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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. When you are an opportunistic black man, one of the easiest ways to fill the coffers is to say things that most whites can't or won't. The same thing is happening on the other side, so unless you are willing to jump off of the merry go round, MSNBC, FOX, Sharpton and West are always going to exaggerate the issues that Americans face, so that they can keep their profitable playgrounds running.
  2. I agree. Never let a good crisis go to waste.
  3. I wouldn't call it bitching simply because you don't agree with my opinions. For the record, I really dislike politicians and cable news personalities because they pit hard working Americans against one another. I've read your post for years, and you are no dummy. I'm certain that you can see that if these clowns couldn't play conservative against liberal and black against white, there would be no need for them. The people must always be angry or afraid for cable news and nuts like a West and Sharpton to remain relevant. Who or what says that I must like a certain politician or cable celebrity? If you've followed my post as you claim that you have, you will see mentioned somewhere that over the last couple of election cycles I mentioned that I've favored Ron and Rand Paul. I can even recall a former member complaining that I was wasting my vote by not voting for Romney.
  4. Allen West is ignorant for attempting to blame the removal of the flag on blacks. That flag came down because of corporate pressure. Blacks don't have the political or financial power to dictate those types of changes. When the people with the money started to put pressure on the state, that's when the ball started rolling. West, much like cable news has to stay relevant by keeping their groupies angry and afraid.
  5. Links2k

    Glock 43

    I'd like to sell my Shield, but my wife likes the pretty little green laser on it and wants to keep it in the safe.
  6. Links2k

    Glock 43

    I've owned a Shield for a couple of years. Great little pistol, but like others, the only reason that I purchased it was because Glock wasn't offering a single stack 9mm at the time.
  7. Links2k

    Glock 43

    I got my 43 eleven days after it was released. I love it! I use Critical Defense ammo in all of my Glocks with zero issues. The only things that I have added to the 43 are Talon rubber grips and TFX night sights. The pistol disappears when worn iwb and has become my go to pistol when I don't care to carry my 19.
  8. My best knife was a Spyderco Tenacious prior to Willis starting the TGO knife buys. Know I carry my TR4 Punisher and one of my TGO Runts together daily. My son is home from college so I let him handle my TGO knives. When he finished, he walked off smiling. I asked him why he was smiling, and he says because he is going to inherit a very nice knife collection one day. That smile makes every purchase money well spent.
  9. I like those Taran Tactical base plates, but they are rarely in stock. I had no problem getting all the magazines that I wanted. Very nice setup you have.
  10. There will always be racial tensions, and there will always be small and insignificant groups like the New Black Panthers running their mouths. But in the end it would be suicide based upon numbers alone. So, I don't foresee the highly anticipated race war that Obama has never mentioned, but whites are always talking about. Some people must go to bed disappointed every night.
  11. Thanks for posting this. Some people seem giddy at the prospect of a race war, but from the time that I heard about this incident all that I've heard from those with skin in the game has been request for peace and prayers along with pleasant memories of the loved ones that they lost.
  12. I'm willing to bet that when this killers background is presented to the public, there will be nothing liberal about him or his family.
  13. Lighten up on the guy. He hasn't been around long enough to know that this group protects its own like no other group on the Internet. Ask me how I know. :) I believe that I'm the longest tenured liberal communist on the site. Mikegideon, 6.8AR (miss him, smart guy) and a few others would routinely take me to the octagon whenever they felt that I had gotten the wrong impression about a member or took their comments out of context. I've since learned that mikegideon can find humor in almost any situation, but he will always give reliable advice when it comes to guns. I think he once told me something to the effect of "I look after my friends". That statement changed my entire opinion of the forum and how I interacted with other members. In time the op will have met a few members, shot a few thousand rounds, conducted a few transactions, had a beer/coffee while chatting and getting to know that TGO is a band of brothers who scrap a little amongst ourselves, but will destroy anyone from the outside who threatens a brother or the integrity of this forum. I hope that he sticks around because a few more spices will enhance the flavor of the stew. If we all always agreed on everything we would have nothing more than a big circle jerk, and we are better than that.
  14. I agree. Most ridiculous thread ever.
  15. Thanks for the tip on the doggy pee pads...good idea!
  16. I'm in again for number three with the two tone blade. I'm certain that you've put together a beautiful knife. I carry my Punisher TR4 daily.
  17. It truly is nice here this time of year. With the exception of the time that I spent in the army, I've lived in Memphis. I stay away from bad areas, drugs and drug dealers. Life's been good. Seems that the folks in Middle and Eastern Tennessee have it pretty bad these days. Every time I visit the site, someone's having a problem. I rarely read about the Memphis members having issues. It may be time to talk with your realtor, Memphis IS nice this time of year. :)
  18. The TR4 design sounds like a winner. TR4 has my vote.
  19. I'm in for either knife. Will the Godson be a tuxedo like the TGO Godfather?
  20. I can't dispute what happens in your shop, but the people that I know who own them are happy, as well as lots of great reviews from owners online. To each his own.
  21. I spent a lot of time on the RMJ website last night. I have absolutely no need for a tomahawk, but I want one.
  22. I carry my TR4 and Runt with the tanto blade daily. My second Runt and other TGO knives are now safe queens.


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