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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. My first bundle of joy was born on this day in 1987. She and mom were enjoying the beautiful weather in California. I was enjoying the delightfully mild winter in South Korea.
  2. No matter how tired you are spend lots of time with your kids. I lost a lot of sleep, spent a lot money supporting activities and put plenty of miles on the road, but it was all worth the time. Do these things so when you are riding in your car and you hear Jim Croce’s “Cats In The Cradle” you’ll tap your feet and sing along instead of having a breakdown at the stoplight. Unless your kids are ungrateful buttholes, you will still get calls and visits even when they are busy. The benefit to you is knowing you are loved and a peace of mind.
  3. Congratulations on your bundle of joy, and heal up soon.
  4. I retired a little over a week ago, so I decided to purchase a few things that I’ve wanted for a while. Sorry for the crappy pictures.
  5. When the government shut down the housing projects and began the gentrification of downtown they gave the former residents of the projects vouchers and relocated them all over Shelby County. Every neighborhood in Shelby County can be reached in 15-20 minutes via I240, I40 and 385. In some cases these clowns are getting into altercations, fleeing towards home via the interstate system, the shootings usually occur during the chase. In other cases, it’s just stupidity and road rage. I’ve been to a lot of places, but I’ve never seen anything like Memphis where the slightest perception of disrespect for the most minor infraction can send a bullet flying in your direction. It’s a mental illness. They don’t consider the repercussions until after they’ve been caught and held accountable for their actions. Street credibility is king in Memphis. As for the loss of innocent lives, they’ll apologize to your family while being lead out of courtroom to prison. It’s summer, so with all of the college kids back home I expect more of the same. That’s another whole story unto itself, the hood rats and gangs versus the kids who choose to attend college or join the military.
  6. I’m carrying the 365 with the ten round mag, and two of the 15 rounds mags will be carried in my double mag pouch.
  7. What does this add to the conversation? No one mentioned flying near anyone’s windows. I’d rather fly it in the parks I want to work on editing nature videos. I believe as long as we stay below 400 feet we should be left alone.
  8. Not yet. I’m live within five miles of the Olive Branch airport, and the edge of Memphis International, so until the updated rules for recreational flyers come out I’ll have to pay $25 per year to fly in Shelby Farms. I believe the new rules should be out before August. From my understanding, the rules will be similar to those who fly for profit.
  9. I’m now the proud owner of a DJI Mavic 2 Zoom. It’s my first UAS, but I think I’m going to love it. I’m waiting to see how the FAA is going to handle the LAANC situation concerning recreational flyers. If it’s crap, I plan to go the Part 107 route. What are you guys flying?
  10. Links2k

    New Glock

    I practice at home with the iTarget system. The more you practice, the easier it it is to pick up the dot.
  11. I have three 15 round mags on the way, along with a P226 Legion RX conversation kit for my SAO Legion P226. I’ve got Gen5 Glocks 19MOS & 17MOS with DPP on them. Very good pistols, but they don’t excite me like the prospect of 15 + rounds for the P365. The Glocks will definitely be home defense guns now.
  12. Horrible owner. He even deleted my review of his place. He has several five star reviews from new shooters taking his handgun permit class, but the negative reviews come from experienced shooters and people who reload their own ammunition.
  13. Wow! I really enjoyed that place. Nice people. I took a couple of classes there, and my kids attended the kids safety and introductory classes there years ago. I won’t say the name, but Tom Givens old place is run by the most unprofessional owner of any business I’ve encountered. It’s 15 minutes from my home, and I’d have to be held hostage in order to patronize that place again. I guess I’ll have to check Shoot Point Blank. From the commercials I’ve seen SPB seems to be ultramodern and clean. They also charge by the half hour. One thing I’ll miss about RUSA is that on slow days you could pay your one hour range fee and shoot as long as you wanted until they needed the lane. The fast food bar wasn’t bad either. Also I had an issue with a transfer that was taken care of by the owner along with a return of fees and a personal apology. They will be missed.
  14. I can’t dispute how you feel about this situation or your expectation of a huge racial conflict. I’ll just give my opinion. As mentioned before, everyone involved should be dealt with in the harshest manner according to the law. Secondly, I also believe that media is now committed to the business of making news, regardless the outcome. Bad outcomes are better for media. Finally, I just can’t buy into the race war. People are always doing something that someone believes is going to ignite the powder keg. As I’ve recently gotten away from massive amounts of social media I’m finding that anticipation of a race war is mostly internet driven. Most people are really walking around blissfully ignorant, and they like it that way. At first it bothered me a lot( I still don’t like it), but it’s shown me that not everyone is arming themselves for Armageddon. Do I wish more people would pay attention to national and world events before they effect them, of course I do, but I also like the idea that not everyone is sitting at home soaking up negative and polarizing news while itching for a chance to kill fellow Americans just so they can say I told you it would happen. Good day!
  15. Wow! I had entertained selling a couple of my knives. This video makes me even more proud to be a Protech owner. I only carry one of my Runts and a TR4. I have to start getting the others out of the safe more often.
  16. I enjoyed last nights show, although it was a bit corny.
  17. I sold all of the pistols, but I kept all of the ammo.
  18. I wasn’t having any issues with my wisdom teeth besides the difficulty of cleaning behind them. Last month my dentist suggested that I have them removed, and sent me to the same oral surgeon that my entire family uses. I wasn’t looking forward to the procedure, but it was fast and painless. My mouth stopped bleeding in four hours, and I resumed normal eating the next day. I guess I got lucky. Get yourself checked immediately, and I hope it’s nothing serious.
  19. I’m a little late to this party, but I don’t think this was an accidental shooting. There are reports that the officer had filed several noise complaints against the victim, including one that day. There are also six witnesses that say the the officer was banging on the door and yelling for the victim to open up. I don’t know if it’s valid, but there is also a photo circulating that claims to show the shooter and the victim together. If reports about the noise complaints and photo are true, the shooter knew exactly where she was, and wore her uniform against department policy to intimidate the victim. I’ll wait for more facts, but in the mean time I’ll say that this reminds me of a Dave Chappell’s skit where a veteran cop claims to have seen a case as a rookie where a dead black person was accused of breaking into a home and hanging pictures of his family everywhere. It was the dead man’s home. The cops put drugs on him and left.
  20. I love the notifications and customizable zones. I don’t use the outdoor alarms. Even with my jacked up back, I still jump out of bed like a private in basic training if that ADT alarm startles me awake. My wife never budges. She has far too much confidence in my abilities.
  21. All rifles and shotguns along with my final Les Baer TRS, my G43 and my Sig P226 SAO are the only things completely safe in my safe. Everything else is available for sale or trade. I haven’t had the 365’s long enough to determine if they are keepers, but I’m mighty fond of them.


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