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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Great story. I could visualize every word that you wrote. I'm glad I wasn't there.
  2. All of the happy 43 owners are having the last laugh.
  3. I frequently listen to their music just to hear the drummer. Great band!
  4. I don't believe that it goes that deep. These young people simply have no values and don't care about anything or anyone regardless of ethnicity.
  5. I believe that they know, that's why they pull this crap. Law abiding citizens have more to lose.
  6. GT Distributors has them in stock $21.95 flat base six round mag $29.95 extended six round mag Gtdist.com
  7. I really enjoyed watching boxing on free television back in the good old days.
  8. Praying for you and your family. Get well soon!
  9. If your point is valid, I'm glad that he was smart enough to seek guidance.
  10. Adrien Broner can be the next American boxing star if he can get his head right. He has a bit of Mayweather in him when it comes to flaunting the cash, and he recently got a D.U.I. charge.
  11. Yeah, he's dumb enough to buy out his contract, promote himself and get the biggest paycheck in boxing history.
  12. Nice! Looks like fun. Very tempting.
  13. The only thing that I will do consistently is evaluate every situation individually and come to an opinion based upon the information that I have at the time. I'm not attempting to justify the actions of the terrorist. I'll stick to my guns that this was a calculated provocative action. Did the looneys have a right to have this contest? Yes! But no one should be surprised that whack jobs showed up to this event.
  14. I agree. I'm simply saying the the organizers should have expected backlash. It's no secret how Muslims feel about depictions of the prophet Muhammad.
  15. Thanks for the replies gentlemen.
  16. I'm wishing the officer a speedy recovery, but I'd also like to know who thought that this contest was a good idea? It seems that this is the kind of thing that you do to create controversy under the cover of free speech. Based upon the current climate that we live in, I'm certain that the organizer expected protest at the minimum with this kind craziness also as a strong possibility.
  17. I just watched a short program about Ireland's single malt scotch and it aroused my curiosity. I've never had a drink of scotch. If you've had the opportunity to to enjoy a good single malt scotch, and enjoyed it, please tell me about the brand and your experiences. Thanks!
  18. You are correct. It appears that most of our members are experts on the subject. If only more people would listen to them. Those who would divide and conquer have succeeded.
  19. You guys are hilarious. Resident experts on how many of them talk to one another. These threads always deliver.
  20. He's had lots of help from the House, Senate and average everyday citizens.
  21. I've been following this story today. Lots of peaceful protesters out and about. There are also lots of reports of citizens out cleaning their neighborhoods. I hope that these stories get looped as many times as the CVS fire.


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