and feels bigger. If they could have gotten the 43 down to the size of the 42, the 43 would have been exceptional. The 43 won't be as easy to hide as the 42 ( Contrary to what some think, the 42 is a very small and concealable pistol, yet feels great in the hand), but it's very doable and IMO will be more concealable than the Shield. Not much recoil for such a small 9mm, but it was more noticeable after shooting the 42 which shoots almost as soft as a .22 pistol. I have an iwb holster for the 43, but I think that it will spend most of its time in my Desantis pocket holster.
  18. The wife and I just returned from the new Global Traing Academy gun range. We took (2) Glock 19s, Shield, G42 and the G43. We shot generic ball ammo purchased from the range. Remington practice ammo, Hornady Critical Defense and Critical Duty. It was an uneventful trip. The 43 was flawless with all of the ammo and pretty accurate. No failures to report. I'll be shooting the 43 again soon since I can now get to a range without having to navigate the construction nightmare at I40/240. To me, the G43 is not a Shield killer ( I reserve the right to change that opinion after more range time), but it's going to serve a purpose for my family.
  19. No offense taken. I own a Shield and a 42 as well as a variety of other Glocks. I almost always have a G30 or G19 on my waist. Those who have met me know that I'm a big guy, so getting the Shield, 42 or 43 in the pocket is not a concern. After getting the 42 and carrying it in gym shorts in the yard or around the house, I'm satisfied with it. The 43 will be another around the house, gym shorts pistol and may see limited duty when my wife has me scrub up and put on a suit. I didn't purchase the 43 to replace anything. The 43 is just another option for me to consider when carrying.
  20. I just picked up my new Glock 43 from Guns and Ammo. While I was there I had them install TFX night sights on it, and just for good measure I grabbed another Gen4 Glock 19 with TFX night sights. I can't wait to shoot it. The holster is a Comp-Tac Infidel for the S&W Shield and fits like a glove. I got the idea from Colion Noir.
  21. I don't have any issues with the officer's actions. Hell, I think that it was a brave judgement call.
  22. With the exception of the Godfather, this is easily the nicest knife that we've gotten.


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