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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Since I purchased my side by side in February every weekend has been filled with riding. It seems we ride on the weekend and spend the week getting prepared for the next weekend. It’s almost like a job. We ride Sugar Creek, Duck Hill, North Mississippi, Covington Pike and below highway 385 from Hacks Cross going northeast. It’s mostly about twelve family members and at least that many friends. We’re always game to try somewhere new. Thanks in advance.
  2. I’m good. I have a safe full of loaded mags .223, .300BO, .308, .22, 9mm, .357 and ammo cans stacked deep elsewhere. I only have a reasonable amount of .45, because I no longer carry the caliber. It’s for my purdy 1911’s that rarely see the light of day. I plan to start burning off a lot of .22 now until things settle down.
  3. I picked up my final four suppressors yesterday. Seven stamps received in less than eight months. I’m impressed by the speed considering everything going on. I wasn’t expecting any approvals until September or October. 1. Omega K .45 2. Octane 9mm 3. Octane.45 4. Surefire Socom .556 mini
  4. Forget it! I asked a legitimate question seeking a resolution to an issue that could change lives, and you made it about me. I’ll remove my question. Carry on!
  5. It’s probably corporate policy and it’s ridiculous. It’s like having cashiers and greeters attempting to enforce mask mandates on the general public.
  6. I have a Swampfox Blade on a M&P15-22. I wouldn’t use it for anything else.
  7. The VA automatically schedules the second dose. You are right, one would think that all clinics would automatically schedule the second dose.
  8. 5000 is on the low end for me.
  9. Yep! What Cheaper Than Dirt did to me in 2007 was straight out of a prison shower scene. I haven’t been without a surplus of supplies since.
  10. Is it sufficient to have a photo of my stamps on my phone instead of carrying physical copies on each outing? Thanks for any assistance.
  11. I’m putting the 3x on a 300BO because both scopes have the 1moa dot and broken circle for close quarters, and the subtensions allow for longer distances. I’m putting the 5x on my M&P10 to replace an old Nikon Monarch.
  12. Euro Optic and Optics planet had them on sale over the weekend. They were listed at around $150 off msrp. It could be their regular prices, but I jumped on them because I like the Vortex optics.
  13. I’m not fired up about anything brother. I just stated my opinion. I’m learning that nothing outside of my household is worth getting worked up over. My anger changes nothing. It’s wasted energy.
  14. Vortex Gen II 3x & 5x Spitfire HD prism scopes. I have several of their original scopes that I’m very fond of. They are great for shooters with astigmatism. My only gripe about these new scopes is that they now only have the red reticle, no green. The 5x has a removable plate for a red dot. I’ll be mounting a Holosun 507 green on it.
  15. I guarantee you these allegations will be acted upon by the NFL. They protect the shield at all cost. The NFL is as fickle as the wind. They cater to money. Also no one said Watson had an addiction. Watson denies all allegations and stated that the victims attorney requested a six million dollar settlement to keep the allegations out of the news. If the allegations are true, serve him up to the justice system.
  16. In somewhat related news, Houston Texans quarterback facing three allegations of sexual assault at massage parlors.
  17. I’d buy a MP5 for that kind of money.
  18. It could be a combination of the two. The guy is racist and bat sh*t crazy. It doesn’t have to be political. I don’t even want to delve into the political aspects of this case. I’m worn out with politics and cable news.
  19. Regardless if the spas were legal or illegal, there is no doubt the guy admitted to the killings. His reasons for committing the crime doesn’t matter.
  20. I don’t have any real feelings about this issue, except sorrow for the victims. I won’t be drawn into what Fox News and MSNBC are saying. It’s just another day in America. I’ll just say that this was another heinous crime committed in an American city, and hopefully with the violence that the Asian community has faced over the last year they will be more vocal about injustices facing society as a whole. The Asian community is learning that even when you mind your own business American culture will still reach out to you. Opinions about guns have already been formed and entrenched on both sides, so no I’m not worried about being collectively painted with a broad brush by anti-gunners. These killings are what terrifies anti-gunners, and with each mass killing it stiffens their resolve to disarm the public. You can’t blame sheep for being a sheep.


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