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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I've been at the Seabreeze Jazz Fest in Panama City, Florida since Thursday listening to some of the best smooth jazz artist in the world. Right now Candy Dulfer is on the stage playing the hell out of her saxophone. Everyone has done a short tribute to Prince, including a great set by Sheila E last night.
  2. I'll be in with the usual number since it's the last TGO knife.
  3. I recently picked up a Ruger LCR.22 with Crimson Trace laser grips. I'm not very happy with the stock front sight, it will be replaced soon, but the laser was easily sighted in at ten yards. The trigger pull is a bit stiff, but that's a good thing for a pocket or purse pistol.
  4. I always use the charging handle on all rifles out of habit. I rarely, if ever use the bolt release.
  5. I carry a .380 g42 or 9mm g43 when I'm dressed in a suit. All other times it's a g19mm.
  6. I went for my third and final time today. RangeUSA is usually my preference, but as I stated the last time I posted, I live near FedEx HQ, and this range is more convenient. As someone else stated, the young men are always polite, prompt and professional. The father always seems uptight and angry. On my first visit I overlooked the rudeness assuming that he was having a bad day or the stress of running a new business was causing a little tension. I took my wife on my second visit, and she hated the owner. She thought that he was rude as hell and unappreciative of our business and money. Today's visit was more of the same. Polite young man checked me in, checked my weapons and ammunition. I always load my magazines at home with ball practice ammo, and finish my session with my preferred defensive ammo. I shot the old ammo (Critical Defense) out of my edc Glock19, then I shot about seven mags of various ball ammo from my Sig MPX, six mags of ball ammo thru my Sig Legion 226, multiple mags of ball thru both of my Glock19 pistols before loading a MPX mag with Critical Defense ammo. After shooting a few rounds, out of nowhere the owner approached and asked "what are you shooting?", I replied a 9mm rifle. Then he asked about the ammo, and I replied Hornady Critical Defense. The owner then shouts "don't shoot another round, you can't shoot hollow points in here, and I don't know how you got them in here". At that time, I had about ten boxes stacked on the table to shoot. I explained to the owner that I start with ball and finish with defensive ammo, I wasn't sneaking ammo into his place. I unloaded the defensive ammo and started to shoot a Glock fitted with a laser grip so that I could zero the laser. The owner stood behind me the entire time. The laser was shooting low and right. I didn't bother to adjust it. I blew through my last magazine, packed my gear and proceeded to the counter to pay for an additional hour, because I had exceeded my initial time limit. My issue is that the owner is rude. I was not initially told that I couldnt shoot defensive ammo on the range, and if I was sneaking defensive ammunition into the range, why would I have it stacked ten boxes high on the table in plain view? I don't wish ill will on the guy, but he'll never get another penny from me.
  7. I shot mine for the first time today without any issues. I only put about 200 rounds through the rifle, so I will keep an eye out for the issue in the future.
  8. Three Mec-gar eighteen round magazines for my Sig Legion P226 SAO, and one thousand rounds CCI .22LR ammo.
  9. Prayers for you. I also suffer from diverticulitis, and barely escaped the knife several years ago. Worst pain that I've ever experienced. It felt like someone was slowly dragging a knife around my insides. When that wasn't happening, the cramps and the associated unpleasantries had me curled up on the floor like a new born baby. Antibiotics, one week in the hospital and a liquid diet squared me away. I'm glad that my doctor and the surgeon were patient. Good luck!
  10. I don't think we ever stopped being a super power. Being one of a few countries capable of destroying civilization always keeps you in the game. I'd like to see him destroy ISIS like he stated, or get the hell out of The Middle East. We've lost too many good people and wasted too many resources. I'd prefer that money were spent here at home on education, infrastructure and my own selfish cause, veterans.
  11. I'm satisfied with my overall collection. I recently added an MPX, Legion 226SAO and a Winchester 1873. I bought and sold enough TRP's, Les Baer's and Glocks that I need rehab. Oddly enough, the only thing I find myself desiring is a Ruger LCR .22LR with a Crimson Trace laser. I keep telling myself that my daughter would enjoy it, but ultimately it will be mine. Nothing else lights my fire at the moment.
  12. The wife over did it a little bit while shopping in Colorado Springs, so I got her blessing to pick up something that I've wanted for two years. Winchester 1873 .38/357 short rifle. Yes, it's Japanese, but it's beautiful, and I look forward to many years of shooting it, then giving it to my son. I also have a Henry Big Boy in .38/357. I think I have enough tacticool stuff. I'm going to start looking for good lever guns, revolvers and black powder rifles.
  13. I'm planning on trading it for a gas card at the next gun buyback. Just doing my part to keep them off of the streets. Call it a patriotic sacrifice.
  14. Sig MPX carbine, extra mags with mag pouch, and three Vortex Spitfire AR 1X optics. I started wearing glasses two years ago, have astigmatism, and the etched reticle works much better for my eyes than red dots.
  15. That's the first thing that I thought when I saw the picture last night.
  16. Thanks for the replies. I'll be doing my research.
  17. Thanks. So, no auto knifes. Do they have blade length restrictions?
  18. They don't care. Luckliy I have a private physician who briefly worked at the VA when he was younger. He is not fond of that place or the government, and I've always received excellent care and attention from him. It's not right for warriors to suffer they way they do. To make things worse, I had a family member who served in the gulf at the same time I served. He came back so screwed up that he took a life in a domestic situation, then took his own life. You never get over it. Just depend on friends and loved ones to help you cope.
  19. My heart aches for you all. I know that had it not been for two other veterans who've shared their lives with me over the past several years, things could have turned out differently for any of us.
  20. I'm thinking of pocket carrying a Glock 42 in an Alabama holster with spare mags, or a Shield or Glock 43 In an Eclispe or Crossbreed holster. I want to stay small.
  21. Sorry for your loss. This may sound cold, but your story and my experiences are why I can't advocate for our young people to volunteer to serve. I was a honor graduate and loved my service, even my time in the gulf. Anyone who has ever served knows that sick call is frowned upon, so unless you have a sucking chest wound, you just suck it up. I'm seventy percent disabled, and I live and work everyday in pain. My last two visits to the Memphis VA I was greeted by a friendly little doctor who told me as soon as she closed the door that my current situation was not combat related, pissed me off, then checked my blood pressure which I'm certain was elevated due to the doctor making a decision prior to performing an exam. At that point around 1pm I'm taken to the emergency room where I'm abandoned until my pressure comes down around midnight, and sent home. I filed a grievance and an appeal detailing my experience with the first doctor. I received another C&P exam. If you've had this experience, you know that the doctors have all of your interactions and correspondence with the VA on their computer before your visit. I don't know if it was the complaint that I filled against her co-worker across the hall, but this doctor was worse. She was rude and rushed and blamed my ailments on the fact that I had gained weight since leaving service. She totally disregarded records from other doctors that showed that not only had I sought treatment, but I have hospitalization records for every ailment related to service. I don't want your loss and my response to sound like this is all about me, but I'll use the information to continue fighting, and motivating other warriors not to give up. No one is looking for a handout, only the healthcare services and treatment that we were promised when we volunteered. We are losing 22 a day. Despicable! God bless your family!
  22. Calm down brother. I'm in the boat with you. Many here on TGO have worked our behinds off to one day be able to sit back and enjoy the fruits of our labor. Some here will never enjoy that luxury. It seems that the sour grapes are coming from people who think that they're getting screwed because someone has something they don't. What if someone were to to say that they are struggling because they didn't work hard enough? I brought up the subsidies because I feel that people are quick to criticize the poor, but have to nothing to say about corporate welfare. Squirrels!


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