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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I suppose I’m a bit more optimistic. I believe there are far too many pressing issues to deal with besides 2A issues. Just like with previous administrations, I believe this administration will only concern itself with gun bans if a gun owner goes out and shoots up a building full of innocents. They have to deal with Covid, the economy, mending relationships with our allies, infrastructure, walking Iran back on nukes, Taiwan and a boatload of other issues. I don’t believe 2A issues will be on the radar unless we put them on the radar. I’m not a single issue voter. When I vote my biggest concern isn’t the government taking our guns.
  2. I don’t think politics have ever come up when speaking with someone interested in learning to shoot. After taming my excitement, we talk about their needs and expectations, then set a date. The new shooter is usually friends or family so I start them with dry fire on my iTarget.
  3. I reached that point over the summer. I turned to purchasing silencers.
  4. I saw an ad from Dan begging people to make the move, and I instantly knew there was money in it for him. No thanks.
  5. I’ve been doing that with my stamps for years.
  6. I can’t see that being the case. Honestly, the only places that I see gun control mentioned is on gun forums and magazines. I don’t hear it in general conversations or read anything about gun control on Facebook or Twitter, ever.
  7. I think covid, the economy, infrastructure and getting kids back in school will the biggest things on Biden’s plate. I don’t believe they will have time to even consider gun control measures prior to mid terms unless there is a mass shooting.
  8. I couldn’t make a long term commitment because I haven’t been happy with the NRA for a while, but I just renewed for another year.
  9. Probably, probably not. I’m certain they’re happy that they have OMEGA to speak for them. Do you also have conservatorship over their welfare checks?
  10. I won’t be getting anything. I’m good. If by chance I do, I’ll probably donate it to AOC , Omar or get Pelosi’s garage door cleaned.
  11. Nice! I’ve been wanting to trade for a MP5. I guess I‘ll continue playing pretend with my HK MP5-22. Enjoy!
  12. Lots of good info here guys. I should have asked more questions prior to my purchases. I never wanted a silencer, but after I filled my safe with everything I had an interest in I decided to get into the silencer game. Many of the silencers I purchased are redundant, and the salesman tried to tell me that, but in my mind I kept picturing my pistols with silencers on them. So I now have seven cans in jail at the moment. I also want the Sig ModX-9 I’ve already purchased my boosters, fixed barrel spacers and muzzle devices. I’m just waiting now. I’ll be asking you guys for advice in the future.
  13. It’s funny watching all of the “fiscal conservatives” bragging about their welfare.
  14. You won’t need papers. Your chip will be inside the vaccine courtesy of Bill Gates. It’s too difficult to keep up with papers. Or you may just require a barcode on your phone like a airline boarding pass.
  15. Indeed. Meanwhile we’re standing in line to get a star on our driver’s licenses.
  16. Biden has stated that he wouldn’t try to ban AR’s by EO, because the next president could come along and issue an EO allowing AR’s. I think if there is any ban it will be on a state level, and Tennesseans have nothing to worry about.
  17. I choose to wear a mask, and I wish others would, but I’m not going to get bent out of shape about those who choose not to wear a mask. We live in a red state, and there has been nothing nor will there be any statewide mandates that trample on everyone’s freedoms. Tennessee politicians are hot garbage, but they know their constituents. They will never go too far. It puzzles me how people in the south can always find a crisis or potential boogeyman. Nothing that people repeatedly worry about ever happens, especially in Tennessee. We should be some of the most carefree people in the world. We simply have to do whatever it takes to get back to normal. For some it seems that being slightly inconvenienced is a larger problem than COVID-19. If a worldwide pandemic can’t get everyone on the same page, nothing will.
  18. Add this to the category of don’t need, but must have. I just ordered this pistol. I’m certain I overpaid for it, but such are the times. I’ve owned four 15-22 carbines. I still have one in fde. I have a ton of .22 ammo so the carbine, my G44 and this pistol will get to the range more. I can’t wait to get my Dead Air Mask silencer. I’ll throw a Vortex Spitfire or Swamp Fox Blade on this pistol and have a little .22 fun.


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