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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. It’s everywhere brother.
  2. I live about ten minutes from the Olive Branch location. They’ve been trash since the pandemic. They’ve lost several of my packages and others have sat in limbo for a week or more. UPS is no better. Lost or opened packages. I just had a claim approved by UPS for a Surefire flash hider that disappeared once it reached the UPS Memphis hub. The postal service is just slow. ‘I’m waiting on my replacement flash hider from Larue and some switches from Amazon, then I’m done with packages until January. It’s not worth the hassle.
  3. I just did my first form 1 today. I’m going to allow myself to forget about it like I did with the suppressors. Other things in life to do than stress over something I can’t control. Good luck to you guys.
  4. That coach must be f*cked in the head to leave his family for a stripper.
  5. This may not be the right dog for you. Mals are extremely high energy and high drive. They need constant activity and stimulation. They are working dogs. They need plenty to do or you will POTENTIALLY have your yard and belongings destroyed depending upon the amount of training you dog has.
  6. I’m going to put a FDE Surefire Socom 300 SPS on it. Now I need a second HK SP5 to sbr.
  7. SPF For sale as new black .300 BO with one magazine. Does not have the blast diverter. It currently has a Surefire flash hider. Zero rounds fired. I will include 250 rounds of .300 BO ammo, a free Olight Valkyrie and a free SB Tactical SBA3 brace. I MAY be able to throw in a set of Troy or Magpul backup sights. FTF only in Southeast Shelby County. Must be legally able to purchase firearms in Tennessee and show valid TN DL or carry permit. Please pm questions and offers.
  8. I should know this, but it doesn’t apply to me, so I never inquired. Anyway, can a retired Marine with a California identification legally purchase a handgun from a ffl in Tennessee? Thanks!
  9. Congratulations! Retirement is great. Prior to retirement I had a lot of negative people who are programmed to be permanent worker bees asking what I would do with all of the free time. Throw away your clock . I travel, I have my guns, my wife and her one hundred miles per hour social circle, my side by side that I tinker on almost every day and I’m finally getting around to building a respectable work space for my all of my tools in my garage. Some days I stay in the garage for hours. Other days I drink beer or scotch and watch westerns and sports. I find it hard to believe working was ever important to me. I don’t miss it at all. Don’t let others dictate what you do with your time. Enjoy!
  10. I have no problem with this action. People want to exercise their freedom to go unvaccinated, then use up all the resources after they get sick. According to lib tv the states mentioned have some of the largest numbers of unvaccinated citizens and cases of covid. I look at it from a preppers point of view. Would you allow this with your supplies?
  11. The older Morpheus is The Glenlivet 15yo. The younger guy will probably be Miller High Life.
  12. There is a good program on HBO called “In the same breath” describing how China suppressed information about the virus and hid the number of actual covid related deaths.
  13. Seems fair since the USPS doesn’t receive federal tax dollars for funding, and as glockspock mentioned service is already horrible.
  14. The fence is for the rally planned on 18 September.
  15. Yes. I’ve received flu shot, pneumonia shot and covid vaccine. I’m also considering the shingles vaccine. I’m at the point where I know I have fewer days in front of me than behind me, so I’m not concerned about side effects or long term issues with vaccines. I just need to see the world.
  16. Listening to the Beatles greatest hits poolside in Punta Cana.
  17. They are already talking about booster shots before the winter, so I fully expect a mask mandate. There will also probably be another lockdown. I can’t complain about how people feel about their individual freedoms, but as long as there is a perceived need for a vaccine we will be riding this merry go round for the foreseeable future. I hope we can survive it.
  18. You’re in the matrix now brother. Relax and enjoy the steak.
  19. My main reason is to catch porch pirates. I’ve never had an attempted break in or anything stolen, but I like to know what’s going on around my house especially in the summer when more teens are out and about or we’re traveling.
  20. I’ve been using a six camera and light Arlo system for years. I like this set up. It seems like the better way to go. How much cable do they provide with the floodlight?


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