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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Looks like the first shot did hit Trump’s right ear.
  2. Was watching on RSBN. Don’t know if he was hit. Looks like he grabbed his right ear after the first shot. Commentator isn’t sure if it was gunfire or fireworks. Secret Service detail was on Trump pretty fast. Took a little while to get him up and off the stage.
  3. I just finished streaming “The Last of Us” and the first season of “The White Lotus.” I thought both were very good shows. I thought the Last of Us was much better than any of the Walking Dead series, because of the emphasis on the human interactions instead of the Clickers. The White Lotus is just funny, and my son told me that the second season is even better.
  4. I said something in another post about authoritarians not wanting their supporters to have guns. It got a few chuckles, and a select few will chuckle at this post, but if the rumors are true about Trump, the gun hating liberal democrat hiding in plain view truly wanting to become a authoritarian, why would he allow you to have guns? You asked the right question, who else are his supporters going to vote for to lead the country?
  5. I don’t. Will was laughing until his wife gave him the side eye. As mentioned before, it was a weak, dramatic slap that looked scripted. Rock gets a lot of criticism for not responding. That was a classy move, but Smith would have had to deal with me after the show or during a commercial break. Rock made a financial killing from Netflix doing a standup show where he eventually ripped Smith a new butt hole. Other than that, the special wasn’t that good. Rock also did an amazing acting job in “Fargo” two seasons ago. If you haven’t watched all the seasons of Fargo, do yourself a favor and check them out. In last season’s Fargo, Jon Hamm put on an acting masterclass. A must watch.
  6. It was a joke. Smith’s been somewhat of a comedian during his acting career. He should have know better. That slap is now his legacy. I hear Bad Boys 4 is pretty good, but I’ll wait to stream.
  7. Nothing that Chris Rock’s foot up his azz and lots of therapy can’t cure.
  8. Wick 2&3 are fine, but as mentioned earlier, Wick4 had a lot of ridiculous and unnecessary scenes. Especially the stairs and the fat man fight. Yes, Butler was in Masters of the Air. He’s a very good young actor. I also enjoyed his performance in Elvis.
  9. We can’t leave out the John Wick movies. They’re always entertaining, even though sometimes they do too much.
  10. IMO I’m at the point where I wouldn’t be offended if thieves in Shelby County were treated like horse thieves of old. It’s ridiculous what they’re doing, and they’re always so damned young. It may be better to leave your windows down and your vehicle unlocked. Let them see there’s nothing inside and move along.
  11. This, summarizes the television and movie industry. There’s no creativity anymore. When it comes to series, it’s extremely rare to find one with a decent ending. Again, good points. I’m a DCS flight sim guy, so I’ll watch almost any with airplanes in it. Resurrection sucked! Yep, 80” screen and Bose sound system puts us right in the middle of the action. I have a Butt Kicker on my flight sim chair. The company has an adapter that allows you connect a kicker to your sofa. I’ve thinking about putting one on each corner.
  12. I think they should close all of the theaters. New release movies could be released directly to customers at a decent rent or purchase price point, and others wait six months to a year for them to stream.
  13. True. Certain movies I purchase and watch several times. The Matrix series, Top Gun II and Oppenheimer.
  14. The Bike Riders has a good feel to it. I’d like to see it. The kid who recently played Elvis is a very good actor. I can’t recall the name of the series, but he played a WWII bomber pilot. I think it’s showing on Apple TV.
  15. I think Amazon Prime video is already selling “Civil War.” I imagine it will be available with the subscription in a few weeks.
  16. Does anyone besides young people still regularly attend a movie theater anymore? When my kids were much younger, they attended Central Day School in Collierville, so every Monday I would go to the Collierville theater to watch almost anything. When I walked in, they knew I wanted a large Coke, a hot dog and a small popcorn. I always went to the first showing, so I almost, always had the theater to myself. Now days I prefer watching movies at home. I have so many streaming apps that I can wait to see anything new that comes out. The exception may be Costner’s “American Saga.” I had planned to wait for it to stream, but the other night while watching a recording with my wife, the trailer for American Saga came on and I decided to watch it again instead of fast forwarding like I normally do. Well, the wife saw it and screamed “that looks like it’s going to be good!” I agreed, then told her about the excitement being generated about the movie. So, if see wants to go to the theater, we’ll be going to the theater. My out may be that my wife has a short attention span and does one hundred things at once, so she may never mention the movie again.
  17. I really enjoyed this movie. Schindler’s List is another favorite.
  18. I’m a huge fan of Kiefer Sutherland, from the “Young Guns” movie,”Designated Survivor”, and especially “24”. I just finished one of his latest projects that I found to be an interesting series called “Rabbit Hole” on Paramount+. It’s sad to hear about the passing of his father. Donald Sutherland was one of the greats. May he rest in peace.
  19. Oh hell, when’s shooting starting? We’re a banana republic now. Excuse the sarcasm, but the judicial system did its job. It is what it is. Lock him up!
  20. I’m a fan of Speer Gold Dot, Hornady Critical Defense and Critical Duty.
  21. I just saw this on a Batteries Plus commercial. It made of your build.
  22. May I ask if you found this beauty locally or on a motorcycle website?
  23. Sorry my man, all the TGO Pro-Tech knives I have left are all keepers for now. I considered offering you a Magic2, but that cool mechanism talked me out of it. Good luck with your search.
  24. I’ve sold a couple. I’ll check to see if there’s anything left I’d like to get rid of when I get a chance later this evening or tomorrow. I started out with #9 and then moved to #3 after the previous holder of the #3 position dropped out.


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