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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. The truth of the matter is that the middle class pretty much supports the entire country. We cry and bellyache about the money going to the less fortunate, but rarely bat an eye at the tax breaks and subsidies given to corporations. Also I hear a sour grapes concerning the possessions of others. There are just too many variables to be making some of the assumptions that are being made.
  2. I'm not attempting to defend it. I just don't think that this is a one size fits all situation. That's usually how these threads turn out.
  3. I'm sorry, but I can't make assumptions and judge people like this. I had a crappy childhood, and once lied about my age to get a warehouse job. After leaving active duty life was pretty crappy, so I worked crappy jobs. I've never been on public assistance, and my family has been well off for over twenty years, so I could easily make assumptions about those on public assistance. I've learned that unless you really know a person, you never know what circumstances lead to a person being in certain situations. Are there abuses? I'm certain there are, but I'm not judging everyone on assistance based upon a snapshot of what I see at a convenience store. It's like walking up on an employee at work who has been busting it for hours, then decides to stop for two minutes to catch a break at the exact moment that you walk around the corner. Many times all you have to base your opinion on is the snapshot of that moment. That's not a good thing.
  4. I'm going to visit family in Clearwater, Florida before the end of the year. I plan to get web based info, but I'd like to hear what to expect from individuals who have actually conceal carried in Florida. Thanks in advance.
  5. My apologies. I don't pay close enough attention to how people choose to pay for their purchases. Honestly, I couldn't tell you what an EBT card looks like. I don't concern myself with what others purchase, so I never leave the store offended.
  6. I got mine today, and I was immediately saddened that my TR4 would no longer be my edc knife. Good job!
  7. I don't want to offend anyone either, but I think more people should mind their own business. Almost every time one of these stories is told, it's based upon assumptions or hear say. Now if you guys are actually having conversations with said offenders and verifying the cards that they are using, I can understand your concern, but if it's just something that you are assuming or heard, that's pretty petty for a bunch of freedom lovers.
  8. Links2k


    It was just a jacked up photo of my TGO Strider and Sig MPX carbine. I decided to remove it, but the comments are hilarious.
  9. I've had no problem finding CCI .22LR locally for the last year. I learned my lesson in 2008 and 2012. I'm good in all calibers, especially .22LR. I believe I can ride out whatever Mrs Clinton does or doesn't do over the next eight years.
  10. Was that purchased at a local gun store? Nice pistol. I've been saving for another Les Baer or my first Ed Brown, but you guys have been showing some nice Dan Wesson pistols here.
  11. These things are legitimate. I filled the 30oz with ice and water at noon. Road around a bit, drank all of the water and left the cup with ice in my suv til 10:30 pm. Very little ice had melted and there was still lots of ice. I'm so glad I purchased these cups. The 20oz kept my coffee hot til the last drop. Great idea!
  12. Yeah, Rangemaster closed. Someone else reopened the Range about a year ago. I never hear anyone mention it, so I'm wondering if it's still open. Thanks
  13. What's the name of the range located across the street from the police precinct on Mt. Moriah, and is it still open? Thanks !
  14. I've never worked as a civilian officer, so I can't speak to their experiences. I did work as a 95B Military Policeman in the old days, and there are a few things that the civilians can learn from their military counterparts. Tact, communication and deescalation/escalation of force skills. Many times as an MP we would deal with guys who could out shoot us or beat the hell out of us in seconds. The skills that I mentioned above, especially effective communication, deescalated most situations. Sometimes it seems that civilian cops can't deescalate a situation by talking, but recently, often times it doesn't appear that the level of force used was inappropriate for the threat. I agree with chucktshoes that unless police departments reevaluate and revamp their training to end the perception of being an occupying force in the communities in which they serve, we are only seeing the beginning of the push back.
  15. I got the email a few weeks ago, saved it and forgot about it. I guess I'll see what they are offering.
  16. I have a M&P10 that I purchased a while back. If I recall correctly, the price was about $1300. I didn't need it, and I haven't shot it. I only purchased the rifle because I started to feel antsy about the future availability of the platform. Like another member said, I plan to eventually put a rail and glass on it, but I've just been purchasing ammo, because I won't be participating in the overpriced ammo lottery in a few months. Good luck in your search.
  17. I got my two shirts today. My wife loves them. She wanted me to wear one immediately.
  18. I ordered a 30oz cup for myself, then I envisioned it's arrival and my wife after seeing how nice the cup is asking "where is mine?", so I went back and ordered a 20oz cup for her. Thanks!
  19. I stopped responding to these juvenile elementary school post. They're just meant to stir the pot, and will lead to someone getting banned.
  20. I like it, and I'll be participating when the group buy starts.


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