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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I think I’ll get a finger or two of scotch and head outside.
  2. Stood out and watched with my son last night. The moon was also beautiful.
  3. Outstanding! Congratulations! Now the original post seems brilliant.
  4. I don’t like arguments or confrontations at all, but I won’t back down if I feel attacked. I like it here. I like the people I’ve met and the knowledge I’ve gained. I enjoy the comments, because I truly learn something each time I visit the site. We’re all adults and entitled to our opinions based upon our individual life and learned experiences. I visit the forum daily. Many days I simply read and leave, at other times I may like or laugh at a comment, then leave. I’m trying to post less because I don’t want to give energy to those who seek confrontation with me or my views for their own personal reasons. As a rule I don’t like confrontation, so it’s crazy to come here and argue with someone because I don’t support their political candidate or we have different priorities and expectations from said political candidates. The other day a member (I’m not certain if he was addressing me) said something to the effect that he didn’t understand why someone with differing views would be on a gun forum in a conservative state. My question would be what gives him more of a right to be here? I’m not without guilt. I have intentionally trolled certain members once they took an unhealthy attachment to me. Like others, going forward I’ll do better. There is no need for anyone to get banned when they can just shut up and come back at another time.
  5. I just spent the last two hours listening to these podcast. Lots of good info. The guy sounded as giddy as me when he started talking about the green reticles. I’m feeling pretty good about my Holosun purchases. I have three 507’s, a 507k, a 515 and a 530, all with green reticles. I own several RMR’s, and I know they are the gold standard, but for now I’m extremely impressed with a brand that I would’nt have even considered just one year ago. Good stuff.
  6. If you have a MOS system, you really should follow David’s advice on the chpws kit. I always find out this stuff the hard way.
  7. I went with the Gen5 Grey Ghost Glock19 slides for two of my Glocks. They are cut for RMR & DPP, but I have Holosun 507s on them. I found a complete Gen5 Glock19 MOS slide on Gun Broker back during the summer. The price wasn’t ridiculous for Gun Broker. Screws broke off on one of my 19MOS, and I couldn’t get them out with broken screw extractor, and the gunsmith said it was hopeless, so I purchased the slide from Gun Broker.
  8. Regardless which way you go use good screws like C&H Precision or Battle Werks . I paid the stupid tax using MOS screws and vibra tite.
  9. My son was taking a jab at me. We used to wrestle, now it’s reminding me of his youth every chance he gets. There was a time when I thought a thirty year old was ancient.
  10. Thanks. That’s why he was doubting it’s validity. He said it looked like a poorly copied made up word document. I googled the story for him. He was in doubt because he said old people aren’t known for having the most trustful sources of news. The story I found was two days old from News3.
  11. Do you have a source for this? Disregard. Google settled the disagreement with my son.
  12. Agreed. If some want to move the goal post again and have the feds handle the presidential election we may as well go all the way and get rid of the electoral college and elect the president by popular vote.
  13. I miss Robert’s post. They were always well thought out and informative. I’m proud to help, but even more proud of the way TGO members didn’t hesitate to step up and help. Great job guys!
  14. That’s awesome. Congratulations and happy birthday!
  15. Sounds like you two are in good spirits. Get well soon!
  16. I’ve been purchasing guns for a long time, and I’ve never had to send one back for warranty work until recently. I wanted to install a Surefire flash hider on my Springfield Armory 300BO pistol. When my gunsmith removed the original flash hider we found the threads were galled and the crush washer looked like it had been welded to the barrel. My second issue was with my Sig P365XL optics ready NRA edition. The screws that hold the optic cover in place were stripped and almost installed sideways. I contacted Springfield and they sent out a return label while we were on the phone, and I had my pistol back in about ten days. Same for the Sig. They sent a return label while we were on the phone, and I got my slide back in four days. Great customer service from both companies. I had heard so many horror stories about service returns and wait times that I never wanted to send a gun in for warranty work. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I just wanted to share some good news.
  17. I’m on Facebook and Twitter, you wouldn’t believe the videos of some of the local gatherings that I see daily.
  18. I agree with you, but I also think that Biden will attempt to pass a relief bill that will help small businesses and the poor instead of corporations. That’s the right thing to do, but Moscow Mitch may stand in the way as usual. We can keep half assing our efforts against this virus and deal with it for years, or we can put on our big boy pants, bite the bullet and do what see working for various other countries around the world. Steven Mnuchin still won’t tell where a great deal of the last stimulus money went. I have my opinion, but I don’t care to spend my evening arguing.
  19. The world is in new and unknown territory with this virus. Therefore everything we try to fight Covid is trial and error. I would rather go through extremely minor inconveniences until we can contain the virus and come up with a reliable vaccine as opposed to continue denying the lethality of the virus while people suffer, die or have to live with lifelong side effects of having contracted the virus. Wearing a mask is a minor inconvenience. Every time my son complains about something I remind him that young people his age are serving all over the world in conditions that suck. The small sacrifices the country is being asked to make are nothing. Yet here we are. Does everyone who gets covid have to die for this to be a “legitimate” pandemic?


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