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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I trust the subject matter experts. I also trust the doctors and icu nurses who are begging people to wear masks. We give lip service to front line medical workers, but can’t do one simple thing that may make their work lives easier.
  2. Prior to going to the DMV make an appointment online. It will keep you from having to wait in those long lines. The wife and I drove up, there was a long line and people were sitting in lawn chairs. We told the lady at the door that we had appointments for Real ID, she let us in and we were finished in about 15-20 minutes. When we left, the same people were waiting at the door. It feels weird having to have a star on my ID to travel in the states.
  3. I received my two flashlights today. Impressive torch.
  4. My last two were also super fast. They had the little IPads that you use to input your information. By the time I got back to the register and spoke to a couple of people, I was approved.
  5. I’m a Surefire E2D guy, but I just ordered one of these. I tried to order two, but they said they only had one in stock. edit: I just went back and it allowed me to order another.
  6. I don’t have an answer for you. I don’t think the politicians on either side have a clue. Their focus as usual is on money. I do trust that through trial and error the scientists are trying their best to solve this virus. Like others have mentioned, I don’t believe we will ever know the true number of infections or Covid-19 related deaths. I don’t hold a grudge against people who don’t believe we have a real issue, but I wish they and the people who believe it’s a common courtesy to wear a mask would stop bashing one another. It’s like arguing politics and religion, nothing gets accomplished. Last night I was touched for the fifth time since February by this horrible virus. One individual had a week long hospitalization and recovered. One individual had a multi week hospitalization and recovered. He was featured on a local news story. One individual showed symptoms and had to quarantine for two before testing negative. One individual died last month. It broke my heart. The final individual passed last night. Two friends and three relatives. It’s like liking in a dream. It’s puzzling to me that not everyone in the country aren’t willing to make a few sacrifices for a short amount of time to see if we can starve this virus out of existence. It’s embarrassing to think that we are a country that considers itself a world leader, but the best we can come up with to fight this virus is a Hail Mary try at herd immunity. I believe like everything else, our level of concern for the virus is based upon how much it touches each of us as individuals.
  7. So do I, because I don’t believe he’s infected.
  8. You can’t test positive for a liberal hoax. Seriously, I don’t believe it. I think his advisors wisely want Trump out of circulation for a while for his own good.
  9. I think that he is a kid who was placed into a bad situation by irresponsible adults. I would never willingly go anywhere near a protest, especially a protest that has the potential to go south. If I were that type of individual and I decided to take my son along, he would never leave my side or he would have been assigned a buddy to stay near at all times. As I have had more time to think about the situation, I’m certain it was a nightmare for him and he was panicked out of his mind. I just can’t get over the fact that he was there voluntarily even though he had a right to be. Nothing good happens at a protest after dark. Let the cops do their jobs or let the president send in the feds or national guard, but there is a lot of potential liability inserting yourself into a protest/riot to protect property. The only exception for me being ones home.
  10. Notice I said allegedly. The media isn’t talking about this video at all.
  11. I’ve read that the kid was some kind of junior law enforcement cadet, but rumor has it he also has a criminal history of underage drinking and shooting guns. This is allegedly a video of young Mr. Rittenhouse in the white tee shirt beating up a girl. If it’s Rittenhouse in this video, I certainly hope that he shares any funds gained from his lawsuit with the young lady he allegedly assaulted. As for the Wisconsin incident, I’ll wait on the trial. Now that I think about it, right or wrong, at my age I would never allow a group of people to beat me down in the streets. I probably wouldn’t survive. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/kyle-rittenhouse-video-kenosha-shooter-punch-girl-a9702206.html
  12. You are correct about the RMR being the standard. I have several. I can’t speak to how the Holosuns will hold up to extensive use, but I really like the 507C Green V2. I have three so far. I like the Eotech like reticle, and unlike the RMR I don’t have issues with my astigmatism with the Holosun.
  13. Did you all look at the form? What do you think about #29?
  14. I was able to get the ASR 1/2X28 tpi flash hider. Thanks again for the heads up.
  15. Links2k


    Health insurance is what makes people work longer than they want. I truly wish that retiree heath care were more affordable so that people could enjoy their golden years in comfort doing things they enjoy instead of working.
  16. Good article! This is why the thought of sitting in front of a judge and jury for anything is horrifying to me. We’ve been reduced to the best justice money can buy. It’s also why we have a thread discussing concealed carry legal plans. An individual can do everything right in a self defense situation, and depending on another person’s opinion still end up on the wrong side of the law. We have a family legal plan, but I think I’ll also go ahead and get the concealed carry plan. They are offering 15% off to Sig Legion owners.
  17. Thanks for the heads up. They were sold out when I checked. I ordered an In Lead We Trust barrel a week or so ago with the 1/2x28 tpi. They are back ordered until 9/18/20, so I should have it shortly.
  18. Please let me know where you decide to have your kydex sheath made.
  19. 9mm: M13.5×1 LH (AC1561) If anyone has one for sale or know where I can purchase one I would greatly appreciate the information. Thanks!
  20. At the end of the day the individuals working law enforcement signed up for the job. Some may have felt it was their life’s calling, others may have done it for pay and benefits in larger cities or just a transitional job for others. Not one was forced into what’s going to become an increasingly more difficult job. As a former officer, is this behavior acceptable to you simply because you don’t like how criminals, protesters and politicians are behaving or because you don’t agree with their politics? This isn’t cop bashing. I have a cousin on Baltimore P.D., a friend who is a lieutenant on M.P.D., a cousin who retired from M.P.D. less than two years ago, and a friend who died in a boating accident several years ago who was a sergeant on M.P.D. at the time. I could name more. It’s a thankless job that needs special people to do it. I have officers that I’ve known since high school who won’t speak to me anymore because I ask questions like this. It is in no way an unfair question to ask. When you were active, did you sign up to serve only those you agree with politically? I ask the same of young war fighters when they decide that politics is more important to them than following lawful orders and performing their duties with integrity. I know cops are human, but it’s my opinion that when you put on the badge, you shouldn’t make decisions based upon which citizens lean left and which lean right politically. Decisions about how to handle calls shouldn’t be based upon being butt hurt over how politicians and chain of command decide to implement policy. If this is the case, those officers are cheating themselves and the taxpayers.
  21. These people should retire and find other work. They are stealing from the taxpayers. How many other professions would you accept this behavior from? They signed up for the crap show. It’s been a long time since becoming a cop didn’t entail dealing with unreasonable demands and expectations from an ungrateful public and politicians.


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