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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. They always have a great selection, but sometimes everyone except the guy behind the counter with the 1911s and revolvers behave as if you are bothering them. If I walk into a place of business I’m buying something. I don’t go into stores for fun. I’ve hate shopping, so I’ve usually know what I want when I walk into the business. Half of the guns in my safe came from them, but lately I’ve given Classic Arms and Arms Fair the opportunity to satisfy my needs. Arms Fair has the most polite people that I’ve met in the business. They don’t always have the selection, but I purchased my Sig MPX there because of their politeness. I also recently purchased a revolver and my second P365 from them, because I wanted to give them my business. I didn’t need either gun at the time. I was picking up a transfer.
  2. Yes, they are wireless and battery operated. There is also a usb backup in case of loss of power, so you still get your recordings.
  3. I’m glad that everything worked out in your favor. In addition to ADT, I’m up to six Arlo cameras, a Ring doorbell and nine of the new Arlo flood lights. I still don’t consider them as deterrents, just early warning systems. When the kids were home, we had a German Shepherd. My wife won’t agree to another one until one of us retires. I can’t wait. One of my favorite features of the Arlo camera and motion detection lights is that you can decide between all motion or people, and get your notifications accordingly.
  4. This is easily the best post that I’ve read on TGO. Being in my fifties, not a lot matters to me besides keeping my wife happy and attempting to maintain a stress free and peaceful mind. As for diversity, I realize that it’s difficult to change the mindset of older people unless they have deathbed conversions. It is what it is. What I’ve seen and love from the youth over my 31 years of being a parent is that they are trying to break the mold. They are trying to be inclusive. They are trying to be the melting pot that we claim America to be. The efforts of the youth aren’t perfect, but their efforts are better than the examples that my generation, and those older than me have set for them. I’ll give an example. My wife and I were fortunate enough, although at great sacrifice to be able to send our kids to the best private schools in Memphis. They were in safe Christian environments, and got superior educations. My kids were always a part of a very small handful of minorities. I watched as my son and two daughters had a diverse group of friends in lower and middle school. In high school, my daughters group of friends increased while my son’s group decreased. This is not to point fingers at anyone or make accusations, but the kids that my son had been around his entire life started to make racial slurs and distance themselves from my son. It seems to them, my son was no different than the riff raff that they heard about everyday at home or on the evening news. Though all the adversity, my son became an all star football player and a academic super star. The following opinion is based upon a small sample size, but based upon my life experiences, and those of other black men that I know. Our lives are a daily stress filled existence that leads to health problems and early death. Several members have given excellent examples of what it fills like to not feel welcomed in in gun stores and other situations. My favorite story was about the family outing to Chipotle. The feeling that the member had that day is the feeling that I have everyday. I don’t walk through life feeling like a victim, but I go out of my way to not be perceived as a threat or stereotyped. Everyday I’m conscious of my dress, my speech and my body language, and many times that still doesn’t exempt me from being treated poorly. I don’t whine about it. I just put on thicker skin and drive on, because I have young men watching me and I want them to navigate this life with the same strength, confidence and dignity. Finally, I’ve been a long time member of the NRA. I briefly gave up my membership when they labeled the ATF jackbooted thugs. As a government employee I didn’t think it was a good look. I carry my NRA membership card in my wallet daily, and I read The American Rifleman magazine that comes with my membership. That being said, I never feel like I’m the demographic that the NRA caters to. I view the NRA in the same way that I view labor unions. They are both necessary evils. The fundraising scare tactics are ridiculous, and get worse every election cycle. The one positive thing I can say about the NRA is that based upon the paranoia that I witness from many gun owners, they are getting their message across to those people they are trying to reach.
  5. Links2k

    Sig P365

    Same with my wife. She says she doesn’t carry because she has me. The family joke is that I’m Deputy Dog .
  6. Links2k

    Sig P365

    I think I mentioned before that I have incredible luck when purchasing guns. I’ve yet to have to return a gun for any reason. I’ve been shooting Sig 365 practice and Defensive ammo (V-Crown) that I got on sell. I eventually plan to carry Hornady Critical Defense like I do in all my pistols.
  7. Links2k

    Sig P365

    I had the Shield before the 43, and I think the Shield is a great shooter, but it has been a safe queen since I purchased my first 43. I just preferred the size of the 43. Now, I believe these little 365’s are going to have me getting rid of some things. It’s like pulling teeth to get my wife to carry anything, so the Shield and LCR are barely used. She does like the Mossberg 930 when she’s home alone. If she likes the P365, maybe I can finally get her to carry. I can always get another.
  8. Links2k

    Sig P365

    I recently purchased my second P365 from Arms Fair. It has a born date of June 2018. My first P365 was purchased from Buds, and was born in March 2018. i never told my wife about the first P365, so when she saw the second pistol, see says “that’s more my style, I want a laser on it”. See previously had a Ruger LCR .22 with Crimson Trace laser, and a M&P Shield with a green Crimson Trace laser. I guess I’m in the market for a third P365. Thirteen rounds of 9mm in such a small package is a beautiful thing.
  9. There have not been any times that I have not felt welcome on TGO in ten years. The biggest problem I have with many of our members is that many behave as if all minority groups are monolithic. It can be bothersome when you’ve always tried to do the right thing while abiding the law. Being from Memphis, even my kids would be bothered by people telling them how well spoken, polite and behaved they were, as if they were abnormal. I really enjoy TGO. Some have wondered why I’ve hung around this long. It’s because David has the best forum on the Internet. Mac gives well thought out and reasoned opinions, and the members that I have had personal interactions with were all great, and we always spent lots of time just being human, and enjoying one another’s company. Finally, I believe that there have been members who joined because they believed they could be bigots, stereotype people and generally cause trouble, but the moderators have done an excellent job of eventually culling them from the heard.
  10. No, I look nothing like Mr.Sutherland, but I was a huge fan of his show 24. My wife and I are solidly middle class with three adult college educated kids, and conservative upbringings. That has changed. We no longer consider ourselves a part of any party or group. I come from a hard working family where I saw my grandfather work side by side with game show host Wink Martindale, farmed his own land, and raised animals. Everyone in the family was expected to participate. My wife is college educated, and worked her way up from loading planes at FEDEX , to management, and finally a regulatory compliance SME at FEDEX World Headquarters. I’m a 90% disabled veteran, and a government employee scheduled to retire in a few years. The highlights of my military career were being on the Ft.Gordon, Ga. SRT team, and being a part of the service members who had the swiftest victory in combat history during Desert Storm. I’m mostly conservative in my thinking, but I have a soft spot for those who struggle. It’s not always that they are lazy or don’t work, as David and Mc mentioned, lots of times the are profiled and discarded simply because of the pigment of their skin. What I’ve enjoyed about the last ten years on TGO is meeting members in person. We’ve had great transactions, and even better interactions. I don’t know if it’s upbringing that causes people to be prejudiced, but I do know that spending time with someone who doesn’t look like you, or share your views greatly benefits all parties involved. For those who have never met me, and only know my Sutherland Profile, here are a few photos.
  11. Allowing him to exercise his First Amendment right without the threat of bodily harm or intimidation by a bunch of old men afraid of their shadows, and always worried about the chickens coming home to roost.
  12. What kind of welcome would that be for a 18 year old kid?
  13. Nice holster without the long wait that comes with the Milt Sparks. I have one for my M&P 2.0 compact. I’m very happy.
  14. Maybe I’m lucky. I purchased an early G42, no problems. Same with my Shield, no problems. I purchased an early G43, no problems, and I’m betting than I won’t have an issue with the P365 either.
  15. I got one. I ordered a Crossbreed holster and two twelve round mags last week in anticipation of finding this pistol.
  16. I’m reading nothing but good things about the pistol. I can’t wait to get it in hand.
  17. That’s also my understanding.
  18. $599.00 Team Buds members 45 available as of 9:25 4/11/18
  19. I think some of you gentlemen are going to have to recite the Serenity Prayer on this issue. You must except the fact that there are people who simply don’t care for guns. They don’t want to own them or be educated about them. I have no problem with that. At the same time, I know that all of us here feel strongly that they shouldn’t be attempting to strip away our constitutional right to own firearms.
  20. With all due respect, your opinion about the liberal mindset is one of the reasons that gun owners are getting trounced in the media right now. Pretty much every anti-gun person that I know with the exception of the youth are college educated and gainfully employed members of society. Underestimating them as “takers” is one of the reasons gun owners are getting our behinds handed to us by teenagers and media. There are a lot of smart people with money behind this movement. Just like we raise our kids to appreciate the gun culture, anti-gunners are raising their kids to despise the culture. Never underestimate your adversary!


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