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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. How is this discriminatory when small and minority businesses were being left out of working on large projects because the same large companies were repeatedly getting the contracts? My cousin was a small business owner prior to the Memphis Pyramid project, and because the city was forced to allow small companies to bid and work on the project, they now have a nice sized business that routinely gets larger contracts and affords them a very good lifestyle. It’s repeatedly shown that many in this country will only do the right thing only if they are forced to do so.
  2. This was very well stated. I don’t feel like arguing today, so I’ll just add one thing and leave this alone. So many people equate privilege with wealth and prosperity, therefore if one is not financially well off they do not feel privileged. Unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, most people regardless of color who have achieved a certain level of comfort in this world did so because they worked their butts off. That does away with the argument that because you’re poor and hard working you’re not privileged. I like how @Capbyrd described what we are experiencing as systemic bias, systemic racism puts too many people on the defensive.
  3. I’m in no rush. It will be just another box that shows up at my house. With the wife working from home, the two of us have FedEx,UPS and USPS delivering something everyday.
  4. Ten pounds. Just a little over thirteen dollars.
  5. Thanks for the heads up. I just purchased one. I watched a movie on Prime a few days ago about the six men who earned these daggers or similar prior to going on secret mission to steal German radar secrets.
  6. I find it difficult to believe that if Hydroxychloroquine or Chloroquine were effective against COVID-19 on a large scale there is no way that pharmaceutical companies would not be manufacturing both twenty four hours a day, and raping people for $1200.00 per pill. I’m skeptical of most preachers, and I understand that doctors are licensed to practice medicine, but there is no way I’m listening to the demon seed and alien DNA doctor. If that’s your cup of tea, so be it.
  7. What happens if we defund the police? I want to know if we are on the same page. Add the upcoming election on top of everything else. I got caught flat footed leading up to the 2008 election. Lesson learned.
  8. I’m watching Eagles: Live From The Forum 2018. Sipping Glenlivet 15.
  9. The doctor said he hasn’t briefed Trump in almost two months, and has only seen him once in The White House recently. Trump is calling all the shots on the virus. It really doesn’t matter who is in charge now. It seems as a country we’ve decided to ride the wave. We have believers, nonbelievers and those in between. I feel like I’m watching a game show hoping no one else I know becomes ill.
  10. Gladly. They should be here Monday afternoon. I like the green reticle on the Holosun 515 that I put on my MPX-K, and I use green Crimson Trace lasers. Green seems to catch my eye faster, so it’s worth the few extra bucks for me.
  11. I just ordered two HE507C V2 Elite Green. Waiting on the 508T V2 Green to come along now.
  12. I have a Gen2 carbine that I placed a Timney trigger on about a year or so ago. The MPX-K came with a Timney trigger on it. I have a Vortex Spitfire prism scope on the carbine and the Holosun on the pistol. I have a thing for green reticles and lasers.
  13. Not nearly full, but it will only take a few hundred serious cases to fill our ICU beds. Like everyone else, our numbers are going up really fast. I would like nothing more than to be wrong. Like many others, I’m older with health issues, I don’t care to be compromised. There are still a few things I’d like to do in this life.
  14. What we are seeing now are the Memorial Day numbers. I’ll bet the numbers from the protest and people going out to clubs and Beale Street are finally going to overwhelm Memphis in the coming weeks.
  15. I’m not planning to at the moment, but if I do I’m considering the Troy micro or Magpul Pro I’ll probably be getting over to Arms-Fair this week to start the long process of purchasing a couple of silencers.
  16. The shake awake and green reticle are what sold me on the optic. I think this a nice little setup.
  17. Yeah, that’s where I purchased it from. Seems solidly built. Time will tell. Thank you!
  18. I just picked her up today. Not the best picture, but I’m excited to have this little beauty. For now I’m mounting a Holosun HE515GM-Green dot on it. If I’m not crazy about the dot, I’ll probably move on to an Aimpoint or RMR on a mount. I’m going to keep this simple.
  19. Just reported on liberal television. You can verify through your trusted news source.
  20. At the end of the day this is all that matters. It’s sad that it takes a natural disaster, an external threat or a pandemic to make us remember we are one. Politics and politicians are the real viruses.


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