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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I carried the Spyderco Tenacious daily before Willis became my latest drug dealer. Now I carry my TGO Runt at work, and my Protech TR4 Punisher all other times. My second TGO Runt, TGO TR4 and all other TGO knives just sit in my safe. It's hard not to attempt to carry them all. They are such beautiful and quality knives.
  2. The pros are still performing the autopsy, but someone on TGO already knows the cause of death. Stop the presses! ELvis was a fat druggie, but I still appreciate the music and the talent. It's easy to separate the two. Great artist. R.I.P. Prince!
  3. I won't be falling for the banana in the tailpipe trick again. Every election cycle the gun lobby starts getting everyone worked up for an event that never happens. These scare tactics only benefit the lobbyist and the gun industry while significantly lightning my bank account.
  4. I received my knife this morning. Willis is right, this is a bad ass knife. Feels like you could build a house using only this knife. My son is going to love this blade.
  5. I'll take one for $285. PayPal sent to badassblades@comcast.net I sent my mailing address via pm. Thank you!
  6. I have the TFO and TFX sights. I prefer the TFO. I guess I'm one of the few who doesn't like the contrasting white ring on the front sight of the TFX.
  7. I'll take one. I would prefer the three hole design, but I'll take whichever you decide.
  8. I'd like my #3 Damascus without the logo please. Thanks!
  9. Wow, that's nice. I think I'll give one a try.
  10. My three favorites are the Crossbreed Supertuck, Alien Gear 3.0 and the Milt Sparks VMII.
  11. I like it. I was always a fan. RIP!
  12. I purchased a Henry Big Boy .357 with octagonal barrel a few days prior to Christmas, and the family pitched in and got me a Smith&Wesson M&P10 model 811311.
  13. Thanks for the fast replies gentlemen. You've given me some options that I hadn't considered.
  14. I don't have a specific need for a .308 semi-auto, but I'd like to own one just in case it's not possible in the near future. My budget is between $1200 and $2000, and right now I'm partial to the M&P10. Also I'd like to be able to use Pmags in whatever I purchase. My other option is to purchase a Wilson Combat 6.8 or 300 blackout upper. Opinions please. Thanks!
  15. Since the twins left, the household budget is always balanced, so I don't ask about the shoe boxes delivered by FedEx, and she doesn't ask about the boxes from Midway and Buds. Also, save some cash. I've purchased several items in the past when cash was tight just by setting aside a twenty dollar bill every week or two. After you get your contraband into the safe, they will all look the same to the wife.
  16. Links2k


    No, I finally got around to picking up a Henry Big Boy .357 with 20 inch octagonal barrel, but the pictures were jacked up. I'll probably post later. Bruce or whatever her name is already stole my thunder with the boob job.


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