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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. My suggestion would be to constantly engage on a civil level on an ongoing basis. I’ve been watching both sides calling names and being reactionary after every crisis. Try engaging when there is no crisis. Emotions are high right now, and no one wants to hear what the other side has to say. There are people totally opposed to guns, and no amount of fund raising or reasoning is going to change their minds. I’m the forum liberal and I’ve had “friends” mock me about gun ownership. I don’t think it’s anyone that I know on this forum, but when we have supporters of the Second Amendment having rallies and open carrying, which is their right in some places, it terrifies hippies. They don’t want to see anyone with guns except the police and military. My opinion is that if we ever get to that place, we may as well be prepared to surrender all of our rights.
  2. I’ve got a five camera Arlo setup on my house, ADT on the entry exit points and a Ring Pro Doorbell. It’s overkill for a quiet neighborhood and a house that I’ve lived in for almost twenty five years. The only things I’ve seen in months are a couple of stray cats, kids going to school, the garbage collector, a couple of raccoons and the FEDEX driver sling a flat halfway across my yard to the front door. I enjoy watching the live feed while at work and out of town.
  3. I just ordered the TT holster that you have pictured. I figured I would try something new. I usually use Crossbreed or Milt Sparks. I’m using an old Comp-tac Sig P229 mag holder.
  4. Excellent points. This holds true for more Americans than many can imagine.
  5. So you stewed on it the entire time the thread was locked, and that was the best you could come up with in response? We don't agree on something. Move on! Also, you and your cheerleaders can feel free to block me. No need to act like catty little girls every time I post.
  6. And increased the level of inferiority. What’s your obsession with me?
  7. Get a hobby and get over it man. When did I make that comment, several days ago? You gave it a thumbs down, I accepted it as your opinion and went on with my life. Yet, you’re still harping on it. Must have really hit close to home. Have a good day!
  8. I’ve been a fan since the first time I heard “You got lucky”.
  9. Are you using the “I have a black friend” cop out? I can’t stop laughing. If it doesn’t apply to you, no need to explain that you’re a member of the United Nations.
  10. Hang around a while. Someone is always predicting a civil or racial war. It just comes with the territory. Not a lot of optimist chiming in. Lack of diversity in your life and huge doses of Fox News will always have you believing the sky is falling.
  11. It’s a better guess than all the other crap that’s been said. 1.Leftist 2. Obama 3. German news I’m just going to generalize and say white domestic terrorist.
  12. I really didn't want to comment in this thread, because some of you just don't know when to stop. Your statement caught my eye because it pretty much explains why people are protesting. I'm not going to say that everyone who has a negative interaction with the cops is a law abiding citizen, The protest are occurring because people of color are dying for minor or out right bogus infractions after interactions with law enforcement. Even with video, people of color still don't get the benefit of doubt. As far as athletes go, even their millions don't exempt them from mistreatment. Their money also doesn't isolate their kids and relatives from rouge cops. I don't blame you for being tone deaf. It seems that the majority of the country suffers from the same ailment. The people complaining/protesting have endured this behavior for generations. Just because it hasn't happened to you doesn't mean it's not happening. As long as some of you want to pretend that this issue is about the anthem and the flag, you'll be shadow boxing. If you truly believe that all Americans deserve equal protections under the law, you'll help pressure the justice department to actively investigate the mistreatment and killings of minorities at the hands of officers of the state.
  13. I admire your stamina. For me, there comes a time when you just sit back, read, shake your head and move on. Nothing like a bunch of freedom lovers attempting to restrict the freedoms of others. I'm a veteran, and protest don't bother me at all, but I'm a liberal commie. Besides it's no fun not being able to talk about 45 and the wonderful job he's doing. It's almost as if he doesn't exist.
  14. Where did this come from? Big,big stretch!
  15. This may be comparing apples to oranges, but I spent my time in the military and Gulf War as an MP. Like our civilian counterparts, many soldiers hated our guts. On a daily basis we interacted with guys who could thrash us in the blink of an eye. There are exceptions to every rule, but I believe that our civilian counterparts could stand to learn better interpersonal and communication skills, and require frequent refreshers on the escalation of force. As an MP, knowing that almost everyone that you interact with on a daily basis is as well or better trained to kill forces you to attempt to de-escalate every intervention. Daily I see videos where cops escalate a situation because someone bruises their ego. That being said, whether we like it or not, I feel that it's always best to be in total compliance with the officer even if you feel he is wrong. Fight your battle in the courtroom, not the roadside.
  16. I only buy from stores and TGO members.


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