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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I saw the story earlier in the week. They gave very few details except the child was riding his bike with family and this jack wad shot him in the head. There is no justification he can give for shooting that baby. @crake you are correct, if this were a black child, the media from all of the major networks would be in front of the house of the slain child whipping everyone into a frenzy. This is why we have to take media reports with a grain of salt. Sometimes I watch Fox and MSNBC at the same time on my television and iPad. It’s like the left and right Twix factories, they are putting out the same product, but they package it for the targeted group that they need to keep pissed off and tuned in for ratings dollars.
  2. I’m satisfied. It’s a little lighter than I expected, but I doubt I’ll be using it for anything. I was just curious about the knife because I recently watched a Prime movie about the first guys to receive the knife. I still have the Navy Seal knife the I purchased from Willis. I have carried it a few times. I can’t think of a real use for this dagger unless I decide to become a ninja.
  3. Price wasn’t a factor. I have several RMR’s. I’ve mostly used prism scopes and more recently green instead of red lasers over the last few years. The green Holosun dots and reticles are pretty crisp. Time will tell on Holosun durability.
  4. It’s not a pistol optic, but it’s a Holosun. My fifth (two pistol/three rifle) since this thread was started. I really like their green optics. They are clear for me even with astigmatism.
  5. Prayers for your grandmother and family.
  6. You make some good points, and it gives me something to think about.
  7. I’m not touching the part about God, because we could talk all day about atrocities committed by believers and followers of Christianity. Secondly, I don’t advocate violence during the protest. There is another thread, or maybe this one where I mentioned that I would not support violent protest or protest after dark. I also mentioned that I would have no problem with the authorities arresting members of my group if they are out after dark when all of the trouble starts. You don’t have to believe that the protest will force change, but I’ll argue that they already have. Cities are meeting with protest leaders, changing policies and looking at reallocating police funds to social programs. I think that’s a real of a start by a group of young people. I don’t believe the divide can be any larger than it already is. We on this forum pride ourselves on our 2A rights believing that we will stand against a tyrannical government, but that’s a lie. People are in the streets exercising their first amendment rights and being attacked by government agents in the streets. The 2A supporters are sitting on the couch pissed at the people exercising their rights, and cheering the government agents. It seems like gun owners only gear up and stand up to the government when they are forced to quarantine, wear a mask or can’t go to Chilies. The so-called strong that you mention aren’t going to do anything either, unless someone is actually trying to harm you or your family. Their is a lot of liability involved with being a hero when your other option is to stay in and secure your home. Finally, I intentionally used bulldozer man because he only destroyed property. Had he injured anyone, I would have chosen a different example.
  8. I don’t think it’s an insurrection. People are fed up, and a lot of Americans can’t relate to their plight. Most people on TGO are working or retired. Our biggest inconvenience is watching the protest on television. I know the protest caused some issues in Nashville, but surprisingly Memphis kept things pretty much under control. With the exception of what I embarrassingly call normal Memphis crime, the city has been relatively quiet for weeks. No major protest. Now we have federal agents coming to “help” the police. I believe that this action is a solution looking for a problem. There is no one rioting in the streets of Memphis now, but I believe the arrival of the feds will change that.
  9. I can’t argue with you about people wanting to gain political power, but I have to disagree that racism was on its way out. I’ll compare the protest that started after George Floyds death as this generations bulldozer man. You have millions of people of all ethnicities who feel like they’ve been overlooked and taken advantage of for years. The Floyd video was just the spark that lit the flame. The protest are bulldozer man saying I’ve had enough, and you will recognize me one way or another.
  10. You make my point, and I agree with you. I don’t think that anyone gets excluded because they allow small and minority businesses to compete. It just puts everyone on an even playing field. If a minority or other small business wins a contract, it doesn’t mean that something was taken from a white contractor. It simply means the best bid won.
  11. I have astigmatism, so I prefer prism scopes and dots. I use green CT lasers on a few pistols. At last count I have six RMRs. After reading David’s Holosun thread I have purchased three Holosun products. I can say without a doubt so far the green circle and dot reticle is a game changer for me.
  12. I’m not arguing. I think the conversation has been very civil today.
  13. I agree. I believe we’ve had this discussion before. Most blacks that I know are conservative by nature. If there wasn’t the perception of exclusion and hatred coming from Republicans, mainly politicians, democrats would never get black votes. The democrats are smart enough to lie and give unfulfilled promises, while the republicans don’t even try.
  14. I think I said something similar in an earlier post. I’m going to be careful with my wording, because I don’t want you assuming I’m coming at you. I can’t stand the fact that you are insulted by everything I post. Based upon what you’ve written, I assume you are a smart man. That being said, I think our opposition in beliefs is simply a matter of you not understanding that our experiences are vastly different. Your opinions are fine, they are what you know as relates to you, but you can’t box other people’s experiences in the same box as yours. There are far too many variables you would have to relate to without having experienced a walk in my shoes. Please stop taking this stuff personally. We’ve argued on TGO for twelve years, and we’ve yet to solve racism or world peace. Engage and share your opinions. If we differ, it doesn’t make us enemies. Hell I’ve been called the socialist commie for years. Had many disagreements, but we still come back and engage one another. We are here first and foremost because we support the second amendment and love guns.
  15. You may imply that, but even with diversity mandates many schools and companies still don’t except well qualified minorities. I think people like to talk about affirmative action like it’s a big deal. It’s not. At the end of the day that student or employee will have to produce. Sometimes at a higher level. You want to know who really hates affirmative action/diversity hires...black people. Because no matter what you bring to the table, someone is always going to think something was given to you. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’ll always put my family up against anyone if the stats are equal. I’ve said it before, take the names, addresses and ethnicities off of applications, and let the chips fall were they may. I’ll stand by that everyday. Regents Of University Of California v. Bakke The case established the court’s position on affirmative action for decades. A state university had to meet a standard of judicial review known as strict scrutiny: Race could be a narrowly tailored factor in admissions policies. Racial quotas, however, went too far.
  16. They still haven’t sent me my free knife from when I renewed my membership years ago.
  17. Didn’t these stories start leaking out a couple of years ago when it became public knowledge that the NRA was struggling financially?
  18. Their corruption was detrimental to the needs of the membership. Regardless if they were the big dog, it’s not good to be stealing funds that people send to you with the expectation that you will use those funds to lobby on their behalf.
  19. I didn’t say it was racist. I said it was discriminatory. Prior to the pyramid they couldn’t get a foot in the door. I know for a fact at one point they were willing to work at cost just to get in on the big contracts. Now, because the city was forced to give them an opportunity, they are killing it. They recently took down some buildings downtown at UT Medical and the Loves in West Memphis. So no one is being asked for anyone to be excluded. It’s the opposite, small and minority businesses are just asking for the same opportunities to work and build wealth. Contrary to what some my think, everyone is not satisfied with eight hundred dollars in welfare per month just to exist. That’s not living.
  20. The problem was not nearly eliminated. Prior to Obama most of society had decided that regardless of your feelings towards other ethnicities, it was in poor taste to be openly racist. Again, I say most. There were several times when taking my kid back to school in Tuscaloosa where I blew my horn and waved at the KKK standing on the corner in the middle of the day. Then you can add the birth certificate conspiracy from a man who won’t release his taxes and the only leadership skills he has is hatred, throwing people under the bus and lying.
  21. I hate MLK quotes, because few people ever quote his more radical quotes. Everyone quotes the be nice and turn the other cheek quotes. All turning the other cheek does is get you slapped on the other side of the face.


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